iSeries: Application Programming Ref

  1. iSeries: Application Programming Ref.

  2. Tables

  3. About this book

  4. Who this book is for

  5. What we need to know to understand this book

  6. How to use this book

  7. Appearance of text in this book

  8. Terms used in this book

  9. Changes for this edition (SC34-6599-00)

  10. Data type descriptions

  11. Elementary data types

  12. Conventions used in the descriptions of data types

  13. Elementary data types

  14. MQBYTE - Byte

  15. MQBYTEn - String of n bytes

  16. MQCHAR - character

  17. MQCHARn - String of n characters

  18. MQHCONN - Connection handle

  19. MQHOBJ - Object handle

  20. MQINT32 - 32 bit integer

  21. MQUINT32 - 32 bit unsigned integer

  22. MQINT64 - 64 bit integer

  23. MQUINT64 - 64 bit unsigned integer

  24. MQLONG - Long integer

  25. PMQINT32 - Pointer to data of type MQINT32

  26. PMQUINT32 - Pointer to data of type MQUINT32

  27. PMQINT64 - Pointer to data of type MQINT64

  28. PMQUINT64 - Pointer to data of type MQUINT64

  29. Elementary data types

  30. Language considerations

  31. COPY files

  32. Calls

  33. Call parameters

  34. Structures

  35. Named constants

  36. MQI procedures

  37. Threading considerations

  38. Commitment control

  39. Coding the bound calls

  40. Notational conventions

  41. MQBO - Begin options

  42. Overview

  43. Fields

  44. BOOPT (10-digit signed integer)

  45. BOSID (4-byte character string)

  46. BOVER (10-digit signed integer)

  47. Initial values and RPG declaration

  48. RPG declaration (copy file CMQBOH)

  49. MQCIH - CICS bridge header

  50. Overview

  51. Fields

  52. CIAC (4-byte character string)

  53. CIADS (10-digit signed integer)

  54. CIAI (4-byte character string)

  55. CIAUT (8-byte character string)

  56. CICC (10-digit signed integer)

  57. CICNC (4-byte character string)

  58. CICP (10-digit signed integer)

  59. CICSI (10-digit signed integer)

  60. CICT (10-digit signed integer)

  61. CIENC (10-digit signed integer)

  62. CIEO (10-digit signed integer)

  63. CIFAC (8-byte bit string)

  64. CIFKT (10-digit signed integer)

  65. CIFL (4-byte character string)

  66. CIFLG (10-digit signed integer)

  67. CIFMT (8-byte character string)

  68. CIFNC (4-byte character string)

  69. CIGWI (10-digit signed integer)

  70. CIII (10-digit signed integer)

  71. CILEN (10-digit signed integer)

  72. CILT (10-digit signed integer)

  73. CINTI (4-byte character string)

  74. CIODL (10-digit signed integer)

  75. CIREA (10-digit signed integer)

  76. CIRET (10-digit signed integer)

  77. CIRFM (8-byte character string)

  78. CIRSI (4-byte character string)

  79. CIRS1 (8-byte character string)

  80. CIRS2 (8-byte character string)

  81. CIRS3 (8-byte character string)

  82. CIRS4 (10-digit signed integer)

  83. CIRTI (4-byte character string)

  84. CISC (4-byte character string)

  85. CISID (4-byte character string)

  86. CITES (10-digit signed integer)

  87. CITI (4-byte character string)

  88. CIUOW (10-digit signed integer)

  89. CIVER (10-digit signed integer)

  90. Initial values and RPG declaration

  91. RPG declaration (copy file CMQCIHH)

  92. MQCNO - Connect options

  93. Overview

  94. Fields

  95. CNCT (128-byte bit string)

  96. CNOPT (10-digit signed integer)

  97. CNSID (4-byte character string)

  98. CNVER (10-digit signed integer)

  99. CNCID (24-byte character string)

  100. CNSPP (24-byte character string)

  101. CNSPO (10-digit signed integer)

  102. Initial values and RPG declaration

  103. RPG declaration (copy file CMQCNOH)

  104. MQDH - Distribution header

  105. Overview

  106. Fields

  107. DHCNT (10-digit signed integer)

  108. DHCSI (10-digit signed integer)

