iSeries: Application Programming Ref
- iSeries: Application Programming Ref.
- Tables
- About this book
- Who this book is for
- What we need to know to understand this book
- How to use this book
- Appearance of text in this book
- Terms used in this book
- Changes for this edition (SC34-6599-00)
- Data type descriptions
- Elementary data types
- Conventions used in the descriptions of data types
- Elementary data types
- MQBYTE - Byte
- MQBYTEn - String of n bytes
- MQCHAR - character
- MQCHARn - String of n characters
- MQHCONN - Connection handle
- MQHOBJ - Object handle
- MQINT32 - 32 bit integer
- MQUINT32 - 32 bit unsigned integer
- MQINT64 - 64 bit integer
- MQUINT64 - 64 bit unsigned integer
- MQLONG - Long integer
- PMQINT32 - Pointer to data of type MQINT32
- PMQUINT32 - Pointer to data of type MQUINT32
- PMQINT64 - Pointer to data of type MQINT64
- PMQUINT64 - Pointer to data of type MQUINT64
- Elementary data types
- Language considerations
- COPY files
- Calls
- Call parameters
- Structures
- Named constants
- MQI procedures
- Threading considerations
- Commitment control
- Coding the bound calls
- Notational conventions
- MQBO - Begin options
- Overview
- Fields
- BOOPT (10-digit signed integer)
- BOSID (4-byte character string)
- BOVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQBOH)
- MQCIH - CICS bridge header
- Overview
- Fields
- CIAC (4-byte character string)
- CIADS (10-digit signed integer)
- CIAI (4-byte character string)
- CIAUT (8-byte character string)
- CICC (10-digit signed integer)
- CICNC (4-byte character string)
- CICP (10-digit signed integer)
- CICSI (10-digit signed integer)
- CICT (10-digit signed integer)
- CIENC (10-digit signed integer)
- CIEO (10-digit signed integer)
- CIFAC (8-byte bit string)
- CIFKT (10-digit signed integer)
- CIFL (4-byte character string)
- CIFLG (10-digit signed integer)
- CIFMT (8-byte character string)
- CIFNC (4-byte character string)
- CIGWI (10-digit signed integer)
- CIII (10-digit signed integer)
- CILEN (10-digit signed integer)
- CILT (10-digit signed integer)
- CINTI (4-byte character string)
- CIODL (10-digit signed integer)
- CIREA (10-digit signed integer)
- CIRET (10-digit signed integer)
- CIRFM (8-byte character string)
- CIRSI (4-byte character string)
- CIRS1 (8-byte character string)
- CIRS2 (8-byte character string)
- CIRS3 (8-byte character string)
- CIRS4 (10-digit signed integer)
- CIRTI (4-byte character string)
- CISC (4-byte character string)
- CISID (4-byte character string)
- CITES (10-digit signed integer)
- CITI (4-byte character string)
- CIUOW (10-digit signed integer)
- CIVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQCIHH)
- MQCNO - Connect options
- Overview
- Fields
- CNCT (128-byte bit string)
- CNOPT (10-digit signed integer)
- CNSID (4-byte character string)
- CNVER (10-digit signed integer)
- CNCID (24-byte character string)
- CNSPP (24-byte character string)
- CNSPO (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQCNOH)
- MQDH - Distribution header
- Overview
- Fields
- DHCNT (10-digit signed integer)
- DHCSI (10-digit signed integer)
- DHENC (10-digit signed integer)
- DHFLG (10-digit signed integer)
- DHFMT (8-byte character string)
- DHLEN (10-digit signed integer)
- DHORO (10-digit signed integer)
- DHPRF (10-digit signed integer)
- DHPRO (10-digit signed integer)
- DHSID (4-byte character string)
- DHVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQDHH)
- MQDLH - Dead-letter header
- Overview
- Fields
- DLCSI (10-digit signed integer)
- DLDM (48-byte character string)
- DLDQ (48-byte character string)
- DLENC (10-digit signed integer)
- DLFMT (8-byte character string)
- DLPAN (28-byte character string)
- DLPAT (10-digit signed integer)
- DLPD (8-byte character string)
- DLPT (8-byte character string)
- DLREA (10-digit signed integer)
- DLSID (4-byte character string)
- DLVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQDLHH)
- MQGMO - Get-message options
- Overview
- Fields
- GMGST (1-byte character string)
- GMMO (10-digit signed integer)
- GMOPT (10-digit signed integer)
- GMRE1 (1-byte character string)
- GMRL (10-digit signed integer)
- GMRQN (48-byte character string)
- GMSEG (1-byte character string)
- GMSG1 (10-digit signed integer)
- GMSG2 (10-digit signed integer)
- GMSID (4-byte character string)
- GMSST (1-byte character string)
- GMTOK (16-byte bit string)
- GMVER (10-digit signed integer)
- GMWI (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQGMOH)
- MQIIH - IMS information header
