updateProfile.baseProfile parameter

Use the updateProfile.baseProfile parameter to set or query the base profile that will be used by the updateProfile command.  The base profile governs the initial action assignments for key and mouse actions.  It will also affect the prefix commands that are available with the processPrefix action.



query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter



updateProfile.baseProfile is scoped to the current view.
current.updateProfile.baseProfile is scoped to the current view.
default.updateProfile.baseProfile is globally scoped.
install.updateProfile.baseProfile is globally scoped.



query updateProfile.baseProfile
set updateProfile.baseProfile { default
                              | [ profile ]
query current.updateProfile.baseProfile
query default.updateProfile.baseProfile
set default.updateProfile.baseProfile { install
                                      | [ profile ]
query install.updateProfile.baseProfile 



default If you specify the default parameter for the set updateProfile.baseProfile command, the current view will use the value of default.updateProfile.baseProfile as the base profile for the updateProfile command.
profile If you specify the profile parameter for the set updateProfile.baseProfile command, the updateProfile command will use the base profile indicated by profile for the current view  If you specify the profile parameter for the set default.updateProfile.baseProfile command, the updateProfile command will use the base profile indicated by profile for all document views that have the updateProfile.baseProfile parameter set to default.

The editor recognizes the following base profiles:

  • brief
  • emacs
  • epm
  • ispf
  • lpex
  • none
  • seu
  • vi
  • xedit.

The base profile none provides no key and mouse-event action associations.  It may be used when programming the LPEX text widget, for example as a text control in a dialog.

install If you specify the install parameter for the set default.updateProfile.baseProfile command, all of the document views that have updateProfile.baseProfile set to default will use the value of install.updateProfile.baseProfile to determine the base profile that should be used by the updateProfile command.



The query current.updateProfile.baseProfile command returns the base profile that will be used in the current view by the updateProfile command.

If you specify a base profile other than one of the ones understood by the editor, the editor will behave as though the lpex base profile was chosen.



query updateProfile.baseProfile
set updateProfile.baseProfile seu
query current.updateProfile.baseProfile
query default.updateProfile.baseProfile
set default.updateProfile.baseProfile lpex
query install.updateProfile.baseProfile 

Related concepts
Editor profiles

Related reference
updateProfile command
query command
set command
baseProfile parameter
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter
updateProfile.parser parameter
updateProfile.userActions parameter
updateProfile.userCommands parameter
updateProfile.userKeyActions parameter
updateProfile.userMouseActions parameter
updateProfile.userProfile parameter