Installing the VIO Server

You can install the Virtual I/O Server by using one of the following methods:

Media (assign the DVD-ROM drive to the partition and boot from the media)

HMC (insert the media in the DVD-ROM drive on the HMC and use the installios command)

NIM (insert the media in the DVD-ROM drive on the NIM Master and use the installios command)

The installation itself does not require manual or further input.

Note that the Virtual I/O Server is not accessible as a standard partition. Administrative access to the Virtual I/O Server partition is only possible as the user padmin, not as the root user. After logging in using a virtual terminal, the user padmin gets a restricted shell, which is not escapable, called the command line interface.

Before you can start any further configuration, we need to accept the license agreement by entering the license -accept command on the Virtual I/O Server restricted shell.