IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version


Click one of the following letters to look up terms in the online glossary.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M,

N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Accumulated CPU

The approximate CPU time utilized under a thread since the current request started.

Acknowledge Mode

The acknowledge mode as one of the following character strings: AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE NO_ACKNOWLEDGE.


The activity the system will take when a trap is met, currently SNMP, trace or e-mail.

Activate Non Exist Sessions

The number of requests for a session that no longer exists.


1) Determines if the consumer is active. 2) Determines whether the consumer has a message listener set up or a synchronous receive in progress. 3) Determines whether the subscription is being used by a durable subscriber.

Active Global Transactions

The number of concurrently active global transactions.

Active Local Transactions

The number of concurrently active local transactions.

Active methods

1) The average number of concurrently active methods, that is the number of methods called at the same time. 2) The average number of invocations being processed concurrently for all the methods.

Active Requests

The requests that are being serviced.

Active Sessions

1) The number of communication sessions active during the interval. 2) The number of concurrently active sessions. 3) The current number of HTTP sessions actively referenced in the server at the end of the interval.

Active Thread

A thread that is servicing a request.

Active Thread Count

The number of activated threads.

Active Thread Group Count

The number of activated thread groups.

Active Threads

The number of concurrently active threads.

Additional Detail

1) A dynamically generated list based on the selections made by the user when creating the report. 2) A list box for viewing the detailed report broken down by different criteria in a Trend Report.

Admin Server

The name of the administration server that oversees the functions of the application servers.

Admin Server Host

The hostname address on which admin server is listening for connections.

Admin Server Listen Port

The port on which admin server is listening for connections.

Affinity Breaks

The number of HTTP session affinities broken, not counting WAS intentional breaks of session affinity.

Alert Condition

The definition of when to perform the selected action.

AMC Name

The AMC Name of the bean activated by the container (only the rightmost 256 characters are recorded).

Application Server

The name of the application server monitored by the data collector.

Application Server IP Address

The IP address for the selected application server.

Application Server Name

1) The name of the selected application server. 2) The Sysplex node name concatenated with the server instance name. 3) The name of the server where the session is executing.

Application Server Start Time

The time that the application server started running.

Application Server Uptime

1) The amount of time that has passed since the application server started running. 2) The system highlights this number on the Server Statistics Overview page when the amount of time that has passed since the application server started running exceeds the threshold value.

Application Trap

A trap on data from a user's application, as opposed to application server data.

Archive Agent

Accepts the aggregated data from a publish server and performs fast data archiving into the database for reporting purposes.

Attempt to Activate Nonexistent Session

The number of requests for a session that no longer exists (presumably because the session timed out).


Verifies the identity of a user who is logging into the Application Monitor with UNIX user names and passwords via WebSphere's authentication layer.

Authoritative Date/Time Stamp

The authoritative date/time when the data was frozen.

Authoritative Only

The file only exists on the authoritative server.

Authoritative Server

The operator selects this server from an application group to perform a comparison of installed binaries with up to 10 additional servers (the Comparison Servers).

Authoritative Size

The size of the file found on the authoritative server.

Average Active Usage

The running average usage of created connections that are active in the Connector Pool since the pool was last shrunk.

Average CPU Usage

The average percentage that the CPU is busy since the server was started.

Average Create Time

The average method response time for create in milliseconds.

Average Drain Size

The average number of objects discarded in each drain. It applies to entity and stateless beans.

Average Execution Time

The average amount of time in milliseconds all invocations of the servlet have executed since created.

Average Garbage Collection Duration

The average duration of a garbage collection call.

Average Invalidation Time

The average time required to process the invalidation of HTTP sessions.

Average Method Response Time

The average response time, in milliseconds, on all methods of the remote interface for this bean.

Average Method Response Time for Create

The average time in milliseconds a bean create call takes including the time for the load.

Average Method Response Time for Remove

The average time in milliseconds a beanRemove call takes including the time at the database.

Average Pool Size

The average number of objects in the pool. It applies to entity and stateless beans.

Average Remove Time

The average method response time for remove in milliseconds.

Average Sessions Lifetime

The average lifetime of invalidated HTTP sessions.

Average time between Garbage Collection Calls

The average time (in seconds) between two garbage collection calls.

Average Time Wait for Lock

The average time that a thread waits for a lock.

Average Use Time

The average time in milliseconds a connection is used by a request.

Average Wait Time

The average waiting time in milliseconds until a connection is granted.

Average Waiting Threads

The average number of threads concurrently waiting for a connection.

Avg. Contention Time

The average time (in milliseconds) spent on each monitor contention. Format is positive integer.

Avg. CPU Time per Nested Request Invocations

Response time is defined as (CPU Clock at the time of the nested request finish minus CPU Clock at time of the nested request start). This field is the average of this value for all of the nested requests in the sample.

Avg. CPU Time per Request/Transaction

Response time is defined as (CPU Clock at the time of request finish minus C PU Clock at time of request start). This field is the average of this value for all of the requests in the sample.

Avg. Heap Size after Garbage Collection

The average dynamic storage for a procedure after inactive data is deleted.

Avg. Number of Methods Called per Request/Transaction

Average (over the sample shown on the Detail tab) of the number of method and nested request invocations occurring between the request start and end.

Avg. Response Time

The average elapsed time between entering a request and receiving a response.

Avg. Response Time per Nested Request Invocations

Response time is defined as (Wall Clock at the time of the nested request finish minus Wall Clock at time of the nested request start). This field is the average of this value for all of the nested requests in the sample.

Avg. Response Time per Request/Transaction

Response time is defined as (Wall Clock at the time of request finish minus Wall Clock at time of request start). This field is the average of this value for all of the requests in the sample.

Avg. Time in Use

The average time of the connection pool that is in use.

Avg. Time to Acquire Lock

The average time (in milliseconds) spent on each monitor locking. Format is positive integer.

# of Locks Acquired

The number of monitor locks acquired by the method. Format is positive integer.

# of Objects in Heap

The number of instance data in storage.

# of Online / Total

The total number of CPU currently enabled.


Baseline Definition

The baseline the application must fall below for an average response time for all servers in the group.

Baseline Indicator Settings

The percentage above the baseline that you determine to be slow or very slow. "Slow response" means the present response time is between 26% and 50% "very slow response" means the present response time exceeds 50% of the baseline. When the response time reaches Indicator 1, an orange indicator will display on the Application Overview page; a red indicator means the response time has exceeded Indicator 2 and the system is very unhealthy.

Baseline Response Time

This is the historical response time displayed on the Application Overview page in comparison to the current response time.

Baseline Response Time Sample Duration

The number of days included when the system collects and averages the Baseline Response Time.

Bytes Received

The number of bytes transferred to the server from all attached clients.

Bytes Sent

The number of bytes sent from the server to all attached clients.

Bytes Threshold Time

The amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.


Cache Discards

1) The number of session objects that have been forced out of the cache. Applicable only for persistent sessions. 2) The total number of statements discarded because the statement cache is at its maximum size.

Cancel Request

A method for terminating application requests from the system that loop or abuse resources. Cancel Request will terminate the request by throwing a run-time exception, and all necessary cleanup will occur accordingly.

Capacitive Increment

The initial capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.

