sequenceNumbersFormat parameter

Use the sequenceNumbersFormat parameter to set or query a format string used to display the sequence numbers.



query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter



sequenceNumbersFormat is scoped to the current view.
current.sequenceNumbersFormat is scoped to the current view.
default.sequenceNumbersFormat is globally scoped.
install.sequenceNumbersFormat is globally scoped.



query sequenceNumbersFormat
set sequenceNumbersFormat { default
                          | [ format ]
query current.sequenceNumbersFormat
query default.sequenceNumbersFormat
set default.sequenceNumbersFormat { install
                                  | [ format ]
query install.sequenceNumbersFormat 



default If you specify the default parameter for the set sequenceNumbersFormat command, the current view will use the value of default.sequenceNumbersFormat to format the display of the sequence numbers.
format If you specify the format parameter for the set sequenceNumbersFormat command, this format string will be used to format the display of the sequence numbers in the current view.  If you specify the format parameter for the set default.sequenceNumbersFormat command, the format string indicated by format will be used to display the sequence numbers for all document views that have the sequenceNumbersFormat parameter set to default.

The format string describes how the sequence numbers will be displayed, subject to the following rules:

  • The length of the string is equal to the number of characters that you wish to have displayed.
  • 'X' characters in the format string will be replaced by the text part of the sequence numbers.
  • '9' characters in the format string will be replaced by the numeric part of the sequence numbers.
  • All other characters in the format string will be displayed without substitution.
  • If you wish to include a '9' or an 'X' as part of the displayed sequence numbers, it must be preceded by a '\' character.
  • If the numeric part of the sequence numbers overflows its space in the format string, it will be truncated on the left.
  • If the numeric part of the sequence numbers does not fill its space in the format string, it will be padded with leading zeros.
  • If there are more 'X' characters than text data, the remaining 'X' characters will be padded with blanks.
  • If there is more text data than 'X' characters, the unused characters will not be displayed.

install If you specify the install parameter for the set default.sequenceNumbersFormat command, all views with sequenceNumbersFormat set to default will use the value of install.sequenceNumbersFormat to format the sequence numbers displayed.



The query current.sequenceNumbersFormat command returns the format string used to display the sequence numbers in the current view.



query current.sequenceNumbersFormat
query default.sequenceNumbersFormat
query install.sequenceNumbersFormat
If the sequenceNumbers parameter is set to 1 6 7 6, with the numeric part consisting of a 6-digit number and the text part consisting of a 6-digit date, to display the sequence numbers area as a 6-digit sequence number followed by the date, you can use this command:
set sequenceNumbersFormat 999999 XX/XX/XX

Related reference
query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter
maintainSequenceNumbers parameter
sequenceDefaultText parameter
sequenceNumber parameter
sequenceNumbers parameter
sequenceText parameter