  109. DHENC (10-digit signed integer)

  110. DHFLG (10-digit signed integer)

  111. DHFMT (8-byte character string)

  112. DHLEN (10-digit signed integer)

  113. DHORO (10-digit signed integer)

  114. DHPRF (10-digit signed integer)

  115. DHPRO (10-digit signed integer)

  116. DHSID (4-byte character string)

  117. DHVER (10-digit signed integer)

  118. Initial values and RPG declaration

  119. RPG declaration (copy file CMQDHH)

  120. MQDLH - Dead-letter header

  121. Overview

  122. Fields

  123. DLCSI (10-digit signed integer)

  124. DLDM (48-byte character string)

  125. DLDQ (48-byte character string)

  126. DLENC (10-digit signed integer)

  127. DLFMT (8-byte character string)

  128. DLPAN (28-byte character string)

  129. DLPAT (10-digit signed integer)

  130. DLPD (8-byte character string)

  131. DLPT (8-byte character string)

  132. DLREA (10-digit signed integer)

  133. DLSID (4-byte character string)

  134. DLVER (10-digit signed integer)

  135. Initial values and RPG declaration

  136. RPG declaration (copy file CMQDLHH)

  137. MQGMO - Get-message options

  138. Overview

  139. Fields

  140. GMGST (1-byte character string)

  141. GMMO (10-digit signed integer)

  142. GMOPT (10-digit signed integer)

  143. GMRE1 (1-byte character string)

  144. GMRL (10-digit signed integer)

  145. GMRQN (48-byte character string)

  146. GMSEG (1-byte character string)

  147. GMSG1 (10-digit signed integer)

  148. GMSG2 (10-digit signed integer)

  149. GMSID (4-byte character string)

  150. GMSST (1-byte character string)

  151. GMTOK (16-byte bit string)

  152. GMVER (10-digit signed integer)

  153. GMWI (10-digit signed integer)

  154. Initial values and RPG declaration

  155. RPG declaration (copy file CMQGMOH)

  156. MQIIH - IMS information header

  157. Overview

  158. Fields

  159. IIAUT (8-byte character string)

  160. IICMT (1-byte character string)

  161. IICSI (10-digit signed integer)

  162. IIENC (10-digit signed integer)

  163. IIFLG (10-digit signed integer)

  164. IIFMT (8-byte character string)

  165. IILEN (10-digit signed integer)

  166. IILTO (8-byte character string)

  167. IIMMN (8-byte character string)

  168. IIRFM (8-byte character string)

  169. IIRSV (1-byte character string)

  170. IISEC (1-byte character string)

  171. IISID (4-byte character string)

  172. IITID (16-byte bit string)

  173. IITST (1-byte character string)

  174. IIVER (10-digit signed integer)

  175. Initial values and RPG declaration

  176. RPG declaration (copy file CMQIIHH)

  177. MQMD - Message descriptor

  178. Overview

  179. Fields

  180. MDACC (32-byte bit string)

  181. MDAID (32-byte character string)

  182. MDAOD (4-byte character string)

  183. MDBOC (10-digit signed integer)

  184. MDCID (24-byte bit string)

  185. MDCSI (10-digit signed integer)

  186. MDENC (10-digit signed integer)

  187. MDEXP (10-digit signed integer)

  188. MDFB (10-digit signed integer)

  189. MDFMT (8-byte character string)

  190. MDGID (24-byte bit string)

  191. MDMFL (10-digit signed integer)

  192. MDMID (24-byte bit string)

  193. MDMT (10-digit signed integer)

  194. MDOFF (10-digit signed integer)

  195. MDOLN (10-digit signed integer)

  196. MDPAN (28-byte character string)

  197. MDPAT (10-digit signed integer)

  198. MDPD (8-byte character string)

  199. MDPER (10-digit signed integer)

  200. MDPRI (10-digit signed integer)

  201. MDPT (8-byte character string)

  202. MDREP (10-digit signed integer)

  203. MDRM (48-byte character string)

  204. MDRQ (48-byte character string)

  205. MDSEQ (10-digit signed integer)

  206. MDSID (4-byte character string)

  207. MDUID (12-byte character string)