- Overview
- Fields
- IIAUT (8-byte character string)
- IICMT (1-byte character string)
- IICSI (10-digit signed integer)
- IIENC (10-digit signed integer)
- IIFLG (10-digit signed integer)
- IIFMT (8-byte character string)
- IILEN (10-digit signed integer)
- IILTO (8-byte character string)
- IIMMN (8-byte character string)
- IIRFM (8-byte character string)
- IIRSV (1-byte character string)
- IISEC (1-byte character string)
- IISID (4-byte character string)
- IITID (16-byte bit string)
- IITST (1-byte character string)
- IIVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQIIHH)
- MQMD - Message descriptor
- Overview
- Fields
- MDACC (32-byte bit string)
- MDAID (32-byte character string)
- MDAOD (4-byte character string)
- MDBOC (10-digit signed integer)
- MDCID (24-byte bit string)
- MDCSI (10-digit signed integer)
- MDENC (10-digit signed integer)
- MDEXP (10-digit signed integer)
- MDFB (10-digit signed integer)
- MDFMT (8-byte character string)
- MDGID (24-byte bit string)
- MDMFL (10-digit signed integer)
- MDMID (24-byte bit string)
- MDMT (10-digit signed integer)
- MDOFF (10-digit signed integer)
- MDOLN (10-digit signed integer)
- MDPAN (28-byte character string)
- MDPAT (10-digit signed integer)
- MDPD (8-byte character string)
- MDPER (10-digit signed integer)
- MDPRI (10-digit signed integer)
- MDPT (8-byte character string)
- MDREP (10-digit signed integer)
- MDRM (48-byte character string)
- MDRQ (48-byte character string)
- MDSEQ (10-digit signed integer)
- MDSID (4-byte character string)
- MDUID (12-byte character string)
- MDVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQMDH)
- MQMDE - Message descriptor extension
- Overview
- Fields
- MECSI (10-digit signed integer)
- MEENC (10-digit signed integer)
- MEFLG (10-digit signed integer)
- MEFMT (8-byte character string)
- MEGID (24-byte bit string)
- MELEN (10-digit signed integer)
- MEMFL (10-digit signed integer)
- MEOFF (10-digit signed integer)
- MEOLN (10-digit signed integer)
- MESEQ (10-digit signed integer)
- MESID (4-byte character string)
- MEVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQMDEH)
- MQOD - Object descriptor
- Overview
- Fields
- ODASI (40-byte bit string)
- ODAU (12-byte character string)
- ODDN (48-byte character string)
- ODIDC (10-digit signed integer)
- ODKDC (10-digit signed integer)
- ODMN (48-byte character string)
- ODON (48-byte character string)
- ODORO (10-digit signed integer)
- ODORP (pointer)
- ODOT (10-digit signed integer)
- ODREC (10-digit signed integer)
- ODRMN (48-byte character string)
- ODRQN (48-byte character string)
- ODRRO (10-digit signed integer)
- ODRRP (pointer)
- ODSID (4-byte character string)
- ODUDC (10-digit signed integer)
- ODVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQODH)
- MQOR - Object record
- Overview
- Fields
- ORMN (48-byte character string)
- ORON (48-byte character string)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQORH)
- MQPMO - Put-message options
- Overview
- Fields
- PMCT (10-digit signed integer)
- PMIDC (10-digit signed integer)
- PMKDC (10-digit signed integer)
- PMOPT (10-digit signed integer)
- PMPRF (10-digit signed integer)
- PMPRO (10-digit signed integer)
- PMPRP (pointer)
- PMREC (10-digit signed integer)
- PMRMN (48-byte character string)
- PMRQN (48-byte character string)
- PMRRO (10-digit signed integer)
- PMRRP (pointer)
- PMSID (4-byte character string)
- PMTO (10-digit signed integer)
- PMUDC (10-digit signed integer)
- PMVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQPMOH)
- MQPMR - Put-message record
- Overview
- Fields
- PRACC (32-byte bit string)
- PRCID (24-byte bit string)
- PRFB (10-digit signed integer)
- PRGID (24-byte bit string)
- PRMID (24-byte bit string)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration
- MQRFH - Rules and formatting header
- Overview
- Fields
- RFCSI (10-digit signed integer)
- RFENC (10-digit signed integer)
- RFFLG (10-digit signed integer)
- RFFMT (8-byte character string)
- RFLEN (10-digit signed integer)
- RFNVS (n-byte character string)
- RFSID (4-byte character string)
- RFVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQRFHH)
- MQRFH2 - Rules and formatting header 2
- Overview
- Fields
- RF2CSI (10-digit signed integer)
- RF2ENC (10-digit signed integer)
- RF2FLG (10-digit signed integer)
- RF2FMT (8-byte character string)
- RF2LEN (10-digit signed integer)
- RF2NVC (10-digit signed integer)
- RF2NVD (n-byte character string)
- RF2NVL (10-digit signed integer)
- RF2SID (4-byte character string)