Change Priority

If you see there is a need to raise or lower the priority of a thread, change it by selecting a priority number. Priority 1 is the lowest and priority 10 is the highest.

Change Thread Status

If there is a need to freeze the execution of a thread, suspend the thread to freeze it while investigating the problem further and then re-activate it when the problem is resolved.

CICS Transaction

Gateway page lists all the CTGs that the selected J2EE server has contacted.


A collection of data and methods (operations) on the data which share a common structure and behavior.

Class Acquiring Locks

The name of the class that accessed a monitor. Format is alphanumeric string, maximum 128 characters.

Class Path

The path name where the Class is stored.

Client ID

The client ID for the connection/durable subscriber.

Client Request

The request by a client for a particular server resource. This resource is often a Web page or a Java application.

Client Request Start

The start date and time for the current request.


A string that is part of the SNMP protocol.

Comparison Date/Time Stamp

The comparison date/time when the data was frozen.

Comparison Only

The file only exists on the Comparison Server.

Comparison Servers

The operator selects up to 10 servers to compare installed binaries to on the authoritative server.

Component ID

An ID assigned by the ITCAM system for identification.

Component Trace

A lists of event flow of the nested requests. It displays a path of execution for a nested request at the component level.

Composite Requests

The requests that conform to an Enterprise Application Integration architecture. The requests for web-enabled preexisting applications.

Composite Transactions

It allows the user to monitor transactions that utilize resources on more than one server.

Concurrent Actives

The average level as a function of time of bean instances of the home that are in the ready state (active beans). A measure of server activity.

Concurrent Lives

1) The average number of concurrently live beans. 2) The average level as a function of time of bean objects that exist in the run time, whether active or pooled objects (the system instantiated but did not destroy). A measure of how many resources the home interface consumed.

Concurrent Requests

1) The number of requests that are concurrently processed by the ORB. 2) The number of requests that are concurrently processed by servlets.

Concurrent Waiters

The average number of threads concurrently waiting for a connection.


The user-defined criteria that combines with the selected resource to set a trap.

Configuration name

The name of the configuration you apply to the data collector.

Configuration Profile

This parameter provides the name of the Configuration Repository of the configured data collector to the Kernel.

Connected Kernel

The IP address and port number for the Kernel.

Connection Delay Time (ms)

The average time (in milliseconds) necessary to get a connection from the database. This is how long it takes to get a physical connection from the database. It is calculated as summary time to connect divided by summary number of connections.

Connection factory

A connection factory is an object whose sole purpose is to create connection objects. When an application needs a connection, it asks the connection factory to "manufacture" a connection object.

Connection Factory Name

The configured ConnectionFactory Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool.

Connection Pool Faults

The number of faults (e.g. timeout) in the connection pool.

Connector Pool Name

1) The configured Logical Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool. 2) The name of the connection pool this SQL statement belongs to. 3) The name of the connection pool for the leaked connection.

Container Thread Pool

The current number of threads in the container.

Context Root

The context root (context path) for the Web application.

Contrast Options

A second data set used for the purpose of comparative analysis.

Cookies & Attributes

The name of the cookies associated with this session and the contents of the cookies.

CPU Speed

How fast the CPU processes the runtime environment comparison.

CPU Utilization (%, Last Hour)

The percentage of CPU being utilized in last hour.

Created Sessions

The number of sessions that were created.


Collapsible Request String.

Current Total CPU Time

The total CPU time spent so far by the current request.

Current Total Elapsed Time

The total time that has elapsed since the request began executing.

Custom Request Type

The user defines a custom request in a configuration file that allows instrumentation of a class.


Daemon Thread Group

A thread group which contains the program that runs unattended to perform continuous or periodic functions, such as network control.

data collector

An Application Monitor software that runs on the application server and captures information regarding the internal workings of the application server.

data collector Controller

Controls the behavior of a data collector, including the monitoring level, filter list, and enable or disable status.

data collector Listen Port

The port that clients of the data collector use to communicate with the data collector.

data collector Uptime

The amount of time that has passed since the data collector started running.

Data Grouping

Aggregates a data set based on a selected time interval, i.e., month, date of the month, day of the week, and hour of the day.

Data Interval

The type of data provided; the distance between points on the X axis of the report.

Database Connection Pool

1) A group of database connections. A new request is assigned a free connection from the pool. Upon completion of the request, the system returns the connection to the pool. 2) The database connection pool on the selected Application Server has an indicator that displays the number of connections in use and the total number of connections in the pool.

Database Connection Pool Name

The name of the database connection pool.

Database Name

The name of the database that the connection is associated with.

Date Range

The start and end dates for the report.

Decomposition Report

This report provides a breakdown of the Trend report by the criteria selected.

Default Data Collector Configuration

The set up configuration assigned to new data collectors to capture information regarding the applications running inside the application server.

Default Monitoring Level

The currently set default monitoring level for all servers connected to the Application Monitor. This is the case when configuring a server for the first time and bringing up the server under the management of the Application Monitor. The default monitoring level for the non z platform is L2 (Problem Determination). As for the z/OS platform, the default monitoring level is L1 (Production Mode).

Destination Name

The destination for the consumer.

Destination Type

The name or address of the computer being sent SNMP messages.

Drains from Pool

The number of times the daemon found the pool was idle and attempted to clean it. It applies to entity and stateless beans.


Distinguishable Request String.


Determines whether the consumer is durable.

Durable Subscribers

With a Durable JMS Subscriber, messages are persisted by the JMS system when the subscriber is not available, normally in a database store. When the durable subscriber becomes available, the JMS server will provide them with the messages that the subscriber missed due to its unavailability.



Enterprise Application Integration. It refers to the plans, methods, and tools aimed at modernizing, consolidating, and coordinating the computer applications in an enterprise. EAI might involve developing a new total view of an enterprise's business and its applications, seeing how existing applications fit into the new model, and then devising ways to efficiently reuse what already exists while adding new applications and data.

EAR File

1) Enterprise Archive File. 2) The number of Enterprise Archive files on the application server.


Enterprise Java Bean. Component architecture for the development and deployment of object-oriented, distributed, enterprise-level applications. Applications written using the EJB architecture are scalable, transactional, and secure.

EJB Activity

The amount of EJB calls made for the last hour with a 5 minute refresh rate.

EJB Coverage

1) The distribution of EJB invocations in the last hour, by EJB home name. 2) The graphical representations of the most frequently accessed EJBs.

EJB Home

The name of the Enterprise Java Bean method.

EJB Name

The name of an EJB component.

EJB Role

The list of EJB Roles associated with the method separated by a semicolon ";" up to 256 characters.

EJB Type

The bean's type (CMP entity bean, BMP entity bean, stateless session bean, and stateful session bean).

EJB Volume

The number of times that EJB methods were invoked on the application server.

ejbActivate Average Execution Time

The average execution time of the method ejbActivate.

ejbActivate Invocations

The number of ejbActivate Invocations.

ejbActivate Maximum Execution Time

The longest execution time of the method ejbActivate.

ejbLoad Average Execution Time

The average execution time of the method ejbLoad.

ejbLoad Invocations

The number of ejbLoad invocations.

ejbLoad Maximum Execution Time

The longest execution time of the method ejbLoad.

ejbPassivate Average Execution Time

The average execution time of the method ejbPassivate.

ejbPassivate Invocations

The number of invocations of the method ejbPassivate.

ejbPassivate Maximum Execution Time

The longest execution time of the method ejbPassivate.

ejbStore Average Execution Time

The average execution time of the method ejbStore.

ejbStore Invocations

The number of invocations of the method ejbStore.

ejbStore Maximum Execution Time

The longest execution time of the method ejbStore.