  208. MDVER (10-digit signed integer)

  209. Initial values and RPG declaration

  210. RPG declaration (copy file CMQMDH)

  211. MQMDE - Message descriptor extension

  212. Overview

  213. Fields

  214. MECSI (10-digit signed integer)

  215. MEENC (10-digit signed integer)

  216. MEFLG (10-digit signed integer)

  217. MEFMT (8-byte character string)

  218. MEGID (24-byte bit string)

  219. MELEN (10-digit signed integer)

  220. MEMFL (10-digit signed integer)

  221. MEOFF (10-digit signed integer)

  222. MEOLN (10-digit signed integer)

  223. MESEQ (10-digit signed integer)

  224. MESID (4-byte character string)

  225. MEVER (10-digit signed integer)

  226. Initial values and RPG declaration

  227. RPG declaration (copy file CMQMDEH)

  228. MQOD - Object descriptor

  229. Overview

  230. Fields

  231. ODASI (40-byte bit string)

  232. ODAU (12-byte character string)

  233. ODDN (48-byte character string)

  234. ODIDC (10-digit signed integer)

  235. ODKDC (10-digit signed integer)

  236. ODMN (48-byte character string)

  237. ODON (48-byte character string)

  238. ODORO (10-digit signed integer)

  239. ODORP (pointer)

  240. ODOT (10-digit signed integer)

  241. ODREC (10-digit signed integer)

  242. ODRMN (48-byte character string)

  243. ODRQN (48-byte character string)

  244. ODRRO (10-digit signed integer)

  245. ODRRP (pointer)

  246. ODSID (4-byte character string)

  247. ODUDC (10-digit signed integer)

  248. ODVER (10-digit signed integer)

  249. Initial values and RPG declaration

  250. RPG declaration (copy file CMQODH)

  251. MQOR - Object record

  252. Overview

  253. Fields

  254. ORMN (48-byte character string)

  255. ORON (48-byte character string)

  256. Initial values and RPG declaration

  257. RPG declaration (copy file CMQORH)

  258. MQPMO - Put-message options

  259. Overview

  260. Fields

  261. PMCT (10-digit signed integer)

  262. PMIDC (10-digit signed integer)

  263. PMKDC (10-digit signed integer)

  264. PMOPT (10-digit signed integer)

  265. PMPRF (10-digit signed integer)

  266. PMPRO (10-digit signed integer)

  267. PMPRP (pointer)

  268. PMREC (10-digit signed integer)

  269. PMRMN (48-byte character string)

  270. PMRQN (48-byte character string)

  271. PMRRO (10-digit signed integer)

  272. PMRRP (pointer)

  273. PMSID (4-byte character string)

  274. PMTO (10-digit signed integer)

  275. PMUDC (10-digit signed integer)

  276. PMVER (10-digit signed integer)

  277. Initial values and RPG declaration

  278. RPG declaration (copy file CMQPMOH)

  279. MQPMR - Put-message record

  280. Overview

  281. Fields

  282. PRACC (32-byte bit string)

  283. PRCID (24-byte bit string)

  284. PRFB (10-digit signed integer)

  285. PRGID (24-byte bit string)

  286. PRMID (24-byte bit string)

  287. Initial values and RPG declaration

  288. RPG declaration

  289. MQRFH - Rules and formatting header

  290. Overview

  291. Fields

  292. RFCSI (10-digit signed integer)

  293. RFENC (10-digit signed integer)

  294. RFFLG (10-digit signed integer)

  295. RFFMT (8-byte character string)

  296. RFLEN (10-digit signed integer)

  297. RFNVS (n-byte character string)

  298. RFSID (4-byte character string)

  299. RFVER (10-digit signed integer)

  300. Initial values and RPG declaration

  301. RPG declaration (copy file CMQRFHH)

  302. MQRFH2 - Rules and formatting header 2

  303. Overview

  304. Fields

  305. RF2CSI (10-digit signed integer)

  306. RF2ENC (10-digit signed integer)

  307. RF2FLG (10-digit signed integer)

  308. RF2FMT (8-byte character string)

  309. RF2LEN (10-digit signed integer)

  310. RF2NVC (10-digit signed integer)

  311. RF2NVD (n-byte character string)

  312. RF2NVL (10-digit signed integer)

