styleAttributes parameter
Use the styleAttributes parameter to set or query the style attributes for a style character or for one of the built-in styles. Style characters are normally set by the document parser. Parsers use style characters to highlight the syntax of programming language source documents.
query command
set command
The current view.
query styleAttributes.{ styleCharacter | addedLines | background | currentLine | cursor | default | deletedLines | emphasis | expandHide | formatLine | messageLine | parserDefault | parserMessage | prefixArea | prefixText | selection | statusLine } set styleAttributes.{ styleCharacter | addedLines | background | currentLine | cursor | default | deletedLines | emphasis | expandHide | formatLine | messageLine | parserDefault | parserMessage | prefixArea | prefixText | selection | statusLine } [ foregroundRed foregroundGreen foregroundBlue backgroundRed backgroundGreen backgroundBlue [ underline ] [ outline ] [ bold ] [ italic ] ]
styleCharacter The styleCharacter qualifier is used to indicate the style character that you want to query or set. The style characters are used with the set style command.
Style characters '!' and below are reserved. The '!' style character is used as the default style character. New text that has not yet been parsed is displayed using the default style character's attributes.addedLines Use the addedLines qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display added lines that are detected by the compare command. background Use the background qualifier to indicate that you want to query or set the background's style attributes. The background style is used to draw any part of the text area that does not display text elements. currentLine Use the currentLine qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to highlight the current element when the highlightCurrentLine setting is on. cursor Use the cursor qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display the cursor. default Use the default qualifier to indicate the style attributes that should be used when no other style attributes are indicated. This may happen if the editor encounters a style character that is not defined. This style is also used when no style characters are set for the element text. deletedLines Use the deletedLines qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display deleted lines that are detected by the compare command. emphasis Use the emphasis qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to emphasize text. Text is normally emphasized by the findText command or locate command when a search is successful. expandHide Use the expandHide qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display the expand/hide area. See the expandHide parameter. formatLine Use the formatLine qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display the format line. messageLine Use the messageLine qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display the message line. parserDefault Use the parserDefault qualifier to indicate the style attributes used as the default style attributes by document parsers. This setting is normally used by document parsers which extend These are also the style attributes used for all the style characters when the tokenHighlight property of these parsers is off. parserMessage Use the parserMessage qualifier to indicate the style attributes used by document parsers to display embedded error and informational messages. This setting is normally used by document parsers which extend prefixArea Use the prefixArea qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display the prefix area. See the prefixArea parameter. prefixText Use the prefixText qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display text that is typed into the prefix area. selection Use the selection qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display the text selection. statusLine Use the statusLine qualifier to indicate the style attributes used to display the status line. foregroundRed Use the foregroundRed parameter to indicate the red component of the foreground color. foregroundRed must be an integer between 0 and 255. foregroundGreen Use the foregroundGreen parameter to indicate the green component of the foreground color. foregroundGreen must be an integer between 0 and 255. foregroundBlue Use the foregroundBlue parameter to indicate the blue component of the foreground color. foregroundBlue must be an integer between 0 and 255.
Certain features, such as the markStyle parameter, support styles with background-only style attributes. To specify background-only style attributes, use a value of -1 for all three components of the foreground color.backgroundRed Use the backgroundRed parameter to indicate the red component of the background color. backgroundRed must be an integer between 0 and 255. backgroundGreen Use the backgroundGreen parameter to indicate the green component of the background color. backgroundGreen must be an integer between 0 and 255. backgroundBlue Use the backgroundBlue parameter to indicate the blue component of the background color. backgroundBlue must be an integer between 0 and 255. underline Use the optional underline parameter to indicate that the text should be underlined. outline Use the optional outline parameter to indicate that the text should be outlined. bold Use the optional bold parameter to indicate that the text should be bolded. This attribute is of limited use within the editor. It is currently used only by the saveAsHtml command and by the copy action. italic Use the optional italic parameter to indicate that the text should be italicized. This attribute is of limited use within the editor. It is currently used only by the saveAsHtml command and by the copy action.
If you specify set styleAttributes.styleCharacter with no parameters, the specified style character's style attributes will be cleared. If you specify one of the built-in styles with no parameters, the style attributes of the built-in style will be restored to the default setting.
query styleAttributes.c set styleAttributes.c 0 128 128 255 255 255 set styleAttributes.currentLine -1 -1 -1 238 240 249 query styleAttributes.messageLine
query command
set command
saveAsHtml command
expandHide parameter
highlightCurrentLine parameter
markStyle parameter
prefixArea parameter
style parameter
updateProfile.paletteAttributes parameter
copy action