Running IBM WAS on System p and AIX: Optimization and Best Practices



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Chapter 1. Introduction to running WAS on System p and AIX

1.1 The whole system view: WebSphere, JVM, AIX, and System p
1.1.1 Points of view
1.1.2 A holistic system approach
1.2 System layers and points of view
1.2.1 Points of view and terminology
1.3 The remainder of this book


Chapter 2. WebSphere on System p and AIX 5 strategies

2.1 Scalability considerations
2.1.1 Clustering
Why to use clustering
Queuing and clustering considerations
Clustering for scalability and failover
2.1.2 Workload management
Clustering for scalability and failover
2.2 Session persistence considerations
2.3 File store considerations
2.4 Install automation considerations
2.4.1 Silent installation
2.4.2 Installation Factory
2.5 JVM tuning
2.5.1 Memory management
2.5.2 CPU performance
2.6 Extended Deployment (XD) considerations
2.6.1 Dynamic operations: WebSphere Virtual Enterprise
Node group
Dynamic clusters
Operational policy
2.6.2 Extended manageability
Infrastructure runtime status
Monitoring your environment
2.6.3 High performance computing: WebSphere eXtreme Scale
WebSphere Partitioning Facility


Chapter 3. System p platform configuration

3.1 Setting up System p hardware and partitions
3.1.1 Setting up and accessing the Hardware Management Console
Appropriate network configuration
Remote access to the HMC GUI
Accessing the HMC through WebSM
HMC command line interface
3.1.2 Basic managed system operation
Managed system information
Managed system profile file
3.1.3 Basic partition operations
Partition resources
Logical Partition creation
3.1.4 Advanced partition operations
Script-based LPAR event handling
Dynamically changing resources
3.1.5 Dynamic LPAR assignments and partition profiles
3.1.6 Virtual I/O Server virtualization configuration
Installing the Virtual I/O Server
Creating the VIO Server LPAR
Installing the VIO Server
Set up the VIO SErver
Set up virtual devices
Map virtual devices into the Client Partition Profile
Backup the VIO Server
3.2 Provisioning
3.2.1 Methods
3.2.2 Provisioning at the operating system level
Cluster System Manager
Network Installation Manager
AIX Network Installation Manager and CSM
3.2.3 Accessing the CSM through WebSM
Access a node through CSM WebSM access
Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology
Performance Monitoring with CSM
3.2.4 Using provisioning at the hardware level
Dynamic LDAP
Capacity on Demand (CoD)
3.2.5 Using the provisioning features


Chapter 4. AIX configuration

4.1 Asynchronous I/O capabilities for sockets and files
4.2 AIX Release Content List package information
4.3 AIX base operating system samples
4.4 AIX-specific startup and runtime settings
4.5 AIX-specific Java environment settings
4.6 AIX TCP/IP network settings
TCP/IP buffer size
Set network tuning parameter values in AIX
4.7 WebSphere Server start and stop


Chapter 5. WAS on AIX: under the hood

5.1 Java and J2EE
5.1.1 Java
5.1.2 J2EE
5.2 Application Server 6.1 on AIX
5.2.1 WAS and the JMS Messaging Engine
5.2.2 Process structure
5.2.3 WAS on AIX - disk layout
5.2.4 Application server configuration
5.2.5 Key server configuration files
5.2.6 server.xml
5.2.7 serverindex.xml
5.2.8 security.xml
5.3 IBM J9 Java Virtual Machine Architecture
5.3.1 Generic Java Virtual Machine overview
5.3.2 IBM J9 JVM
IBM J9 JVM features
5.3.3 IBM J9 JVM internal implementation
5.4 WAS architecture
5.4.1 Overview of WAS architecture
5.4.2 Eclipse 3.1.2 and OSGI/Equinox Runtime
5.4.3 WAS-specific JNI native shared object libraries
5.4.4 WAS - startup and operation
Runtime startup
Container startup
5.5 WAS high availability deployments
5.5.1 WebSphere cluster and cell configuration
5.5.2 IBM HTTP Server and the IBM WAS plug-in
5.5.3 WAS clustering
5.5.4 WebSphere HAManager
5.5.5 WAS, WebSphere MQ Server and HACMP
5.5.6 The WAS database tier
5.5.7 WAS ND versus WAS XD on System p