  313. RF2SID (4-byte character string)

  314. RF2VER (10-digit signed integer)

  315. Initial values and RPG declaration

  316. RPG declaration (copy file CMQRFH2H)

  317. MQRMH - Reference message header

  318. Overview

  319. Fields

  320. RMCSI (10-digit signed integer)

  321. RMDEL (10-digit signed integer)

  322. RMDEO (10-digit signed integer)

  323. RMDL (10-digit signed integer)

  324. RMDNL (10-digit signed integer)

  325. RMDNO (10-digit signed integer)

  326. RMDO (10-digit signed integer)

  327. RMDO2 (10-digit signed integer)

  328. RMENC (10-digit signed integer)

  329. RMFLG (10-digit signed integer)

  330. RMFMT (8-byte character string)

  331. RMLEN (10-digit signed integer)

  332. RMOII (24-byte bit string)

  333. RMOT (8-byte character string)

  334. RMSEL (10-digit signed integer)

  335. RMSEO (10-digit signed integer)

  336. RMSID (4-byte character string)

  337. RMSNL (10-digit signed integer)

  338. RMSNO (10-digit signed integer)

  339. RMVER (10-digit signed integer)

  340. Initial values and RPG declaration

  341. RPG declaration (copy file CMQRMHH)

  342. MQRR - Response record

  343. Overview

  344. Fields

  345. RRCC (10-digit signed integer)

  346. RRREA (10-digit signed integer)

  347. Initial values and RPG declaration

  348. RPG declaration (copy file CMQRRH)

  349. MQTM - Trigger message

  350. Overview

  351. Fields

  352. TMAI (256-byte character string)

  353. TMAT (10-digit signed integer)

  354. TMED (128-byte character string)

  355. TMPN (48-byte character string)

  356. TMQN (48-byte character string)

  357. TMSID (4-byte character string)

  358. TMTD (64-byte character string)

  359. TMUD (128-byte character string)

  360. TMVER (10-digit signed integer)

  361. Initial values and RPG declaration

  362. RPG declaration (copy file CMQTMH)

  363. MQTMC2 - Trigger message 2 (character format)

  364. Overview

  365. Fields

  366. TC2AI (256-byte character string)

  367. TC2AT (4-byte character string)

  368. TC2ED (128-byte character string)

  369. TC2PN (48-byte character string)

  370. TC2QMN (48-byte character string)

  371. TC2QN (48-byte character string)

  372. TC2SID (4-byte character string)

  373. TC2TD (64-byte character string)

  374. TC2UD (128-byte character string)

  375. TC2VER (4-byte character string)

  376. Initial values and RPG declaration

  377. RPG declaration (copy file CMQTMC2H)

  378. MQWIH - Work information header

  379. Overview

  380. Fields

  381. WICSI (10-digit signed integer)

  382. WIENC (10-digit signed integer)

  383. WIFLG (10-digit signed integer)

  384. WIFMT (8-byte character string)

  385. WILEN (10-digit signed integer)

  386. WIRSV (32-byte character string)

  387. WISID (4-byte character string)

  388. WISNM (32-byte character string)

  389. WISST (8-byte character string)

  390. WITOK (16-byte bit string)

  391. WIVER (10-digit signed integer)

  392. Initial values and RPG declaration

  393. RPG declaration (copy file CMQWIHH)

  394. MQXQH - Transmission-queue header

  395. Overview

  396. Fields

  397. XQMD (MQMD1)

  398. XQRQ (48-byte character string)

  399. XQRQM (48-byte character string)

  400. XQSID (4-byte character string)

  401. XQVER (10-digit signed integer)

  402. Initial values and RPG declaration

  403. RPG declaration (copy file CMQXQHH)

  404. Function calls

  405. Call descriptions

  406. Conventions used in the call descriptions

  407. MQBACK - Back out changes

  408. Syntax

  409. Parameters

  410. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  411. COMCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  412. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  413. Usage notes

