RPG declaration (copy file CMQMDEH)

     D* MQMDE Structure
     D* Structure identifier
     D  MESID                  1      4
     D* Structure version number
     D  MEVER                  5      8I 0
     D* Length of MQMDE structure
     D  MELEN                  9     12I 0
     D* Numeric encoding of data that follows MQMDE
     D  MEENC                 13     16I 0
     D* Character-set identifier of data that follows MQMDE
     D  MECSI                 17     20I 0
     D* Format name of data that follows MQMDE
     D  MEFMT                 21     28
     D* General flags
     D  MEFLG                 29     32I 0
     D* Group identifier
     D  MEGID                 33     56
     D* Sequence number of logical message within group
     D  MESEQ                 57     60I 0
     D* Offset of data in physical message from start of logical message
     D  MEOFF                 61     64I 0
     D* Message flags
     D  MEMFL                 65     68I 0
     D* Length of original message
     D  MEOLN                 69     72I 0