MDMID (24-byte bit string)

Message identifier.

This is a byte string that is used to distinguish one message from another. Generally, no two messages should have the same message identifier, although this is not disallowed by the queue manager. The message identifier is a permanent property of the message, and persists across restarts of the queue manager. Because the message identifier is a byte string and not a character string, the message identifier is not converted between character sets when the message flows from one queue manager to another.

For the MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls, if MINONE or PMNMID is specified by the application, the queue manager generates a unique message identifier 1 when the message is put, and places it in the message descriptor sent with the message. The queue manager also returns this message identifier in the message descriptor belonging to the sending application. The application can use this value to record information about particular messages, and to respond to queries from other parts of the application.

If the message is being put to a distribution list, the queue manager generates unique message identifiers as necessary, but the value of the MDMID field in MQMD is unchanged on return from the call, even if MINONE or PMNMID was specified. If the application needs to know the message identifiers generated by the queue manager, the application must provide MQPMR records containing the PRMID field.

The sending application can also specify a particular value for the message identifier, other than MINONE; this stops the queue manager generating a unique message identifier. An application that is forwarding a message can use this facility to propagate the message identifier of the original message.

The queue manager does not itself make any use of this field except to:

When the queue manager or a message channel agent generates a report message, it sets the MDMID field in the way specified by the MDREP field of the original message, either RONMI or ROPMI. Applications that generate report messages should also do this.

For the MQGET call, MDMID is one of the five fields that can be used to select a particular message to be retrieved from the queue. Normally the MQGET call returns the next message on the queue, but if a particular message is required, this can be obtained by specifying one or more of the five selection criteria, in any combination; these fields are:

The application sets one or more of these field to the values required, and then sets the corresponding MO* match options in the GMMO field in MQGMO to indicate that those fields should be used as selection criteria. Only messages that have the specified values in those fields are candidates for retrieval. The default for the GMMO field (if not altered by the application) is to match both the message identifier and the correlation identifier.

Normally, the message returned is the first message on the queue that satisfies the selection criteria. But if GMBRWN is specified, the message returned is the next message that satisfies the selection criteria; the scan for this message starts with the message following the current cursor position.

The queue is scanned sequentially for a message that satisfies the selection criteria, so retrieval times will be slower than if no selection criteria are specified, especially if many messages have to be scanned before a suitable one is found.

See Table 16 for more information about how selection criteria are used in various situations.

Specifying MINONE as the message identifier has the same effect as not specifying MOMSGI, that is, any message identifier will match.

This field is ignored if the GMMUC option is specified in the GMO parameter on the MQGET call.

On return from an MQGET call, the MDMID field is set to the message identifier of the message returned (if any).

The following special value may be used:


No message identifier is specified.

The value is binary zero for the length of the field.

This is an input/output field for the MQGET, MQPUT, and MQPUT1 calls. The length of this field is given by LNMID. The initial value of this field is MINONE.

An MDMID generated by the queue manager consists of a 4-byte product identifier ('AMQ ' or 'CSQ ' in either ASCII or EBCDIC, where ' ' represents a blank), followed by a product-specific implementation of a unique string. In WebSphere MQ this contains the first 12 characters of the queue manager name, and a value derived from the system clock. All queue managers that can intercommunicate must therefore have names that differ in the first 12 characters, to ensure that message identifiers are unique. The ability to generate a unique string also depends upon the system clock not being changed backward. To eliminate the possibility of a message identifier generated by the queue manager duplicating one generated by the application, the application should avoid generating identifiers with initial characters in the range A through I in ASCII or EBCDIC (X'41' through X'49' and X'C1' through X'C9'). However, the application is not prevented from generating identifiers with initial characters in these ranges.