- RF2VER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQRFH2H)
- MQRMH - Reference message header
- Overview
- Fields
- RMCSI (10-digit signed integer)
- RMDEL (10-digit signed integer)
- RMDEO (10-digit signed integer)
- RMDL (10-digit signed integer)
- RMDNL (10-digit signed integer)
- RMDNO (10-digit signed integer)
- RMDO (10-digit signed integer)
- RMDO2 (10-digit signed integer)
- RMENC (10-digit signed integer)
- RMFLG (10-digit signed integer)
- RMFMT (8-byte character string)
- RMLEN (10-digit signed integer)
- RMOII (24-byte bit string)
- RMOT (8-byte character string)
- RMSEL (10-digit signed integer)
- RMSEO (10-digit signed integer)
- RMSID (4-byte character string)
- RMSNL (10-digit signed integer)
- RMSNO (10-digit signed integer)
- RMVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQRMHH)
- MQRR - Response record
- Overview
- Fields
- RRCC (10-digit signed integer)
- RRREA (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQRRH)
- MQTM - Trigger message
- Overview
- Fields
- TMAI (256-byte character string)
- TMAT (10-digit signed integer)
- TMED (128-byte character string)
- TMPN (48-byte character string)
- TMQN (48-byte character string)
- TMSID (4-byte character string)
- TMTD (64-byte character string)
- TMUD (128-byte character string)
- TMVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQTMH)
- MQTMC2 - Trigger message 2 (character format)
- Overview
- Fields
- TC2AI (256-byte character string)
- TC2AT (4-byte character string)
- TC2ED (128-byte character string)
- TC2PN (48-byte character string)
- TC2QMN (48-byte character string)
- TC2QN (48-byte character string)
- TC2SID (4-byte character string)
- TC2TD (64-byte character string)
- TC2UD (128-byte character string)
- TC2VER (4-byte character string)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQTMC2H)
- MQWIH - Work information header
- Overview
- Fields
- WICSI (10-digit signed integer)
- WIENC (10-digit signed integer)
- WIFLG (10-digit signed integer)
- WIFMT (8-byte character string)
- WILEN (10-digit signed integer)
- WIRSV (32-byte character string)
- WISID (4-byte character string)
- WISNM (32-byte character string)
- WISST (8-byte character string)
- WITOK (16-byte bit string)
- WIVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQWIHH)
- MQXQH - Transmission-queue header
- Overview
- Fields
- XQRQ (48-byte character string)
- XQRQM (48-byte character string)
- XQSID (4-byte character string)
- XQVER (10-digit signed integer)
- Initial values and RPG declaration
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQXQHH)
- Function calls
- Call descriptions
- Conventions used in the call descriptions
- MQBACK - Back out changes
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- COMCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQBEGIN - Begin unit of work
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- BEGOP (MQBO) - input/output
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation (ILE)
- MQCLOSE - Close object
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input/output
- OPTS (10-digit signed integer) - input
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQCMIT - Commit changes
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- COMCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQCONN - Connect queue manager
- Syntax
- Parameters
- QMNAME (48-byte character string) - input
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - output
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQCONNX - Connect queue manager (extended)
- Syntax
- Parameters
- QMNAME (48-byte character string) - input
- CNOPT (MQCNO) - input/output
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - output
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- CONNID (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- RPG invocation
- MQDISC - Disconnect queue manager
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input/output
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQGET - Get message
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input
- MSGDSC (MQMD) - input/output
- GMO (MQGMO) - input/output
- BUFLEN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- BUFFER (1-byte bit string x BUFLEN) - output
- DATLEN (10-digit signed integer) - output
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQINQ - Inquire about object attributes
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input
- SELCNT (10-digit signed integer) - input