Enterprise Overview

It displays the availability for all the applications available in the assigned server groups.

Entity Bean

An enterprise bean that represents persistent data maintained in a database. An entity bean can manage its own persistence or it can delegate this function to its container.


The number of errors encountered during the Servlets execution.

Exclude (Classname)

A list of classes that will not be monitored unless they are part of the Exclude Override (Classname).

Exclude Override (Classname)

A subset of classes in the Exclude (Classname) to be monitored.

Execute Queue

As request enters a WebLogic Server, it is placed on an execute queue while waiting to be performed. This request is then assigned to a thread to process it.

Execution Time High

The amount of time in milliseconds the single longest invocation of the servlet has executed since created.

Execution Time Low

The amount of time in milliseconds the single shortest invocation of the servlet has executed since created.

Execution Time Total

The amount of time in milliseconds all invocations of the servlet have executed since creation.

Existing Sessions

The number of existing communication sessions of the end of the interval.

External Read Size

The size of session data read from persistent store. Applicable only for (serialized) persistent sessions.

External Read Time

The time (in milliseconds) taken in reading the session data from persistence store. For multi-row, the metrics are for the attribute; for single row, the metrics are for the whole session. Applicable only for persistence sessions. When using a JMS persistent store, if the user chooses not to serialize the data, the counter will not be available.

External Write Size

The size of session data written to persistent store. Applicable only for (serialized) persistent sessions.

External Write Time

The time (in milliseconds) taken in writing the session data from persistent store. Applicable only for (serialized) persistent sessions.


Failures to Reconnect

The number of cases when a connection pool attempted to refresh a connection to a database and failed. Failure might happen because of database unavailability or broken connection to the database.


The number of faults (e.g. timeout) in connection pool.

File Name Match

The file names only matched. They are unlikely to be the same.

File Name/Path/Size Match

The files with matched file name and path, and size, but not timestamp, are likely to be the same.

Finalized Sessions

The number of sessions that were finalized.

First Join Time

The first time the component joined with the Kernel.

Fixed Rate

The average response time per 5 minute increments from between the start date and end date will become the baseline against which your current response times on the Application Overview will be compared.

Fixed Response Time

The response time entered in this field will become the response time against which your current response times on the Application Overview will be compared.

Force GC Force Garbage Collection

When this option is enabled, JVM will perform a garbage collection before taking a heap dump.

Free Memory

1) The free memory in JVM runtime. 2) The snapshot of free KB of free memory.

Free Pool Size

The number of free connections in the pool.

Full Match

The file name and path, size, and file system timestamp are matched and likely to be identical to each other.

Full path name / Size Match

Files that are likely to be identical to each other based on matching path name and file size.


Garbage Collection

Java automatically reclaims any memory that is no longer needed for reuse through a process called Garbage Collection. An object is considered garbage when there are no longer references to it stored in variables, the fields of any objects, or the elements of an arrays.

Garbage Collection Delay

The amount of time the system must wait prior to taking the second heap snapshot.

Gets Found

The number of times a retrieve found an object available in the pool. It applies to entity and stateless beans.

Gets from Pool

The number of calls retrieving an object from the pool. It applies to entity and stateless beans.

Global before Completion Duration

The average duration of before_completion for global transactions.

Global Commit Duration

The average duration of commit for global transactions.

Global Prepare Duration

The average duration of prepare for global transactions.

Global Transaction Duration

The average duration of global transactions.

Global Transactions

The number of global transactions run through and initiated by the server instance during the interval.

Global Transactions Begun

The number of global transactions begun on the server.

Global Transactions Committed

The number of global transactions committed.

Global Transactions Involved

The number of global transactions involved on server.

Global Transactions Rolled Back

The number of global transactions rolled back.

Global Transactions Timeout

The number of global transactions timed out.

Group Name

1) The name of the group. 2) All servers that belong to the group will display on the Server Statistics Overview page.

Group Overview

This page provides a high-level overview of activity for each server in the group.



A heap is an area of pre-reserved computer main storage (memory) that a program process can use to store data in some variable amount that won't be known until the program is running.

Heap Size

The amount of memory allocated to the JVM.


Idle Time

Idle time is time that the request has been idling plus any unaccounted CPU time not captured by the Application Monitor.

Initial Capacity

The initial capacity configured for the Connector Connection Pool.

Installed Binary

A file deployed to a server. In a server farm, it is important that all the files are the same version.

Instance Name

The name of the WebSphere server instance.


A callback code that is executed when an ORB request enters or exits the process space.


The system stopped the thread.

Interval Start/End

The snapshot start time and end time.

Invalidated Sessions

The number of sessions that were invalidated.

Invalidated via Time-out

The number of sessions that are invalidated via time-out.


The number of times the method was invoked during the interval.

IP Address

The IP address of the application server.


Java Policy

The path name where the Java Policy is stored.

JDBC Connection Pools

The number of JDBC connections available on the selected application server.

JDBC Driver Version

The version of the JDBC driver, in the format of concatenating the Driver class name with "major: XX, minor: YY."

JDBC Operation Timer and JDBC Operation Time

The amount of time in milliseconds spent executing in the JDBC driver.


The configured JNDI Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector Connection Pool.


Java Servlet Page. A server-side technology, Java server pages are an extension to the Java servlet technology. JSPs have dynamic scripting capability that works in tandem with HTML code, separating the page logic from the static elements -- the actual design and display of the page.

JSP Coverage

The distribution of servlet/JSP requests in the last hour, by servlet/JSP name.


Java Virtual Machine. A self-contained operating environment that executes pre-compiled Java byte code.

JVM / Region (DSA, EDSA) Memory Usage

The JVM / Region Memory in use.

JVM / Region CPU %

The utilization percentage of JVM / Region CPU.

JVM / Region CPU Delta

The difference between the current JVM/Region CPU and its last refreshed data.


1) The amount of CPU time that a JVM used since the last page refresh. 2) The system highlights this number on the Server Statistics Overview page when the JVM CPU Delta since the last refresh exceeds the threshold value.


The current CPU utilization of the JVM space itself.


1) The percentage of time that the JVM platform was using CPU. 2) The system highlights this number on the Server Statistics Overview page when the percent of JVM CPU usage exceeds the threshold value.

JVM Heap Size

The amount of heap that is available to the JVM code.


The JVMID of the server.

JVM Memory Usage

1) The amount of memory used, in MB, by the JVM of the selected application server. 2) The system highlights this number on the Server Statistics Overview page when the JVM memory usage exceeds the threshold value.

JVM Memory Utilization (%, Last Hour)

The percentage of JVM Memory being utilized in last hour.

JVM Thread

The basic unit of program execution in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). A process can have several threads running concurrently, each performing a different job. When a thread has finished its job, it is suspended or destroyed.


Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface. A two-way function call interface between the Java Virtual Machine and an in-process profiler agent.



A directory service dedicated to the Application Monitor that keeps track of which components have joined or left the network.

