detailed description, reference message header structure, MQRMH structure" />
MQRMH - Reference message header
The following table summarizes the fields in the structure.
Table 37. Fields in MQRMH Field Description Topic RMSID Structure identifier RMSID RMVER Structure version number RMVER RMLEN Total length of MQRMH, including strings at end of fixed fields, but not the bulk data RMLEN RMENC Numeric encoding of bulk data RMENC RMCSI Character set identifier of bulk data RMCSI RMFMT Format name of bulk data RMFMT RMFLG Reference message flags RMFLG RMOT Object type RMOT RMOII Object instance identifier RMOII RMSEL Length of source environment data RMSEL RMSEO Offset of source environment data RMSEO RMSNL Length of source object name RMSNL RMSNO Offset of source object name RMSNO RMDEL Length of destination environment data RMDEL RMDEO Offset of destination environment data RMDEO RMDNL Length of destination object name RMDNL RMDNO Offset of destination object name RMDNO RMDL Length of bulk data RMDL RMDO Low offset of bulk data RMDO RMDO2 High offset of bulk data RMDO2