  414. RPG invocation

  415. MQBEGIN - Begin unit of work

  416. Syntax

  417. Parameters

  418. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  419. BEGOP (MQBO) - input/output

  420. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  421. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  422. Usage notes

  423. RPG invocation (ILE)

  424. MQCLOSE - Close object

  425. Syntax

  426. Parameters

  427. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  428. HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input/output

  429. OPTS (10-digit signed integer) - input

  430. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  431. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  432. Usage notes

  433. RPG invocation

  434. MQCMIT - Commit changes

  435. Syntax

  436. Parameters

  437. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  438. COMCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  439. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  440. Usage notes

  441. RPG invocation

  442. MQCONN - Connect queue manager

  443. Syntax

  444. Parameters

  445. QMNAME (48-byte character string) - input

  446. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - output

  447. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  448. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  449. Usage notes

  450. RPG invocation

  451. MQCONNX - Connect queue manager (extended)

  452. Syntax

  453. Parameters

  454. QMNAME (48-byte character string) - input

  455. CNOPT (MQCNO) - input/output

  456. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - output

  457. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  458. CONNID (10-digit signed integer) - output

  459. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  460. RPG invocation

  461. MQDISC - Disconnect queue manager

  462. Syntax

  463. Parameters

  464. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input/output

  465. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  466. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  467. Usage notes

  468. RPG invocation

  469. MQGET - Get message

  470. Syntax

  471. Parameters

  472. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  473. HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input

  474. MSGDSC (MQMD) - input/output

  475. GMO (MQGMO) - input/output

  476. BUFLEN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  477. BUFFER (1-byte bit string x BUFLEN) - output

  478. DATLEN (10-digit signed integer) - output

  479. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  480. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  481. Usage notes

  482. RPG invocation

  483. MQINQ - Inquire about object attributes

  484. Syntax

  485. Parameters

  486. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  487. HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input

  488. SELCNT (10-digit signed integer) - input

  489. SELS (10-digit signed integer x SELCNT) - input

  490. IACNT (10-digit signed integer) - input

  491. INTATR (10-digit signed integer x IACNT) - output

  492. CALEN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  493. CHRATR (1-byte character string x CALEN) - output

  494. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  495. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  496. Usage notes

  497. RPG invocation

  498. MQOPEN - Open object

  499. Syntax

  500. Parameters

  501. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  502. OBJDSC (MQOD) - input/output

  503. OPTS (10-digit signed integer) - input

  504. HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - output

  505. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  506. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  507. Usage notes

  508. RPG invocation

  509. MQPUT - Put message

  510. Syntax

  511. Parameters

  512. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  513. HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input

  514. MSGDSC (MQMD) - input/output

  515. PMO (MQPMO) - input/output

  516. BUFLEN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  517. BUFFER (1-byte bit string x BUFLEN) - input

  518. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  519. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  520. Usage notes

  521. RPG invocation

  522. MQPUT1 - Put one message

  523. Syntax

  524. Parameters

  525. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  526. OBJDSC (MQOD) - input/output

  527. MSGDSC (MQMD) - input/output

  528. PMO (MQPMO) - input/output

  529. BUFLEN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  530. BUFFER (1-byte bit string x BUFLEN) - input

  531. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  532. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  533. Usage notes

  534. RPG invocation

  535. MQSET - Set object attributes

  536. Syntax

  537. Parameters

  538. HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  539. HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input