Kernel Code Base

The URL where the Application Monitor component downloads the Kernel binaries.


L1 (Production Mode)

This monitoring level provides Availability management, System Resources, and basic request data. Use this level for servers with high volume transactions, stable operations, and simple transactions.

L2 (Problem Determination)

This monitoring level provides Production level monitoring of advanced request data, including CPU information, and canceling a request without SQL level data. The JVMPI is enabled on the corresponding JVMs making JVMPI function calls possible. Use this level for high volume transactions in an environment that is occasionally unstable with simple to complex transactions.

L3 (Tracing Mode)

This is the most powerful monitoring level. Therefore, only this level utilizes all the reporting elements available. For example, in the Tracing mode, the Server Activity Display shows additional data for the following columns: Accumulated CPU and Idle Time. In addition, on the Request Detail page, the Method Trace and Cancel Request functions are available. Use this level for servers that have been selected for diagnostics and detailed workload characterization.

Last Access Time

The last time a client sent a request associated with a session.

Last Contract Renewal Time

The most recent renewal time of the contract with the Kernel.

Last Known Action

The name of the last action accessed by the current request.

Last Known Class Name

The name of the last class being accessed by the current request.

Last Known Method

The name of the last method being accessed by the current request.

Last Known SQL Statement

The last SQL statement accessed by the current request.

Library Path

The path name where the Library is stored.

Line Numbers (CICS only)

The capability to retrieve the line number from the high-level language source code for each EXEC CICS call made by the program.

Listen Address

The address on which this server is listening for connections.

Listen Port

The port on which this server is listening for connections.

Listening Port

The port that clients of the data collector use to communicate with the data collector.

Live Sessions

The number of concurrently live sessions in the application server cache.

Load Timestamp

The timestamp when the servlet was loaded.

Local Active Sessions

The number of active local communication sessions attached and active within the server instance during the interval.

Local Before Completion Duration

The average duration of before_completion for local transactions.

Local Bytes Received

The number of bytes transferred to the server from all locally attached clients.

Local Bytes Sent

The number of bytes transferred from the server to all locally attached clients.

Local Commit Duration

The average duration of commit for local transactions.

Local Existing Sessions

The number of existing local communication sessions attached and active within the server instance during the interval.

Local Transaction Duration

The average duration of local transactions.

Local Transactions

The number of local transactions initiated by the server instance during the interval.

Local Transactions Begun

The number of local transactions begun on the server.

Local Transactions Committed

The number of local transactions committed.

Local Transactions Involved

The total number of local transactions involved at the server, begun and imported.

Local Transactions Rolled Back

The number of local transactions rolled back.

Local Transactions Timeout

The number of local transactions timed out.

Lock Object Class

The classname of the locked object. The valid form is an alphanumeric string, maximum 128 characters.

Log File Name

The Log File used by the Resource Adapter for the Connector Connection Pool.

Logging Enabled

The Log File used by the Resource Adapter for the Connector Connection Pool.


Managed Space

This is a term we use to describe the entire scope of what the product can monitor. Since the product can monitor servers and application servers, along with applications and J2EE components like EJBs, the Managed Space has many dimensions.

Max Capacity

The maximum capacity configured for the Connector Connection Pool.

Max Inactive Interval

The maximum time interval, in seconds, that the servlet container will keep this session open between client accesses.

Max Priority

The highest rank assigned to a thread that determine its precedence in processing a request.

Max. Time to Acquire Lock

The maximum time (in milliseconds) spent on each monitor lock. Format is positive integer.

Maximum Active Sessions

The maximum number of active HTTP sessions during the interval.

Maximum Inactive Interval

The maximum time interval, in seconds, that the servlet container will keep this session open between client accesses.

Maximum Live Sessions

The maximum number of live HTTP sessions during the interval.

Maximum Method Records

The maximum number of method entry/exit records. The records will be over written when they reach this value. The default value is 10,000.

Maximum Response Time

The maximum response time measured in milliseconds.


A custom MBean is a Java object that implements a specific interface and conforms to certain design patterns. These requirements formalize the representation of the resource's management interface in the MBean. The management interface of a resource is the set of all necessary information and controls that a management application needs to operate on the resource.


A unique numeric signature that is different for each file when the contents of the file are different even if the creation date and the file names coincide.

Memory Dump Diagnostic

This feature is only applicable for platforms supported by MDD. Memory Dump Diagnostic analyzes either one single heap dump or analyzes and compares two heap dumps while searching for evidence of a memory leak.

Memory Leak

A memory leak is the gradual loss of available computer memory when a program (an application or part of the operating system) repeatedly fails to return memory that it has obtained for temporary use. As a result, the available memory for that application or that part of the operating system becomes exhausted and the program can no longer function. For a program that is frequently opened or called or that runs continuously, even a very small memory leak can eventually cause the program or the system to terminate. A memory leak is the result of a program bug.

Memory Leak Candidate

Java classes and objects that are likely to be causing a memory leak.

Memory Leak Confirmation

The Memory Leak Confirmation Report helps you detect memory leaks in your system. Try various comparison metrics until you determine the cause of the leak. If there is over 24 hours of data available, your report will show the last 48 hours. Otherwise, your report will display the last 60 minutes of data.

Memory Usage

The amount of memory being used by the JVM process.

Message Back Out Count

The number of backed out messages that failed to be delivered to the bean's onMessage method. It applies to Message Driven beans.

Message Count

The number of messages delivered to the bean's onMessage method. It applies to Message Driven beans.

Message Dispatcher

The Message Dispatcher sends out e-mails of performance reports and trap results from the Performance Analysis & Reporting and the Trap & Alert Management applications.

Messages Threshold Time

The amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.


1.) The type of HTTP request with valid values of Get or Post. 2) A function defined in a class. A class can contain data and methods. Methods are operations that are performed on the data. 3) The number of associated methods.

Method Acquiring Locks

The name of the method that accessed a monitor. Format is alphanumeric string, maximum 128 characters.

Method/Component Records

Number of method or nested request events occurring inside the context of this event.

Method Profiling (MP)

A monitoring level that provides Availability Management, System Resources, basic request-level data, and an option to collect method profiles on demand. This monitoring level least affects the CPU overhead per transaction and is appropriate for servers that are not malfunctioning.

Method Signature

1) The name of the method including its signature (only the leftmost 512 characters are recorded). 2) Methods might have the same name but accept different arguments. An example of a uniquely "callable" method would be classname+methodname+methodsignature.

Method Trace

A method trace is essentially the path of execution for a request. The trace includes entry and exit for methods in the thread as well as the entry and exit for any embedded methods.

Method Trace Data

Each method trace contains the entry and exit records including the Method Name, Date, Time, Elapsed Time, and CPU Time. Each indent indicates a different nesting level.


1) The item you want to measure: Throughput per Second, Throughput per Minute, Throughput per Hour, Response Time, or CPU Time. 2) The item you want to measure: Pool Size, Concurrent Waiters, Average Wait Time, Faults, Percentage Pool Usage, Physical Connections, Connections Handles, JVM Free Memory, and JVM Memory Used.

Minimum Active Sessions

The minimum number of active HTTP sessions during the interval.

Minimum Life Sessions

The minimum number of live HTTP sessions during the interval.