- SELS (10-digit signed integer x SELCNT) - input
- IACNT (10-digit signed integer) - input
- INTATR (10-digit signed integer x IACNT) - output
- CALEN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- CHRATR (1-byte character string x CALEN) - output
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQOPEN - Open object
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- OBJDSC (MQOD) - input/output
- OPTS (10-digit signed integer) - input
- HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - output
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQPUT - Put message
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input
- MSGDSC (MQMD) - input/output
- PMO (MQPMO) - input/output
- BUFLEN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- BUFFER (1-byte bit string x BUFLEN) - input
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQPUT1 - Put one message
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- OBJDSC (MQOD) - input/output
- MSGDSC (MQMD) - input/output
- PMO (MQPMO) - input/output
- BUFLEN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- BUFFER (1-byte bit string x BUFLEN) - input
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- MQSET - Set object attributes
- Syntax
- Parameters
- HCONN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- HOBJ (10-digit signed integer) - input
- SELCNT (10-digit signed integer) - input
- SELS (10-digit signed integer x SELCNT) - input
- IACNT (10-digit signed integer) - input
- INTATR (10-digit signed integer x IACNT) - input
- CALEN (10-digit signed integer) - input
- CHRATR (1-byte character string x CALEN) - input
- CMPCOD (10-digit signed integer) - output
- REASON (10-digit signed integer) - output
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation
- Attributes of objects
- Attributes for queues
- Overview
- AlterationDate (12-byte character string)
- AlterationTime (8-byte character string)
- BackoutRequeueQName (48-byte character string)
- BackoutThreshold (10-digit signed integer)
- BaseQName (48-byte character string)
- CFStrucName (12-byte character string)
- ClusterName (48-byte character string)
- ClusterNamelist (48-byte character string)
- CreationDate (12-byte character string)
- CreationTime (8-byte character string)
- CurrentQDepth (10-digit signed integer)
- DefBind (10-digit signed integer)
- DefinitionType (10-digit signed integer)
- DefInputOpenOption (10-digit signed integer)
- DefPersistence (10-digit signed integer)
- DefPriority (10-digit signed integer)
- DistLists (10-digit signed integer)
- HardenGetBackout (10-digit signed integer)
- InhibitGet (10-digit signed integer)
- InhibitPut (10-digit signed integer)
- InitiationQName (48-byte character string)
- MaxMsgLength (10-digit signed integer)
- MaxQDepth (10-digit signed integer)
- MediaLog (10-digit signed integer)
- MsgDeliverySequence (10-digit signed integer)
- OpenInputCount (10-digit signed integer)
- OpenOutputCount (10-digit signed integer)
- ProcessName (48-byte character string)
- QDepthHighEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- QDepthHighLimit (10-digit signed integer)
- QDepthLowEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- QDepthLowLimit (10-digit signed integer)
- QDepthMaxEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- QDesc (64-byte character string)
- QName (48-byte character string)
- QServiceInterval (10-digit signed integer)
- QServiceIntervalEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- QSGDisp (10-digit signed integer)
- QType (10-digit signed integer)
- RemoteQMgrName (48-byte character string)
- RemoteQName (48-byte character string)
- RetentionInterval (10-digit signed integer)
- Scope (10-digit signed integer)
- Shareability (10-digit signed integer)
- TriggerControl (10-digit signed integer)
- TriggerData (64-byte character string)
- TriggerDepth (10-digit signed integer)
- TriggerMsgPriority (10-digit signed integer)
- TriggerType (10-digit signed integer)
- Usage (10-digit signed integer)
- XmitQName (48-byte character string)
- Attributes for namelists
- Attribute descriptions
- AlterationDate (12-byte character string)
- AlterationTime (8-byte character string)
- NameCount (10-digit signed integer)
- NamelistDesc (64-byte character string)
- NamelistName (48-byte character string)
- Names (48-byte character string x NameCount)
- Attributes for process definitions
- Attribute descriptions
- AlterationDate (12-byte character string)
- AlterationTime (8-byte character string)
- ApplId (256-byte character string)
