displayPosition parameter

Use the displayPosition parameter to set or query the cursor's display column position on the current element.



query command
set command



The current view.



query displayPosition
set displayPosition n 



n Use the n parameter to indicate the display column position for the cursor.



The display column position includes spaces that have been added due to tab characters expansion, emulated Shift-in and Shift-out control characters (when the sourceEncoding setting is an EBCDIC DBCS character encoding), and the display width of DBCS characters (when the useSourceColumns settings is on).

Note that it may not be possible to move the cursor to the specified display column position.  If the specified display column position is in the middle of an expanded tab character, on an emulated Shift-in or Shift-out control, or on the second display column of a DBCS character, the cursor will be moved to a display position that is on a regular text character boundary.

On platforms where bidirectional text editing is supported, the displayPosition parameter refers to the logical (rather than visual) text position.



query displayPosition
set displayPosition 20 

Related reference
query command
set command
position parameter
sourceEncoding parameter
useSourceColumns parameter