DLREA (10-digit signed integer)
Reason message arrived on dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue.
This identifies the reason why the message was placed on the dead-letter queue instead of on the original destination queue. It should be one of the FB* or RC* values (for example, RC2053). See the description of the MDFB field in MQMD - Message descriptor for details of the common FB* values that can occur.
If the value is in the range FBIFST through FBILST, the actual IMS error code can be determined by subtracting FBIERR from the value of the DLREA field.
Some FB* values occur only in this field. They relate to repository messages, trigger messages, or transmission-queue messages that have been transferred to the dead-letter queue. These are:
- Application cannot be started.
An application processing a trigger message was unable to start the application named in the TMAI field of the trigger message (see MQTM - Trigger message).
- Application type error.
An application processing a trigger message was unable to start the application because the TMAT field of the trigger message is not valid (see MQTM - Trigger message).
- Cluster-receiver channel deleted.
The message was on the SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE intended for a cluster queue that had been opened with the OOBNDO option, but the remote cluster-receiver channel to be used to transmit the message to the destination queue was deleted before the message could be sent. Because OOBNDO was specified, only the channel selected when the queue was opened can be used to transmit the message. As this channel is not longer available, the message has been placed on the dead-letter queue.
- Message is not a repository message.
- Message stopped by channel auto-definition exit.
- Message stopped by channel message exit.
- MQTM structure not valid or missing.
The MDFMT field in MQMD specifies FMTM, but the message does not begin with a valid MQTM structure. For example, the TMSID mnemonic eye-catcher may not be valid, the TMVER may not be recognized, or the length of the trigger message may be insufficient to contain the MQTM structure.
- Message on transmission queue not in correct format.
A message channel agent has found that a message on the transmission queue is not in the correct format. The message channel agent puts the message on the dead-letter queue using this feedback code.
The initial value of this field is RCNONE.