- ApplType (10-digit signed integer)
- EnvData (128-byte character string)
- ProcessDesc (64-byte character string)
- ProcessName (48-byte character string)
- UserData (128-byte character string)
- Attributes for the queue manager
- Attribute descriptions
- AlterationDate (12-byte character string)
- AlterationTime (8-byte character string)
- AuthorityEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- BridgeEvent (character string)
- ChannelAutoDef (10-digit signed integer)
- ChannelAutoDefEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- ChannelAutoDefExit (20-byte character string)
- ChannelEvent (character string)
- ClusterCacheType (32-byte character string)
- ClusterWorkloadData (32-byte character string)
- ClusterWorkloadExit (20-byte character string)
- ClusterWorkloadLength (10-digit signed integer)
- CodedCharSetId (10-digit signed integer)
- CommandEvent (integer)
- CommandInputQName (48-byte character string)
- CommandLevel (10-digit signed integer)
- ConfigurationEvent
- DeadLetterQName (48-byte character string)
- DefXmitQName (48-byte character string)
- DistLists (10-digit signed integer)
- InhibitEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- LocalEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- LoggerEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- MaxHandles (10-digit signed integer)
- MaxMsgLength (10-digit signed integer)
- MaxPriority (10-digit signed integer)
- MaxUncommittedMsgs (10-digit signed integer)
- PerformanceEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- Platform (10-digit signed integer)
- QMgrDesc (64-byte character string)
- QMgrIdentifier (48-byte character string)
- QMgrName (48-byte character string)
- RemoteEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- RepositoryName (48-byte character string)
- RepositoryNamelist (48-byte character string)
- SQQMName (character string)
- SSLEvent (character string)
- SSLKeyResetCount (integer)
- StartStopEvent (10-digit signed integer)
- SyncPoint (10-digit signed integer)
- TraceRouteRecording (10-digit signed integer)
- TriggerInterval (10-digit signed integer)
- Attributes for authentication information
- Attribute descriptions
- AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
- AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
- AuthInfoConnName (MQCHAR264)
- AuthInfoDesc (MQCHAR64)
- AuthInfoName (MQCHAR48)
- AuthInfoType (MQLONG)
- LDAPPassword (MQCHAR32)
- Applications
- Building your application
- WebSphere MQ copy files
- Preparing your programs to run
- Interfaces to the i5/OS external syncpoint manager
- Syncpoints in CICS for AS/400 applications
- Sample programs
- Features demonstrated in the sample programs
- Preparing and running the sample programs
- Running the sample programs
- The Put sample program
- Design of the Put sample program
- The Browse sample program
- Design of the Browse sample program
- The Get sample program
- Design of the Get sample program
- The Request sample program
- Using triggering with the Request sample
- Design of the Request sample program
- The Echo sample program
- Design of the Echo sample program
- The Inquire sample program
- Design of the Inquire sample program
- The Set sample program
- Design of the Set sample program
- The Triggering sample programs
- The AMQ3TRG4 sample trigger monitor
- The AMQ3SRV4 sample trigger server
- Ending the Triggering sample programs
- Running the samples using remote queues
- Appendixes
- Appendix A. Return codes
- Completion codes
- Reason codes
- Appendix B. Rules for validating MQI options
- MQOPEN call
- MQPUT call
- MQPUT1 call
- MQGET call
- MQCLOSE call
- Appendix C. Machine encodings
- Binary-integer encoding
- Packed-decimal-integer encoding
- Floating-point encoding
- Constructing encodings
- Analyzing encodings
- Using arithmetic
- Summary of machine architecture encodings
- Appendix D. Report options and message flags
- Structure of the report field
- Analyzing the report field
- Using arithmetic
- Structure of the message-flags field
- Appendix E. Data conversion
- Conversion processing
- Processing conventions
- Conversion of report messages
- MQDXP - Data-conversion exit parameter
- Overview
- Fields
- RPG declaration (copy file CMQDXPH)
- MQXCNVC - Convert characters
- Syntax
- Parameters
- RPG invocation (ILE)
- MQCONVX - Data conversion exit
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Usage notes
- RPG invocation (ILE)
- Appendix F. Notices
- Programming interface information
- Trademarks
- Index