default parameter
Use the default parameter to set or query the default setting of an editor parameter.
Some editor parameters may be set to default. This indicates that the value used for the parameter should be taken from the default setting of that parameter. For example, the block.defaultType parameter may be set to default, meaning that the default block type for the current view should be taken from the default.block.defaultType parameter.
Changes made to the default parameter are saved in the editor profile. The name of the editor profile can be set using the defaultProfile parameter.
query command
set command
The current view.
query default.parameter set default.parameter setting
parameter Use the parameter qualifier to specify the name of the editor parameter for which you wish to set or determine the default setting. Note that not all editor parameters have a default setting. setting Use the setting parameter to indicate the desired setting. The syntax of setting is dependent on parameter.
query default.block.defaultType set default.block.defaultType stream
query command
set command
current parameter
install parameter
block.defaultType parameter
defaultProfile parameter
Editor parameters