Editor parameters
The editor window is fully programmable through the use of an extensive set of commands, actions, and parameters. You can use commands and parameters to customize the editor window, search for or change text in your document, and perform many other functions.
Select a parameter from the list below to display reference information for that parameter. Parameters can be set and queried unless noted otherwise.
Parameter Name Description
actionArgument Sets or queries the general purpose argument that is used by editor actions. actionClass Defines a user action for the current view. actionKey Returns the primary key that is assigned to a specified action. Query only. actionKeyText Obtains a translated text string for the primary key that is assigned to the specified action. Query only. actionRepeat Queries a numeric interpretation of the actionArgument parameter. This value is used by many actions as a repeat count. Query only. actions Lists all the user actions defined for the current view. Query only. autoCheck Sets or queries whether the editor is implicitly completing document changes when the cursor is moved off a changed line. baseProfile Returns the base profile that was used the last time the updateProfile command was issued. Query only. beep Sets or queries whether a beep will be emitted when the screenShow command is issued. block.anythingSelected Indicates whether there is any visible block selection text. Query only. block.bottomElement Returns the element number of the last visible element in the block selection. Query only. block.bottomPosition Returns the column number of the last column of the last element in the block selection. Query only. block.defaultType Sets or queries the default block type. block.inView Indicates whether the block selection is in the current view. Query only. block.text Returns the text that is currently selected. Query only. block.topElement Returns the element number of the first visible element in the block selection. Query only. block.topPosition Returns the column number of the first column of the first element in the block selection. Query only. block.type Returns the current block type. Query only. changes Returns the number of completed undoable changes made since the last save. Query only. class Registers or deregisters element classes for the current view. classes Returns a list of all of the element classes that are currently registered for the current view. Query only. commandClass Defines a user command for the current view. commandLine Sets or queries the visibility of the command line. commands Lists all the user commands defined for the current view. Query only. compare.columns Sets or queries whether compare operations are restricted to a range of columns. compare.endColumn Sets or queries the end column used when compare operations are restricted to a column range. compare.ignoreAllBlanks Determines whether differences in the number of blanks in a line are significant when comparing files with the compare command. compare.ignoreCase Determines whether differences in character case are significant when comparing files with the compare command. compare.ignoreComments Determines whether differences in comments are significant when comparing files with the compare command. compare.ignoreLeadingBlanks Determines whether differences in the number of blanks at the start of a line are significant when comparing files with the compare command. compare.ignoreSequenceNumbers Determines whether differences in sequence numbers are significant when comparing files with the compare command. compare.ignoreTrailingBlanks Determines whether differences in the number of blanks at the end of a line are significant when comparing files with the compare command. compare.startColumn Sets or queries the start column used when compare operations are restricted to a column range. current Returns the current setting of a parameter. Query only. currentKey Returns the key that was last issued. Query only. currentMousePoint Returns the coordinates of the pointer at the time the last mouse event was recorded. Query only. cursor.blinkTime Sets or queries the time interval at which the cursor blinks. cursor.width Sets or queries the width in pixels of the cursor in insert mode. cursorRow Sets or queries the physical row of the line containing the cursor. default Sets or queries the default setting of a parameter. defaultActions Lists all the default actions implemented in the editor. Query only. defaultProfile Sets or queries the name of the file used to specify default settings for the editor. dirty Indicates whether there is an uncomplete change in the current document. displayPosition Sets or queries the cursor's display column position in the current element. documentId Returns a unique integer that can be used to identify the document. Query only. editorLog Sets or queries the name of the file used to record critical errors. element Returns the ordinal number of the current element. Query only. elementClasses Sets or queries classes for the current element. elements Returns the total number of elements in the current document. Query only. emphasisLength Sets or queries the number of characters that are emphasized. emphasisPosition Sets or queries the location of the emphasis. excludedClasses Sets or queries the element classes that should be excluded from the current view. expandHide Sets or queries the visibility of the expand/hide area. expandHideAreaWidth