updateProfile.extensions parameter

Use the updateProfile.extensions parameter to list all of the file name extensions that are associated with document parsers.  The updateProfile.parserAssociation parameter is used to indicate the parser that is associated with a specific file name extension.



query command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter



updateProfile.extensions is scoped to the current view.
current.updateProfile.extensions is scoped to the current view.
default.updateProfile.extensions is globally scoped.
install.updateProfile.extensions is globally scoped.



query updateProfile.extensions
query current.updateProfile.extensions
query default.updateProfile.extensions
query install.updateProfile.extensions 



The query current.updateProfile.extensions command returns the list of file name extensions that are defined in the current view.

The query updateProfile.extensions command returns the list of file name extensions that were specified with the set updateProfile.parserAssociation command.

The query default.updateProfile.extensions command returns the list of file name extensions that were specified with the set default.updateProfile.parserAssociation command.  That is, the list of file name extensions in the default profile indicated by the defaultProfile parameter.

The query install.updateprofile.extensions command returns the list of installed file name extensions, that is, the list of file name extensions in the profile indicated by the installProfile parameter.



query updateProfile.extensions
query current.updateProfile.extensions
query default.updateProfile.extensions
query install.updateProfile.extensions 

Related reference
query command
updateProfile command
updateProfile.parserAssociation parameter