Portal, V6.1


Portal administration tools



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You can administer portal resources by using...


Security considerations

IBM WebSphere Portal provides a delegation model for administering portal resources. A master administrator can delegate administration work to subadministrators. For example, delegating the responsibility for different administrative tasks to different departments in the same business.

The delegation model is implemented by access control. Users can only perform a task if they have the access permissions required for that task. Access permissions are implemented as user rights on actions related to portal resources, not on the resources themselves.


Administration portlets

Portal administrative users can use the administration portlets to...

You cannot use the administration portlets to perform scripted or automated administration or configuration tasks.


XML configuration interface

The XML configuration interface provides a batch processing interface for portal configuration updates, allowing one to export an entire portal configuration or parts of a configuration, for example specific pages, to an XML file. You can then re-create the exported configuration from such a file on another portal.

The XML configuration interface is a command line tool that connects to the server using an HTTP connection. You can therefore use it remotely.

Use the XML configuration interface to process portal resources but not portal actions or tasks.

Use the XML configuration interface to process the configuration of portal resources that already exist, for example pages. In this context the XML configuration interface processes derived resources, but it does not automatically create them.

The XML configuration interface does not reflect the access control authorization model with delegated administration. You only need the access permission to use the XML configuration interface. An administrator who works with the XML configuration interface does not need access permission for the portal resources processed by the XML request. The reason for this is that access control gives users access permissions on actions and not on resources.

Use the XML configuration interface to..

Security: A user who uses the XML configuration interface to perform administrative tasks only needs the access right on the virtual resource XML_ACCESS. The user does not need access rights on the portal resources that are updated by the XML configuration interface.

Use of the XML configuration interface for the following tasks is limited:

The XML configuration interface is also used for release staging, that is for staging a portal from development through test to production.


Portal Scripting Interface

The Portal Scripting Interface is a command line tool that behaves just like the portal administration portlets.

It provides delegated administration in the same manner as the portal administration portlets and access control.

To work with Portal Scripting Interface, a user needs access permission on the WebSphere Portal and on the portal resources that the user administers.

It allows implicit derivation during administrative work. This means that when you modify a portal resource, the Portal Scripting Interface creates the derivations of that resource in the same process, depending on your access rights.

Use the Portal Scripting Interface Portal Scripting Interface to...

The Portal Scripting Interface has the following advantages:

In WebSphere Portal V6.1 you can use the Portal Scripting Interface for administering portal pages only. Portal Scripting Interface does not process any other portal resources.


Parent topic

Administering WebSphere Portal


Related concepts

Portal administration portlets
XML configuration interface
Portal Scripting Interface
Control access
Browser behavior and scenarios
Manage portal resources with policies
Manage portlets and portlet applications
Creating pages
Use Web clipping to import content
Multiple virtual portals
Language support
Use WSRP services


Related tasks

Change database passwords that are used by WebSphere Portal
Include static content in the portal
Manage pages
Use portlet wires
Manage your cluster
Manage your site


Related reference



Related information

Users and groups
Manage portlets on a page
Customizing pages
Portal Search