tabs parameter
Use the tabs parameter to set or query the tab stops used by the nextTabStop and prevTabStop actions.
query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter
tabs is scoped to the current view.
current.tabs is scoped to the current view.
default.tabs is globally scoped.
install.tabs is globally scoped.
query tabs set tabs [ default | [ tabStop ] [ ... ] [ every tabIncrement ] ] query current.tabs query default.tabs set default.tabs [ install | [ tabStop ] [ ... ] [ every tabIncrement ] ] query install.tabs
default If you specify the default parameter for the set tabs command, the current view will use the value of default.tabs to determine the tab stops that should be used in the current document view. [ tabStop ] [ ... ]
[ every tabIncrement ]If you specify the tabStop or the tabIncrement parameter for the set tabs command, the specified tab stops will be used by the current view. If you specify the tabStop or the tabIncrement parameter for the set default.tabs command, the specified tab stops will be used by all views that have tabs set to default. You can indicate specific tab stops with the tabStop parameter. Once the cursor is beyond the last tabStop, additional tab stops will be determined by repeatedly adding tabIncrement to the last tabStop. An initial tabStop of 1 is always assumed even if it is not specified. install If you specify the install parameter for the set default.tabs command, all of the views that have tabs set to default will use the value of install.tabs to determine the tab stops that should be used in the current document view.
If you do not specify any of the parameters for the set tabs command, default is assumed. If you do not specify any of the parameters for the set default.tabs command, install is assumed.
The query current.tabs command returns the tab stops that are being used by the current view.
query tabs set tabs 1 4 12 every 8 query current.tabs query default.tabs set default.tabs 1 every 8 query install.tabs
query command
set command
updateProfile command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter
nextTabStop action
prevTabStop action