  540. SELCNT (10-digit signed integer) - input

  541. SELS (10-digit signed integer x SELCNT) - input

  542. IACNT (10-digit signed integer) - input

  543. INTATR (10-digit signed integer x IACNT) - input

  544. CALEN (10-digit signed integer) - input

  545. CHRATR (1-byte character string x CALEN) - input

  546. CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output

  547. REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output

  548. Usage notes

  549. RPG invocation

  550. Attributes of objects

  551. Attributes for queues

  552. Overview

  553. AlterationDate (12-byte character string)

  554. AlterationTime (8-byte character string)

  555. BackoutRequeueQName (48-byte character string)

  556. BackoutThreshold (10-digit signed integer)

  557. BaseQName (48-byte character string)

  558. CFStrucName (12-byte character string)

  559. ClusterName (48-byte character string)

  560. ClusterNamelist (48-byte character string)

  561. CreationDate (12-byte character string)

  562. CreationTime (8-byte character string)

  563. CurrentQDepth (10-digit signed integer)

  564. DefBind (10-digit signed integer)

  565. DefinitionType (10-digit signed integer)

  566. DefInputOpenOption (10-digit signed integer)

  567. DefPersistence (10-digit signed integer)

  568. DefPriority (10-digit signed integer)

  569. DistLists (10-digit signed integer)

  570. HardenGetBackout (10-digit signed integer)

  571. InhibitGet (10-digit signed integer)

  572. InhibitPut (10-digit signed integer)

  573. InitiationQName (48-byte character string)

  574. MaxMsgLength (10-digit signed integer)

  575. MaxQDepth (10-digit signed integer)

  576. MediaLog (10-digit signed integer)

  577. MsgDeliverySequence (10-digit signed integer)

  578. OpenInputCount (10-digit signed integer)

  579. OpenOutputCount (10-digit signed integer)

  580. ProcessName (48-byte character string)

  581. QDepthHighEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  582. QDepthHighLimit (10-digit signed integer)

  583. QDepthLowEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  584. QDepthLowLimit (10-digit signed integer)

  585. QDepthMaxEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  586. QDesc (64-byte character string)

  587. QName (48-byte character string)

  588. QServiceInterval (10-digit signed integer)

  589. QServiceIntervalEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  590. QSGDisp (10-digit signed integer)

  591. QType (10-digit signed integer)

  592. RemoteQMgrName (48-byte character string)

  593. RemoteQName (48-byte character string)

  594. RetentionInterval (10-digit signed integer)

  595. Scope (10-digit signed integer)

  596. Shareability (10-digit signed integer)

  597. TriggerControl (10-digit signed integer)

  598. TriggerData (64-byte character string)

  599. TriggerDepth (10-digit signed integer)

  600. TriggerMsgPriority (10-digit signed integer)

  601. TriggerType (10-digit signed integer)

  602. Usage (10-digit signed integer)

  603. XmitQName (48-byte character string)

  604. Attributes for namelists

  605. Attribute descriptions

  606. AlterationDate (12-byte character string)

  607. AlterationTime (8-byte character string)

  608. NameCount (10-digit signed integer)

  609. NamelistDesc (64-byte character string)

  610. NamelistName (48-byte character string)

  611. Names (48-byte character string x NameCount)

  612. Attributes for process definitions

  613. Attribute descriptions

  614. AlterationDate (12-byte character string)

  615. AlterationTime (8-byte character string)

  616. ApplId (256-byte character string)

  617. ApplType (10-digit signed integer)

  618. EnvData (128-byte character string)

  619. ProcessDesc (64-byte character string)

  620. ProcessName (48-byte character string)

  621. UserData (128-byte character string)

  622. Attributes for the queue manager

  623. Attribute descriptions

  624. AlterationDate (12-byte character string)

  625. AlterationTime (8-byte character string)

  626. AuthorityEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  627. BridgeEvent (character string)

  628. ChannelAutoDef (10-digit signed integer)

  629. ChannelAutoDefEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  630. ChannelAutoDefExit (20-byte character string)