Returns the width in pixels of the expand/hide area. Query only. expandTabs Sets or queries the state of tab character expansion. expanded Sets or queries the visibility of hidden elements between the current element and the next visible element. fields Sets or queries the current editing fields. findText.asis Sets or queries the case sensitivity setting for find operations. findText.block Sets or queries whether find operations are restricted to the selected text. findText.columns Sets or queries whether find operations are restricted to a range of columns. findText.emphasis Sets or queries whether found text is emphasized. findText.endColumn Sets or queries the end column used when find operations are restricted to a column range. findText.findText Sets or queries the text to be found by the findText command. findText.mark Sets or queries whether found text is selected. findText.regularExpression Sets or queries whether the findText command should treat the search text as a regular expression pattern. findText.replaceText Sets or queries the replacement text used by find operations. findText.startColumn Sets or queries the start column used when find operations are restricted to a column range. findText.wholeWord Sets or queries whether find operations should be restricted to whole words. findText.wrap Sets or queries the wrap setting for find operations. font Sets or queries the font used to display text in the edit window. forceAllVisible Sets or queries the forced visibility of all of the document elements. forceVisible Sets or queries the forced visibility of the current element. formatLine Sets or queries the visibility of the format line. formatLineText Sets or queries the text displayed in the format line. fullText Returns the full text of the current element. Query only. headerMark Determines whether the current element is a header element for an excluded mark. Query only. hex Sets or queries the hexadecimal value of the character at the current cursor location. highlightCurrentLine Sets or queries whether the current line is highlighted. includedClasses Sets or queries the element classes that should be included in the current view. inPrefix Sets or queries whether the cursor is located in the prefix or text area. insertMode Sets or queries the current insertion mode. install Returns the installation setting of a parameter. Query only. installProfile Sets or queries the name of the file used to specify installation settings for the editor. keyAction Sets or queries the action assignment for a specified key. keys Lists all keys to which actions have been assigned. Query only. length Returns the length of the current element. Query only. line Returns the line number of the current element. Query only. lineNumbers.length Sets or queries the number of columns used to display line numbers in the prefix area. lineNumbers.pad Sets or queries the leading padding character used when displaying line numbers in the prefix area. lines Returns the total number of lines in the current document. Query only. maintainSequenceNumbers Sets or queries whether the editor is maintaining the current document's sequence numbers. mark Sets, queries, or removes a named mark. markExcluded Sets or queries the excluded attribute of a mark. markExcludedHeader Sets or queries whether a specified mark should have a header element when it is excluded. markHighlight Sets or queries whether a specified mark should be highlighted. markId Returns the id number of a specified mark. Query only. markIncluded Sets or queries the included attribute of a mark. markProtect Sets or queries the protect attribute of a mark. markStyle Sets or queries the style character associated with a mark. messageLine Sets or queries the visibility of the message line. messageText Sets or queries the text displayed in the message line. mouseAction Sets or queries the action assignment for a specified mouse event. mouseEvents Lists all mouse events to which actions have been assigned. Query only. multipleViews Sets or queries whether additional views on a document can be opened in editor applications that implement multiple document views. name Sets or queries the current document name. palette Returns the color palette in use the last time the updateProfile command was issued. Query only. parseAfterEveryKey Sets or queries whether the document parser should be called after every key action. parser Returns the name of the document parser used by the current view. Query only. parserProperty Sets or queries properties of the document parser running in the current view. pixelPosition Returns the pixel offset of the current cursor position. Query only. popup Sets or queries the contents of the pop-up menu. position Sets or queries the cursor column position on the current element. prefixArea Sets or queries the visibility of the prefix area. prefixAreaMargin Sets or queries the margin to be displayed between the prefix-area text and the edit area. prefixAreaText Sets or queries the type of text that is displayed in the prefix area. prefixAreaWidth Returns the width in pixels of the prefix area. Query only. prefixPosition Sets or queries the cursor column position in the prefix area. prefixProtect Sets or queries whether the cursor can be moved into the prefix area. prefixText Sets or queries the current element's prefix text. print.bottomMargin Sets or queries the bottom margin used by the print command. print.font Sets or queries the font used by the print command. print.footer Sets or queries the text to be printed as a footer line on each page. print.header Sets or queries the text to be printed as a header line on each page. print.leftMargin Sets or queries the left margin used by the print command. print.lineNumbers Sets or queries whether the print command prints line numbers. print.rightMargin Sets or queries the right margin used by the print command. print.tokenized Sets or queries whether the print command prints the tokenized attributes set by the document parser. print.topMargin Sets or queries the top margin used by the print command. readonly Sets or queries whether the document can be edited in the current view. recording Sets or queries whether the editor is recording document changes. rowHeight Returns the height in pixels of a text row. Query only. rows Returns the number of rows of text that can be displayed in the text window. Query only. save.lineSeparator Sets or queries the line separator used by save operations. save.textLimit Sets or queries the maximum line length used by the save command. save.trim Sets or queries whether the save command should trim trailing blanks from all of the lines in the document. scroll Sets or queries the number of pixels that the current view is scrolled to the right. scrollWhileAdjusting Sets or queries whether the window will scroll while the vertical scroll bar is being dragged. sequenceDefaultText Sets or queries the sequence-numbers default text part. sequenceNumber Sets or queries the current element's sequence number. sequenceNumbers Sets or queries the starting column and width of the sequence numbers. sequenceNumbersFormat Sets or queries the format string used to display the sequence numbers area. sequenceText Sets or queries the current element's sequence-numbers text part. shiftInCharacter Sets or queries the character used to display emulated Shift-in controls. shiftOutCharacter Sets or queries the character used to display emulated Shift-out controls. show Determines whether the view's current element is a show element. Query only. showSosi Sets or queries whether the editor displays emulated Shift-out and Shift-in control characters. sourceCcsid Sets or queries the CCSID of the file on its original platform. sourceEncoding Sets or queries the character encoding of the file on its originating platform. sourceName Sets or queries an alternate document name, for example the underlying remote member name. splitWindow Sets or queries how new views are opened in editor applications that implement split windows. splitWindow.orientation Sets or queries how multiple views in a window should be displayed in editor applications that implement split windows. status Sets or queries the command status. statusLine Sets or queries the visibility of the status line. style Sets or queries the style characters that are used to display the text of the current element. styleAttributes Sets or queries the style attributes for a style character or for one of the built-in styles. tabs Sets or queries the tab stops used by the nextTabStop and prevTabStop actions. text Sets or queries the current element's text. textAreaWidth Returns the width in pixels of the text area. Query only. textWidth Returns the width in pixels of the current element's text. Query only. topExpanded Sets or queries the visibility of hidden elements between the top of the document and the first visible element. updateProfile.baseProfile Sets or queries the base profile that will be used by the updateProfile command. updateProfile.extensions Lists all the file name extensions that are associated with document parsers. Query only. updateProfile.noParser Sets or queries whether the updateProfile command should set a document parser. updateProfile.palette Sets or queries the color palette that will be used by the updateProfile command. updateProfile.paletteAttributes Sets or queries the style attributes used for a specified style and palette when the updateProfile command is issued. updateProfile.palettes Lists the color palettes available to the updateProfile command. Query only. updateProfile.parser Sets or queries the document parser used by the updateProfile command. updateProfile.parserAssociation Sets or queries the document parser associated with a file name extension. updateProfile.parserClass Sets or queries the class name for a document parser. updateProfile.parsers Lists the document parsers that are available to the updateProfile command. Query only. updateProfile.userActions Sets or queries the user actions used by the updateProfile command. updateProfile.userCommands Sets or queries the user commands used by the updateProfile command. updateProfile.userKeyActions Sets or queries the user key actions used by the updateProfile command. updateProfile.userMouseActions Sets or queries the user mouse actions used by the updateProfile command. updateProfile.userProfile Sets or queries the user profile used by the updateProfile command. userParameter Sets or queries user-defined settings. useSourceColumns Sets or queries whether the editor uses column characteristics of the file in its source character encoding. version Returns the version of the editor. Query only. viewId Returns an integer that identifies the view of a document. Query only. visible Determines whether the view's current element is visible in the current view. Query only.
Editor commands, actions, and parameters
query command
set command