Minimum Response Time

The minimum response time in milliseconds.


Million Instructions Per Second. This is an estimated computation to give an indication of the platform CPU power. This computation is based on an empirical formula derived from the SRM (System Resources Manager) service units/second factor.


Monitoring On Demand.

Monitoring Level

In the Application Monitor, the user has the ability to select between three levels of monitoring for a server or set of servers: L1 (Production mode), L2 (Problem Determination mode), and L3 (Tracing mode).

MP (Method Profiling)

A monitoring level that provides Availability Management, System Resources, basic request-level data, and an option to collect method profiles on demand. This monitoring level least affects the CPU overhead per transaction and is appropriate for servers that are not malfunctioning.


A MQ API to back out a MQ transaction.


A MQ API to begin a MQ transaction.


A MQ API to close a queue.


A MQ API to commit a transaction.

MQCONN(X) Average Response Time

A MQ API to make queue manager connection.


A MQ API to disconnect a queue manager connection.

MQGET Average Response Time

The average response time of a MQ API to get a message from a queue.


A MQ API to inquire a queue attributes.


A MQ API to open a queue.

MQPUT(1) Average Response Time

A MQ API to put a message in a queue.


A MQ API to set a queue attribute.



A concatenated string.

The name of the WebSphere Node; the name of the Application Server; the process ID in decimal of the server; the current monitoring level.

No Local

The noLocal Boolean for the durable subscriber.

No Room for New Session

The number of times that a request for a new session can not be handled because it would exceed the maximum session count.

Number of Activates

The number of times beans were activated (applies to Entity and stateful session beans).

Number of Activations

The number of beans made active.

Number of Active Connections

The current total active connections.

Number of Active Connections High

The peak number of active connections in this Connector Pool since the pool was instantiated.

Number of Active Servers

The current total number of alive servers in this cluster.

Number of Active Transactions

The number of active transactions on the server.

Number of Allocates

The total number of connections allocated.

Number of Beans in Use

The number of beans currently in use during the session (active or ready state).

Number of Bytes Current

1) The current number of bytes stored in the destination. 2) The current number of bytes stored on the JMS server. 3) The current number of bytes received by the durable subscriber.

Number of Bytes High

The peak number of bytes stored in the destination/JMS server since the last reset.

Number of Bytes Pending

The number of bytes pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by the consumer/durable subscriber/producer. 2) The number of bytes pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) stored on the JMS server or in the destination. 3) The number of bytes pending (uncommitted or unacknowledged) for the session.

Number of Bytes Received

1) The number of bytes received by the consumer or the session since the last reset. 2) The number of bytes received on the JMS server since the last reset. 3) The number of bytes received in the destination since the last reset.

Number of Bytes Sent

The number of bytes sent by the producer or the session since the last reset.

Number of Cache Accesses

The number of times the cache has been accessed.

Number of Cache Hits

The number of times a bean is looked up and successfully found in the cache.

Number of Cached Beans

The number of beans currently cached.

Number of Connection Consumers Current

The current number of connection consumers for the session pool.

Number of Connection Consumers High

The peak number of simultaneous connection consumers for the session pool.

Number of Connection Consumers Total

The total number of connection consumers made by the session pool since the last reset.

Number of Connections Created Total

The total number of Connector connections created in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.

Number of Connections Current

The current number of connections to the WebLogic Server.

Number of Connections Destroyed Total

The total number of Connector connections destroyed in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.

Number of Connections High

The peak number of connections to the WebLogic Server since the last reset.

Number of Connections Matched Total

The total number of times a request for a Connector connections was satisfied via the use of an existing created connection since the pool was instantiated.

Number of Connections Rejected Total

The total number of rejected requests for a Connector connections in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.

Number of Connections Total

1) The total number of JDBC connections in the JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean since the pool was instantiated. 2) The total number of connections made to the WebLogic Server since the last reset.

Number of Consumers Current

1) The current number of consumers accessing the destination. 2) The current number of consumers for the session.

Number of Consumers High

1) The peak number of consumers accessing the destination since the last reset. 2) The peak number of consumers for the session since the last reset.

Number of Consumers Total

1) The total number of consumers accessing the destination since the last reset. 2) The total number of consumers instantiated by the session since the last reset.

Number of Creates

1) The number of times beans were created. 2) The total number of connections created. 3) The number of create calls.

Number of Destinations Current

The current number of destinations for the JMS server.

Number of Destinations High

The peak number of destinations on the JMS server since the last reset.

Number of Destinations Total

The number of destinations instantiated on the JMS server since the last reset.

Number of Destroys

1) The number of times bean objects were freed. 2) The total number of connections destroyed.

Number of Errors

The total number of errors in servlet/JSP.

Number of Foreign Fragments Dropped

The number of fragments that originated in foreign domains/clusters that use the same multicast address.

Number of Fragments Received

The total number of multicast messages received on this server from the cluster.

Number of Fragments Sent

The total number of multicast fragments sent from this server into the cluster.

Number of Free Connections Current

The current total free connections.

Number of Free Connections High

The peak number of free connections in this Connector Pool since the pool was instantiated.

Number of Garbage Collection Calls

The number of garbage collection calls.

Number of Idle Beans

The number of idle beans in the pool that are available for use.

Number of Instantiations

The number of times the system creates the bean objects.

Number of Invalid Login Attempts Total

The cumulative number of invalid logins attempted on the server.

Number of Invalid Login Users High

The peak number of users with outstanding invalid login attempts for the server.

Number of Invocation Total

The total number of servlet invocations.

Number of JMS Servers Current

The current number of JMS servers that are deployed on this WebLogic Server instance.

Number of JMS Servers High

The peak number of JMS servers that were deployed on this WebLogic Server instance since the server was started.

Number of JMS Servers Total

The number of JMS servers that were deployed on this WebLogic Server instance since the server was started.

Number of Leaked Connections

A connection that was checked out from the connection pool but was not returned to the pool by calling close.

Number of Loaded Servlets

The number of servlets that were loaded.

Number of Loads

The number of times the system loaded bean data.

Number of Lock Acquisitions

The number of locks acquired.

Number of Lock Contentions

The number of monitor connections that have occurred. Format is positive integer.

Number of Lock Entries

The number of entries that are currently locked.

Number of Lock Managers Accesses

The number of times the Lock Manager is accessed. It applies to the beans that have exclusive locking specified.

Number of Locked Users Current

The number of currently locked users on the server.

Number of Login Attempts While Locked Total

The cumulative number of invalid logins on this server attempted while the user was locked.

Number of Managed Connections

The number of ManagedConnection objects in use for a particular EIS product name.

Number of Managed Connections Allocated

The total number of connections allocated.

Number of Managed Connections Created

The total number of connections created.

Number of Managed Connections Destroyed

The total number of connections destroyed.

Number of Managed Connections Freed

The total number of connections freed.

Number of Messages Current

1) The current number of messages in the destination. 2) The number of messages still available by the durable subscriber. 3) The current number of messages stored on the JMS server.

Number of Messages High

The peak number of messages in the destination since the last reset.

Number of Messages Pending

1) The number of messages pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by the consumer/durable subscriber/producer. Pending messages are over and above the current number of messages. A pending message is one that has either been sent in a transaction and not committed, or that has been received and committed or acknowledged. 2) The number of messages pending stored on the JMS server. 3) The number of messages pending for the session.