  631. ChannelEvent (character string)

  632. ClusterCacheType (32-byte character string)

  633. ClusterWorkloadData (32-byte character string)

  634. ClusterWorkloadExit (20-byte character string)

  635. ClusterWorkloadLength (10-digit signed integer)

  636. CodedCharSetId (10-digit signed integer)

  637. CommandEvent (integer)

  638. CommandInputQName (48-byte character string)

  639. CommandLevel (10-digit signed integer)

  640. ConfigurationEvent

  641. DeadLetterQName (48-byte character string)

  642. DefXmitQName (48-byte character string)

  643. DistLists (10-digit signed integer)

  644. InhibitEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  645. LocalEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  646. LoggerEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  647. MaxHandles (10-digit signed integer)

  648. MaxMsgLength (10-digit signed integer)

  649. MaxPriority (10-digit signed integer)

  650. MaxUncommittedMsgs (10-digit signed integer)

  651. PerformanceEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  652. Platform (10-digit signed integer)

  653. QMgrDesc (64-byte character string)

  654. QMgrIdentifier (48-byte character string)

  655. QMgrName (48-byte character string)

  656. RemoteEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  657. RepositoryName (48-byte character string)

  658. RepositoryNamelist (48-byte character string)

  659. SQQMName (character string)

  660. SSLEvent (character string)

  661. SSLKeyResetCount (integer)

  662. StartStopEvent (10-digit signed integer)

  663. SyncPoint (10-digit signed integer)

  664. TraceRouteRecording (10-digit signed integer)

  665. TriggerInterval (10-digit signed integer)

  666. Attributes for authentication information

  667. Attribute descriptions

  668. AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)

  669. AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)

  670. AuthInfoConnName (MQCHAR264)

  671. AuthInfoDesc (MQCHAR64)

  672. AuthInfoName (MQCHAR48)

  673. AuthInfoType (MQLONG)

  674. LDAPPassword (MQCHAR32)


  676. Applications

  677. Building your application

  678. WebSphere MQ copy files

  679. Preparing your programs to run

  680. Interfaces to the i5/OS external syncpoint manager

  681. Syncpoints in CICS for AS/400 applications

  682. Sample programs

  683. Features demonstrated in the sample programs

  684. Preparing and running the sample programs

  685. Running the sample programs

  686. The Put sample program

  687. Design of the Put sample program

  688. The Browse sample program

  689. Design of the Browse sample program

  690. The Get sample program

  691. Design of the Get sample program

  692. The Request sample program

  693. Using triggering with the Request sample

  694. Design of the Request sample program

  695. The Echo sample program

  696. Design of the Echo sample program

  697. The Inquire sample program

  698. Design of the Inquire sample program

  699. The Set sample program

  700. Design of the Set sample program

  701. The Triggering sample programs

  702. The AMQ3TRG4 sample trigger monitor

  703. The AMQ3SRV4 sample trigger server

  704. Ending the Triggering sample programs

  705. Running the samples using remote queues

  706. Appendixes

  707. Appendix A. Return codes

  708. Completion codes

  709. Reason codes

  710. Appendix B. Rules for validating MQI options

  711. MQOPEN call

  712. MQPUT call

  713. MQPUT1 call

  714. MQGET call

  715. MQCLOSE call

  716. Appendix C. Machine encodings

  717. Binary-integer encoding

  718. Packed-decimal-integer encoding

  719. Floating-point encoding

  720. Constructing encodings

  721. Analyzing encodings

  722. Using arithmetic

  723. Summary of machine architecture encodings

  724. Appendix D. Report options and message flags

  725. Structure of the report field

  726. Analyzing the report field

  727. Using arithmetic

  728. Structure of the message-flags field

  729. Appendix E. Data conversion

  730. Conversion processing

  731. Processing conventions

  732. Conversion of report messages

  733. MQDXP - Data-conversion exit parameter

  734. Overview

  735. Fields

  736. RPG declaration (copy file CMQDXPH)

  737. MQXCNVC - Convert characters

  738. Syntax

  739. Parameters

  740. RPG invocation (ILE)

  741. MQCONVX - Data conversion exit

  742. Syntax

  743. Parameters

  744. Usage notes

  745. RPG invocation (ILE)

  746. Appendix F. Notices

  747. Programming interface information

  748. Trademarks

  749. Index