expandHide parameter

Use the expandHide parameter to set the visibility of the expand/hide area.

If expandHide is set to on and there are hidden elements in the current view, the expand/hide area will be displayed at the left side of the screen.  Visible elements that are followed by hidden elements will have a '+' character in the expand/hide area.  If you click on the '+' character, the expanded parameter will be set to on and all of the hidden elements between the current element and the next hidden element will be displayed.



query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter



expandHide is scoped to the current view.
current.expandHide is scoped to the current view.
default.expandHide is globally scoped.
install.expandHide is globally scoped.



query expandHide
set expandHide [ default | on | off ]
query current.expandHide
query default.expandHide
set default.expandHide [ install | on | off ]
query install.expandHide 



default If you specify the default parameter for the set expandHide command, the current view will use the value of default.expandHide to determine the visibility of the expand/hide area.
on If you specify the on parameter for the set expandHide command, the expand/hide area will be visible on the current view.  If you specify the on parameter for the set default.expandHide command, the expand/hide area will be visible for all views that have expandHide set to default.
off If you specify the off parameter for the set expandHide command, the expand/hide area will not be visible on the current view.  If you specify the off parameter for the set default.expandHide command, the expand/hide area will not be visible for all views that have expandHide set to default.
install If you specify the install parameter for the set default.expandHide command, all of the views that have expandHide set to default will use the value of install.expandHide to determine the visiblilty of the expand/hide area.



If you do not specify any of the parameters for the set expandHide command, default is assumed.  If you do not specify any of the parameters for the set default.expandHide command, install is assumed.

The query current.expandHide command returns on if the expand/hide area is visible or off if the expand/hide area is not visible.

Even if current.expandHide returns on, the expand/hide area will not be visible unless there are hidden elements in the current document view.



query expandHide
set expandHide off
query current.expandHide
query default.expandHide
set default.expandHide off
query install.expandHide 

Related reference
query command
set command
current parameter
expandHideAreaWidth parameter
expanded parameter
default parameter
install parameter
topExpanded parameter
expandHideAtMouse action