Number of Messages Received

The number of messages received by the consumer/ the session or received on the destination since the last reset.

Number of Messages Sent

The number of messages sent by the producer/ session since the last reset.

Number of Multicast Messages Lost

The total number of in-coming multicast messages that were lost according to the server.

Number of Objects Allocated

The number of objects allocated.

Number of Objects Freed

The number of objects freed.

Number of Objects Moved

The number of objects moved.

Number of Open Sessions Current

The current total number of open sessions in the component.

Number of Open Sessions High

The peak number of the total number of open sessions in the server.

Number of Open Sockets Current

The current number of sockets registered for socket mixing on the server.

Number of Open Sockets Total

The total number of registrations for socket mixing on the server.

Number of Optimization

The total number of global transactions converted to single phase for optimization.

Number of Passivates

1) The number of times beans were passivated (applies to Entity and stateful session beans). 2) The number of times the system passivated ( removed from memory) a bean instance.

Number of Passivations

The number of beans made passive.

Number of Pending Requests Current

The number of waiting requests in the queue.

Number of Pending Requests Oldest Time

The time that the longest waiting request was placed in the queue.

Number of Persistence Loads

The number of times bean data was loaded from persistent storage. This applies to entity beans.

Number of Persistence Stores

The number of times bean data was stored in persistent storage. This applies to entity beans.

Number of Primary

The number of objects that the local server hosts as primaries.

Number of Ready Beans or Concurrent Actives

The number of bean instances in ready state or method-ready state.

Number of Reload Total

The total number of servlets that were reloaded.

Number of Reloads

The number of servlets that were reloaded.

Number of Removes

1) The number of times beans were removed. 2) The number of remove calls.

Number of Resend Requests

The number of state-delta messages that had to be sent again because a receiving server in the cluster missed a message.

Number of Restarts

The total number of restarts for this server since the cluster was last activated.

Number of Returns

The total number of connections freed.

Number of Second Active Transactions

The total number of seconds for all committed transactions.

Number of Serviced Requests Total Time

The number of requests which have been processed by the queue.

Number of Session Pools Current

The current number of session pools instantiated on the JMS server.

Number of Session Pools High

The peak number of session pools instantiated on the JMS server since the last reset.

Number of Session Pools Total

The number of session pools instantiated on the JMS server since the last reset.

Number of Sessions Current

The current number of sessions for the connection.

Number of Sessions High

The peak number of sessions for the connection since the last reset.

Number of Sessions Opened Total

The total number of open sessions in this web application component.

Number of Sessions Total

The number of sessions on the connection since the last reset.

Number of Stores

The number of times the system wrote bean data to the database.

Number of Threads Dead

The number of threads that died.

Number of Threads Started

The number of threads started.

Number of Time-outs Total

The total number of transactions that have timed out.

Number of Total Connections

1) The total number of connections made to the WebLogic Server since the last reset. 2) The total number of JDBC connections in the JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean since the pool was instantiated.

Number of Transactions

The total number of transactions processed. This total includes all committed, rolled back and heuristic transactions completed.

Number of Transactions Abandoned

The number of transaction that were abandoned.

Number of Transactions Committed Total

The total number of committed transactions.

Number of Transactions Heuristic

The number of transactions that completed with a heuristic status.

Number of Transactions Rolled Back App

The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an application error.

Number of Transactions Rolled Back Resource

The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a resource error.

Number of Transactions Rolled Back System

The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an internal system error.

Number of Transactions Rolled Back Total

The total number of transactions rolled back.

Number of Transactions Timed Out Total

The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a timeout expiration.

Number of Unlocked Users Total

The number of times we have unlocked a user on the server.

Number of User Lockout Total

The cumulative number of user lockouts done on the server.

Number of Waiters Total

The number of times a thread requested and had to wait for a bean from the pool.

Number of Waits for Lock

The number of times that a thread waits for a lock.

Number Waiting for Connections

The current total number waiting for a connection.

Number Waiting for Connections High

The peak number of waiters for a connection in the JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean. The count starts at zero each time the JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean is instantiated.



An instance of a class.


Object Request Brokers. An Object Request Broker (ORB) manages the interaction between clients and servers, using the Internet InterORB Protocol (IIOP). It enables clients to make requests and receive responses from servers in a network-distributed environment.


Original Request String.

Override Monitoring Level

The monitoring level selected overrides the default monitoring level until the next schedule occurs.


Per Method Concurrent Requests

The number of concurrent calls to invoke the same method.

Percent CPU Usage

The average percentage busy for the CPU since last query.

Percent Maxed

1) The average percent of time that all the connections are in use. 2) The average percent of time that all the threads are in use.

Percent of Total Number

The number of the Java objects belonging to the same Java class and the total number of Java objects in the heap.

Percent Time Max in Use

1) The average percent of the time that all connections are in use. 2) The percentage of time that the maximum configured threads are in use. If this value is consistently in the double-digits, then the Web container could be a bottleneck and the maximum number of threads available to the Web Container will have to be increased. See WebSphere documentation.

Percent Used

The average percent of the pool that is in use.

Plan Name

The DB2 plan name used by this connection.


The application server product name.

Platform CPU Delta

1) The amount of CPU time that the operating system used since the last refresh.

2) The system highlights this number on the Server Statistics Overview page when the amount of CPU time that the operating system used since the last page refresh exceeds the threshold value.

Platform CPU% Utilization

The percent of the total CPU being utilized by the server platform.

PMI Polling Frequency

1) Performance Monitoring Infrastructure Polling Frequency. 2) The number of times the system resources request information from the PMI in seconds.

Pool Max Capacity

The maximum capacity of the servlet for single thread model servlets.

Pool Size

1) The average pool size. 2) The average number of threads in the pool.

Pool State

The pool state as one of "Active" or "Suspended".

Port Number

The port number of the computer being sent SNMP messages.


A single, secure point of access to diverse information, applications, and people that can be customized and personalized.


A reusable web module that runs on a portal server. Portlets have predefined roles such as retrieving news headlines, searching a database, or displaying a calendar.

Prepared Stmt Cache Discard Count

The total number of statements discarded because the statement cache is at its maximum size.


A number assigned to the JVM thread.

Processing Time

The time (in milliseconds) it takes a registered portable interceptor to run.

Projected Count

The number of request in the Detail report, after you divide by the Sampling Rate for each request. For example, if your Sampling Rate is 2%, each request in the Detail report will count as 50 in the Projected Count. Since Sampling Rates are different for each request in the Detail report, this value is computed line by line and then the sum is displayed.

Publish Server

Accepts data from a data collector and aggregates it based on different needs.


Recent Activity

A diagnostic tool provides server activity analysis reports regarding memory.

Recent Requests

The requests that are recently completed.

Recycle Total

The total number of Connector connections that have been recycled in this Connector Pool since the pool was instantiated.


The bean's reentrance policy (reentrant or not reentrant within transaction).

Reference Lookup Time

The amount of time (in milliseconds) taken to lookup an object reference before method dispatch can be carried out.

Registered EJBs

The number of registered EJBs on the application server.

Registered Servlets

The number of registered servlets on the application server.