Chapter 6. Tuning the IBM Java Virtual Machine

6.1 The importance of JVM tuning
6.1.1 Overview of JVM tuning capabilities
6.2 Choosing a garbage collection policy

6.2.1 Java memory management: garbage collection and allocation

6.2.2 Optimal Throughput GC policy
6.2.3 Optimal Average Pause GC policy

6.2.4 Generational Concurrent GC policy

6.2.5 Subpool GC policy

6.2.6 Additional runtime options

6.3 The large object area
Sizing the large object area
6.4 Heap sizing
6.4.1 Analyzing verbose output
Reading verbosegc output
Garbage collection analysis tools
6.4.2 Determining initial heap size
6.4.3 Determining maximum heap size
6.4.4 Expansion and contraction
6.5 Using shared classes
6.5.1 Creating multiple caches
6.5.2 Tuning the shared class cache size
6.6 Using large page sizes
6.6.1 Large page support in AIX
6.6.2 64 KB size for POWER5+ and later systems
6.6.3 Java large page support
6.6.4 Changing page sizes in WAS
Step 3 Enable large page use in WAS
6.7 Dynamic logical partitions
Adding resources
Removing resources
6.8 Just-in-Time compiler


Chapter 7. High availability, clustering and WebSphere

7.1 Clustering WebSphere for availability
7.1.1 Availability considerations
7.1.2 Clustering options
7.2 WebSphere clustering
7.3 High availability on logical partitions
7.3.1 Isolation
7.3.2 Ease of use
7.3.3 Redundancy
7.4 Disaster recovery
7.4.1 Environment configuration
7.4.2 Planning for disaster
7.4.3 Disaster event and recovery
7.4.4 Process and procedure
7.5.1 HACMP, logical partitions and WebSphere
7.5.2 How HACMP works
7.5.3 WebSphere HACMP configuration
Deployment Manager
Node agent and appserver
7.5.4 HACMP on DLPARs and shared CPU LPARs
7.6 Lifecycle management and upgrades
7.6.1 The problem
7.6.2 The solution
7.6.3 Unlimited hardware


Chapter 8. Clustering WAS for performance

8.1 Clustering for performance overview
8.1.1 Clustering options
8.2 WebSphere clustering on micropartitions
8.2.1 Isolation
8.3 AIX Partition Load Manager
8.3.1 PLM capabilities
8.3.2 AIX PLM configuration
Resource management policies
8.4 AIX Workload Management feature
8.4.1 WLM capabilities
8.4.2 Co-locating WebSphere applications
8.4.3 AIX WLM configuration
Superclasses and subclasses
Resource sets
Unexpected workload changes
8.4.4 Options for WebSphere service workload management
IBM recommendations
Automation support
8.5 Sharing the technologies


Chapter 9. AIX 5L and WebSphere XD

9.1 WebSphere XD and DLPAR integration
9.1.1 Dynamic operations
9.2 Dynamic reconfiguration manager
9.2.1 Processor DR events
9.2.2 Memory DR events
9.3 Performance and scalability with DLPAR
9.3.1 WebSphere Partitioning Facility with DLPAR
SMP machines preferred in partitioned implementations
Sechedule the OS to use short times
Simultaneous Multi-Threading


Chapter 10. Implementation scenario

10.1 Scenario overview
10.1.1 Software products
Set up the test environment
Sample installation layout
10.1.2 The sample WebSphere-related scenario
Sample WebSphere installation layout
10.2 Installation summary
Initial definitions for partitions
Initial definitions for partitions
NFSv4 filesystem used
10.2.1 System description
10.3 Installing WAS
10.3.1 Installing the WAS 6.1 Fix Pack 2
Installing the Update Installer
Installing Fix Pack 2
10.4 Installing and configuring Trade 6.1
10.4.1 Trade 6.1 installation summary
10.4.2 Download the Trade 6.1 installation package
10.4.3 Set up and configure the tradedb database
DB2 server
DB2 clients
10.4.4 Install Trade 6.1 using the installation script
10.4.5 Working with Trade 6.1
10.5 Performance testing
10.5.1 General application performance testing requirement
10.5.2 Scenario overview
10.5.3 IBM Rational Performance Tester
Record a performance test
Create a performance schedule
Run a performance schedule
10.5.4 Scenario testing
Dynamic testing
Appendix A. Sample files
WebSphere: responsefile.nd.txt
Update Installer: response.txt
WebSphere V6.1 Fix Pack 2: fp2.response.txt
Trade 6.1 Installation script: trade.jacl
CSM adapter definition file: p550q_lpar_adapters
Appendix B. Additional material
Locating the Web material
Using the Web material
How to use the Web material
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