Update Installer: response.txt

Example: A-2 Installer response

# License Acceptance
# Valid Values:
#       true - Accepts the license. Will install the product.
#       false - Declines the license. Install will not occur.
# If no install occurs, this will be logged to a temporary log file in the
# user's temporary directory.
# By changing the silentInstallLicenseAcceptance property in this response file
# to "true", you agree that you have reviewed and agree to the terms of the
# IBM International Program License Agreement accompanying this program, which is
# located at <CD_ROOT>\updi.primary.pak\repository\updi.legal\lafiles.  If you do
# not agree to these terms, do not change the value or otherwise download, install,
# copy, access, or use the program and promptly return the program and proof of
# entitlement to the party from whom you acquired it to obtain a refund of the
# amount you paid.
-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"

# NonRoot Install Settings
# The option indicates whether you accept the limitations associated with installing
# as a non-root user, which are detailed in the documentation. (specifics to be add)
# Valid Values:
#       true - Accepts the limitations. Will install the product.
#       false - Do not accept the limitations. Install will not occur.
# Uncomment the following only if you're installing as a non-root user. Specify one of the
# valid options listed above before proceeding to install:
# -OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="true"

# Operating System Prerequisite Checking
# If you want to disable operating system prerequisite checking, uncomment
# the following line. This will notify the installer to continue with
# the installation and log the warnings even though the prerequisite checking
# has failed.
-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"

# Existing Installation Checking
# If you want to disable the checking for existing Update Installer, uncomment
# the following line.  This will notify the installer to continue with the
# installation and log the warnings even though the prerequisite checking has
# failed.
-OPT disableEarlyPrereqChecking="true"

# Install Location
# The install location of the product. Specify a valid directory into which the
# product should be installed. If the directory contains spaces, enclose it in
# double-quotes as shown in the Windows example below. Note that spaces in the
# install location is only supported on Windows operating systems. Maximum path
# length is 60 characters for Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
# Below is the list of default install locations for each supported operating
# system when you're installing as a root user.  By default, in this response file,
# the Windows install location is used.  If you want to use the default install
# location for another operating system, uncomment the appropriate default install
# location entry (by removing '#') and then comment out (by adding '#') the
# Windows operating system entry below.
# AIX Default Install Location:
#  -OPT installLocation="/usr/IBM/WAS/UpdateInstaller"
# HP-UX, Solaris or Linux Default Install Location:
#  -OPT installLocation="/opt/IBM/WAS/UpdateInstaller"
# i5OS Default Install Location:
#  -OPT installLocation="/QIBM/IBM/WAS/UpdateInstaller/V61/<productOffering>"
# Windows Default Install Location:

#-OPT installLocation="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller"
-OPT installLocation="/usr/IBM/WAS/UpdateInstaller"

# If you are installing as non-root user on Unix or non-administrator on Windows,
# the following default install locations are suggested. Be sure you have write
# permission for the install location chosen.
# AIX Default Install Location:
#  -OPT installLocation="<user's home>/IBM/WAS/UpdateInstaller"
# HP-UX, Solaris or Linux Default Install Location:
#  -OPT installLocation="<user's home>/IBM/WAS/UpdateInstaller"
# i5OS Default Install Location:
#  <not applicable>
# Windows Default Install Location:
# -OPT installLocation="C:\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller"