2.4.1 Silent installation
A silent installation uses the installation wizard to install the product in silent mode, without the graphical user interface. Instead of displaying a wizard interface, the silent installation causes the installation program to read all of your responses from a file that you provide.
The installation options must be defined in the response file before you issue the installation command. Note that silent installation mode does not accept interactive installation options. Refer to WebSphere: responsefile.nd.txt in Appendix A, Sample files for a sample response file.
Knowing what component to install and in what order to install is an important consideration. You must consider common installation scenarios for Network Deployment in order to determine how to install your application serving environment.
Installation of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment typically involves two tasks. First, the installation wizard installs a shared set of core product files. Next, the installation wizard optionally creates a profile. A profile is a separate data partition that includes the files that define a runtime environment for an appserver process, such as a deployment manager or an appserver.
The Installation wizard has the capability to perform a new product installation, an incremental installation by adding features to an existing installation, or an update to an existing installation that updates the installation to a new service level.