updateProfile.palette parameter

Use the updateProfile.palette parameter to set or query the color palette that will be used by the updateProfile command.  The color palette is used to determine the colors used by the editor.



query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter



updateProfile.palette is scoped to the current view.
current.updateProfile.palette is scoped to the current view.
default.updateProfile.palette is globally scoped.
install.updateProfile.palette is globally scoped.



query updateProfile.palette
set updateProfile.palette { default
                          | [ colorPalette ]
query current.updateProfile.palette
query default.updateProfile.palette
set default.updateProfile.palette { install
                                  | [ colorPalette ]
query install.updateProfile.palette 



default If you specify the default parameter for the set updateProfile.palette command, the current view will use the value of default.updateProfile.palette as the color palette for the updateProfile command.
colorPalette If you specify the colorPalette parameter for the set updateProfile.palette command, the updateProfile command will use the color palette indicated by colorPalette for the current view.  If you specify the colorPalette parameter for the set default.updateProfile.palette command, the updateProfile command will use the color palette indicated by colorPalette for all document views that have the updateProfile.palette parameter set to default.  The available palettes can be determined by querying the current.updateProfile.palettes parameter.
install If you specify the install parameter for the set default.updateProfile.palette command, all views with updateProfile.palette set to default will use the value of install.updateProfile.palette to determine the color palette to be used by the updateProfile command.



The query current.updateProfile.palette command returns the palette that will be used, within the current view, by the updateProfile command.

If you specify a palette other than one of the ones understood by the editor, the editor will use its default color settings.



query updateProfile.palette
set updateProfile.palette black
query current.updateProfile.palette
query default.updateProfile.palette
set default.updateProfile.palette white
query install.updateProfile.palette 

Related reference
updateProfile command
query command
set command
current parameter
default parameter
install parameter
palette parameter
styleAttributes parameter
updateProfile.paletteAttributes parameter
updateProfile.palettes parameter