updateProfile.paletteAttributes parameter

Use the updateProfile.paletteAttributes parameter to set or query the style attributes that are to be used for a specified style and palette when the updateProfile command is issued.



query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter



updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette is scoped to the current view.
current.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette is scoped to the current view.
default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette is globally scoped.
install.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette is globally scoped.



query updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette
set updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette { default
                                                  | [ styleAttributes ]
query current.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette
query default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette
set default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette { install
                                                          | [ styleAttributes ]
query install.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette 



style Use the style parameter to indicate the style.  The following styles are available:

  • addedLines
  • background
  • currentLine
  • cursor
  • default
  • deletedLines
  • emphasis
  • expandHide
  • formatLine
  • messageLine
  • parserDefault
  • parserMessage
  • prefixArea
  • prefixText
  • selection
  • statusLine.

Refer to the styleAttributes parameter for more information on these styles.

palette Use the palette parameter to indicate the palette for which you wish to define style attributes.  When definining a palette at a minimum indicate the style attributes for the default style.  It is those palettes for which the default style is defined that are returned by the current.updateProfile.palettes parameter.
default If you specify the default parameter for the set updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette command, the current view will use the value of default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette to determine the style attributes when the updateProfile command is issued.
styleAttributes If you specify the styleAttributes parameter for the set updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette command, for the current view, the updateProfile command will use styleAttributes as the style attributes for the style and palette indicated by style and palette..  If you specify the styleAttributes parameter for the set default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette command, for all document views that have the updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette parameter set to default, the updateProfile command will use styleAttributes as the style attributes for the style and palette indicated by style and palette.  For information on the valid syntax of styleAttributes, refer to the styleAttributes parameter.
install If you specify the install parameter for the set default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette command, all of the views that have updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette set to default will use the value of install.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette to determine the style attributes when the updateProfile command is issued.



The query current.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette command returns the style attributes that the updateProfile command will use for the current view for the specified style and palette.

If you do not specify any parameters for the set updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette command, the default style attributes will be used for the specified style and palette.

If you do not specify any parameters for the set default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.style.palette command, the install style attributes will be used for the specified style and palette.



query updateProfile.paletteAttributes.default.white
set updateProfile.paletteAttributes.default.white 0 0 170 255 255 255
set updateProfile.paletteAttributes.default.white default
set updateProfile.paletteAttributes.prefixArea.black
query current.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.default.gray
query default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.background.white
set default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.background.white 0 0 0 204 204 204
set default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.background.white install
set default.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.background.white
query install.updateProfile.paletteAttributes.default.white 

Related reference
query command
set command
updateProfile command
palette parameter
styleAttributes parameter
updateProfile.palette parameter
updateProfile.palettes parameter