Remote Active Sessions

The number of active remote communication sessions attached and active within the server instance during the interval.

Remote Bytes Received

The number of bytes transferred to the server from all remotely attached clients.

Remote Bytes Sent

The number of bytes transferred from the server to all remotely attached clients.

Remote Existing Sessions

The number of existing remote communication sessions at the end of the interval.

Remote Host

The host name of the client initialing the request.

Remote IP

The IP address of the client initialing the request.


Request by a client for a particular server resource. This resource is often a Web page or a Java application.

Request Name

1) The name of the request submitted to the server. 2) Allows the user to assign alternate request identifiers that are more meaningful and appropriate to the chosen programming model of the application.

Request Object

The J2EE server converts an HTTP request to an HTTP request object and delivers it to the Web component identified by the request URL. The Web component fills in an HTTP response object, which the server converts to an HTTP response and sends to the client. NAME=Request Object Attributes The attributes bound to the request object.

Request Sampling Rate

The percentage of requests stored in the database for reporting and analysis.

Request Type

The type of request either EJB, JSP, or servlet.

Request URL

The URL associated with this request.


The total number of times the Servlet or JSP was requested during the interval.

Resident Time

The time a request has been active and served up to now.


1) The full name of the EJB. 2) The resource selected for trapping, i.e., Occurrence, CPU time, Resident time, Wait time, SQL Resident time, HTTP request parameters, or SQL statements. 3) The full name of the servlet or JSP on the application server.

Resource Adapter Link Ref

The Resource Adapter Link Reference for cases where this Connection Factory refers to an existing Resource Adapter deployment.

Response Time (ms)

The response time (in milliseconds) a servlet request is finished.

Return Codes (CICS only)

The value of the response code field in the CICS EXEC interface block (the value of RESP in an EXEC CICS call).

Returns Discarded

The number of times the returning object was discarded because the pool was full. This applies to entity and stateless beans.

Returns to Pool

The number of calls returning an object to the pool. This applies to entity and stateless beans.


Remote Method Invocation. A standard from Sun for distributed objects written in Java. RMI is a remote procedure call (RPC), which allows Java objects (software components) stored in the network to be run remotely.


The administrator assigns a role to each user. The system default roles are Administrator, Operator, and User. The administrator can create custom roles to suit the needs of their specific environment.

Rolling Date

The number you place in this field will represent the days over which the average response will be calculated for the baseline. The response time on the Application Overview page will be compared to this baseline.

Run-time Environment

The specifics regarding the set up and installation of a server. The Application Monitor provides details for three environments: System, Java, and application server.

Run-time Exception

The exception generated by an application during the normal operation of the Java Virtual Machine.


The thread is active or executing.



Server Activity Display. Tracks transactions and requests and provides detailed thread data for an application server at a specific point in time.

Sample Count

The number of requests in the Detail report.

Sample End Time

The time that the last sample arrived.

Sample Start Time

The time that the system receives the first sample.

Sample Sum

The total number of samples collected for the report period.

Sampling Frequency

The percentage of requests stored in the database for reporting and analysis.


A time defined by the user when the system switches to a new monitoring level.

Secondary Distribution Names

The names of the remote servers (e.g. myserver) of which the local server is hosting secondary objects. The name is appended with a number to indicate the number of secondaries hosted on behalf of that server.

Security Information

The path name where the Security Policy file is stored.


1) The selector associated with this consumer. 2) The selector for the durable subscriber.

Serializable Session Object Size

The average size of session objects at session level including only serializable attributes in the cache.

Server Activity Display

Tracks transactions and requests and provides detailed thread data for an application server at a specific point in time.

Server Name

1) The name of the server where the system captured the data. 2) The combination of the admin server name and the Application Server name and the process ID

Server Names

The names of the servers in the cluster.

Server Overview

This page displays comprehensive server information, activity, statistics, and resource data for the selected server.

Server Region Name

The name of the Server Region which belongs to the server instance.

Server Resource Trap

A trap on system resource activity, as opposed to a user's application behavior.

Server Scope

The server(s) on which the report is being generated.

Server Session Usage

The percentage of ServerSession pool in use. This applies to Message Driven beans.


A Java application that runs in a Web server or application server and provides server-side processing, typically to access a database or perform e-commerce processing. Servlets provide a Java-based component-based, platform-independent method for building Web-based applications. It is a Java-based replacement for CGI scripts, Active Server Pages (ASPs) and proprietary plug-ins written in C and C++ for specific Web servers (ISAPI, NSAPI).

Servlet Name

The name of the Servlet or JSP on the application server.

Servlet Volume

The number of times that servlet requests were sent to the application server.

Servlet/JSP Activity

The amount of servlet/JSP calls made for the last hour with a 5 minute refresh rate.

Servlet/JSP Coverage

The graphical representation of the most frequently accessed servlet/JSPs.

Session Attributes

The attributes bound to the session object.

Session Create Time

The time the server created the session.

Session Created

The number of HTTP sessions created.

Session ID

The ID associated with an HTTP session object.

Session Invalidate Time

The average time from when a session is invalidated until it is finished.

Session Object

The session object is used to share information for one user across multiple pages while visiting a Web site. In other words, a session object is a way of retaining state for a normally stateless HTTP Web site. The J2EE container creates the session object when a client makes a request to the server. When the same client makes another request, the server finds the session object associated with that client and uses it.

Sessions Invalidated

The number of HTTP sessions invalidated.

Shrink Count Down Time

The amount of time left (in minutes) until an attempt to shrink the pool will be made.

Shrink Period Minutes

The Shrink Period (in minutes) of this Connector connection pool.

Shrinking Enabled

The shrinking of the Connector connection pool is enabled.

Size of Live Objects on Heap

The size of the Instance data that is currently in storage.

Size Percent of Total Size

The total size of the Java objects belonging to the same Java class as the heap size.

SMF Data

This feature provides detailed information from SMF records published periodically by WebSphere.

Snapshot Date

The date when the currently displayed data was frozen.

Snapshot Time

The time when the currently displayed data was frozen.


Simple Network Management Protocol. A set of protocols for managing complex networks.

Source Info

An informative string about the component's source.

SQL Call

The SQL operation performed on the Table.

SQL Statement

The SQL statement that is currently processed by the connection.

SSL Listen Address

Secured Socket Layer. The address on which the server is listening for connections.

SSL Listening Port

Secured Socket Layer. The secure port the application server uses to listen for requests.

Stack Trace

Displays a list of method calls, starting with the method being executed when the stack trace was requested, in Last in First Out order. For each method, the printout includes the class name, method name, and (optionally) a line number.

Start Date/Time

An ID assigned to a thread. The ID cannot be modified.


The state of the messaging bridge.

Stateful Session Bean

A session bean with a conversational state.

Stateless Session Bean

A session bean with no conversational state. All instances of a stateless session bean are identical.


1) A string representation of the transaction's status. 2) The component's status.

Stored Procedure

A block of procedural constructs and embedded SQL statements that is stored in a database and that can be called by name. Stored procedures allow an application program to be run in two parts, one on the client and the other on the server, so that one call can produce several accesses to the database.

Subscription Name

The subscription name for the durable subscriber.


A user paused the thread and can re-activate it when ready.

