statusLine parameter
Use the statusLine parameter to set or query the visibility of the status line. The status line is an information line that appears above the text window. It provides status information on the current line and column, the insertion mode, the current number of changes, and it indicates whether the document view is readonly.
query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter
statusLine is scoped to the current view.
current.statusLine is scoped to the current view.
default.statusLine is globally scoped.
install.statusLine is globally scoped.
query statusLine set statusLine [ default | on | off ] query current.statusLine query default.statusLine set default.statusLine [ install | on | off ] query install.statusLine
default If you specify the default parameter for the set statusLine command, the current view will use the value of default.statusLine to determine the visibility of the status line. on If you specify the on parameter for the set statusLine command, the status line will be visible on the current view. If you specify the on parameter for the set default.statusLine command, the status line will be visible for all views that have statusLine set to default. off If you specify the off parameter for the set statusLine command, the status line will not be visible on the current view. If you specify the off parameter for the set default.statusLine command, the status line will not be visible for all views that have statusLine set to default. install If you specify the install parameter for the set default.statusLine command, all of the views that have statusLine set to default will use the value of install.statusLine to determine the visibility of the status line.
query statusLine set statusLine off query current.statusLine query default.statusLine set default.statusLine off query install.statusLine
query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter