print.header parameter
Use the print.header parameter to set or query the text to be printed as a header line on each page.
query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter
print.header is scoped to the current view.
current.print.header is scoped to the current view.
default.print.header is globally scoped.
install.print.header is globally scoped.
query print.header set print.header [ default | none | text ] query current.print.header query default.print.header set default.print.header [ install | none | text ] query install.print.header
default If you specify the default parameter for the set print.header command, the current view will use the value of default.print.header for the print command. none If you specify the none parameter for the set print.header command, the current view will use no header for the print command. If you specify the none parameter for the set default.print.header command, all views that have the print.header parameter set to default will use no header for the print command. text If you specify the text parameter for the set print.header command, the current view will use text as the header for the print command. If you specify the text parameter for the set default.print.header command, all views that have the print.header parameter set to default will use text as the header for the print command. The text parameter can contain substitution variables as follows:
%p page number %n source name, base file name, or document name %f full-path file name or document name %d date %t time. install If you specify the install parameter for the set default.print.header command, all the documents that have print.header set to default will use the value of install.print.header as the header for the print command.
If you do not specify any of the parameters for the set print.header command, default is assumed. If you do not specify any of the parameters for the set default.print.header command, install is assumed.
The query current.print.header command returns the text that will be used as a header by the print command within the current view.
query print.header set print.header none query current.print.header query default.print.header set default.print.header "p.%p file %n (printed on %d %t)" query install.print.header
query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter
print.footer parameter
sourceName parameter
print command