System Paging Rate

A paging file is a space on a hard disk used as the virtual memory extension of a computer's real memory (RAM). Having a paging file allows a computer's operating system to pretend that it has more RAM than it actually does. The least recently used files in RAM can be swapped out to the hard disk until they are needed later so that new files can be loaded into RAM. In larger operating systems, the units that are moved are called pages and the swapping process is called paging. Paging rate is referring to the rate of the swapping process in kilobytes per second.

System Resources

It displays the summary for all the system resource usage information with a 5 minute refresh rate.

System Resources Polling Frequency

Set how often the system resources request information from your Application Server. The default setting is 60 seconds.


Table Name

The name of the table affected by the SQL call.

Target Type

Maps to the metric for a trap, e.g., DB Pool Size or CPU Time.


A thread allows multiple streams of execution concurrently and independently in the same program. A thread is a thread of control.

Thread Create

The total number of thread created.

Thread Destroy

The total number of threads destroyed.

Thread Dump

A detailed information of memory allocation of threads in a JVM.

Thread ID

ID assigned to a thread by the Application Monitor when the thread is created. The ID cannot be modified.

Thread Pool

A pool of threads available for servicing client requests. The J2EE application server pre-creates a collection of threads. This collection is the pool. As new requests arrive to the server, it assigns a request to a free thread. When the request completes, the thread is returned to the pool.

Thread Stack

A list of methods currently being executed in a thread. In a thread, method A invokes method B that invokes method C, the stack is A->B->C. When C finishes, it becomes A->B.

Thread Status

Suspend status denotes that an operator suspended a thread, while Active status denotes an executing thread. To return a thread to active status, select Resume.

Thread Type

The different types include, JSP, EJB, or Servlet.

Thread's Priority

The priority of the thread when processing requests.


The threshold monitors the action or behavior of the server activity. The system will alert the user when the server exceeds the threshold.

Throughput (response/min, Last Hour)

The amount of transactions / requests being transmitted in a given period of time, with the response time per minute of a server to process a transaction in last hour.

Time Since Last Activated

The time difference in milliseconds of the previous and current access time stamps. This does not include sessions timed out.

Top CPU Intensive Methods Report

This report displays the top unique methods that, during the report period, took the most cumulative CPU time and the sum total CPU time. It displays up to 100 records.

Top CPU Intensive Requests Report

This report displays top unique requests that, during the report period, took the most cumulative CPU time and the sum total CPU time. It displays up to 100 records.

Top Method Used Report

This report displays the top unique methods used during the report period and how often each request was used. It displays up to 100 records.

Top Request Used Report

This report displays the top unique requests used during the report period and how often each request was used. It displays up to 100 records.

Top Slowest Methods Report

This report displays the top unique methods that took the longest time to complete and the average completion time. It displays up to 100 records.

Top Slowest Requests Report

This report displays the top unique requests that took the longest time to complete and the average completion time. It displays up to 100 records.

Top SQL Intensive Methods Report

This report displays the top unique methods that made the highest sum total of SQL calls during the report period. It displays up to 100 records.

Top SQL Intensive Requests Report

This report displays the top unique requests that made the highest sum total of SQL calls during the report period. It displays up to 100 records.

Top SQL Used Report

This report displays the top five SQL call types that were most often called, as well as the number of calls during the report period.

Top Tables Used Report

This report displays the tables that were called most often. It also displays the number of times each table was called during the report period. It displays up to 100 records.

Total Acquisition Time

The amount of time spent acquiring a lock.

Total Contention Time

The total Time (in milliseconds) spent on monitor contention. Format is positive integer.

Total CPU%

1) The percentage of time that the entire platform was using CPU. 2) The system highlights this number on the Server Statistics Overview page when the percent of the entire platform CPU usage exceeds the threshold value.

Total GC Time

The total time of a routine that searches memory to reclaim space from program segments or inactive data.

Total Memory

The total memory in JVM runtime.

Total Method Calls

1) The number of calls to the bean's remote methods. 2) The total number of methods being processed. A measure of server activity.

Total Method Count

The total number of methods being processed by the selected request.

Total Requests

1) The total number of requests send to the ORB. 2) The total number of requests a servlet processed. 3) The total number of times the Servlet or JSP services made a request during the interval.

Total Resident Time

The total amount of time, in milliseconds, since the start of the request.

Total Sessions

The total number of HTTP sessions tracked by the server at the interval. This includes both active and inactive sessions.

Total SQL Used

The top five SQL call types that were most often called and the number of calls.

Total Thread Count

The total number of active requests being serviced by the selected application server.

Total Time to Acquire Locks

The total time (in milliseconds) spent on monitor lock. Format is positive integer.

Total Volume

1) The number of completed requests. 2) The system highlights this number on the Server Statistics overview page when the total number of completed requests exceeds the threshold value.

Transaction Failure Rate

The percentage of transactions handled by the Application Server that are not successfully completed.

Transaction Policy


Transaction Server Name

1) The name of the Sysplex. 2) The name of the WebSphere Server.

Transaction Supported

The transaction support level for the Resource Adapter for this Connector connection pool.

Transaction Volume

The number of times that transactions were executed on the application server.


A set of conditions, thresholds, and criterion set by the user, when the system meets the settings, an action occurs.

Trap Action History

When a trap meets any condition and action, a record will be replaced in this page.

Trap Condition

The user-defined criteria that combine with selected resource to set a trap.

Trap Type

A way of categorizing two different types of metrics for the application and server resource trap.

Trend Report

This report displays the results of the defined data set. To view the detailed report broken down by different criteria, choose an option from the Additional Detail list box, and then click the data points.


Unique Request

All the instances of a specific request string.


The amount of time in seconds the JVM has been running.

Used Memory

The used memory in JVM runtime.

User Name

The database user name used for creating the connection.


Universally Unique Identifier. An identifier for each symbol in an activity diagram.


Volume Delta

1) The number of completed requests since the page refreshed. 2) The system highlights this number on the Server Statistics Overview page when the number of completed requests since the last refresh exceeds the threshold value.

Volume Throughput

The amount of data being processed in a specified amount of time.


Wait Seconds High Count

The number of seconds the longest waiter for a connection waited.

Waiting Condition

The thread is waiting on a condition variable.

Waiting Monitor

The thread is waiting on a monitor.

Web Container

Handles requests for servlets, JSP files, and other types of server-side include coding. The Web container creates servlet instances, loads and unloads servlets, creates and manages requests and response objects, and performs other tasks for managing servlets effectively.

Web Session Browser

This feature will provide session information for one server or multiple servers and will allow you to find a specific session across one or more servers.

Web Server Overview

It displays the information for the performance of Web servers.

Web Services Request Type

This is the Web Services transactions in and out of the Application Server. Support includes JAX-RPC over SOAP/HTTP and SOAP/JMS.

WebLogic Version

The version of the server.


Workload Manager

WLM Associated Service Class

This page offers a ways to view selected data from the Workload Manager for z/OS and OS/390, for the address space associated with a particular server, as well as its associated service class data and service class period data.

WLM Associated Service Class Period

This page displays the response time distribution detail and delay detail information about each subsystem work manager.

Worst Performers

The 5 worst performing EJBs and Servlets. Worst Performing is defined as the slowest response time.

Parent topic:

ITCAM for Application Diagnostics - Managing Server Visualization Engine


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