MDFB (10-digit signed integer)

Feedback or reason code.

This is used with a message of type MTRPRT to indicate the nature of the report, and is only meaningful with that type of message. The field can contain one of the FB* values, or one of the RC* values. Feedback codes are grouped as follows:


No feedback provided.


Lowest value for system-generated feedback.


Highest value for system-generated feedback.

The range of system-generated feedback codes FBSFST through FBSLST includes the general feedback codes listed below (FB*), and also the reason codes (RC*) that can occur when the message cannot be put on the destination queue.


Lowest value for application-generated feedback.


Highest value for application-generated feedback.

Applications that generate report messages should not use feedback codes in the system range (other than FBQUIT), unless they wish to simulate report messages generated by the queue manager or message channel agent.

On the MQPUT or MQPUT1 calls, the value specified must either be FBNONE, or be within the system range or application range. This is checked whatever the value of MDMT.

General feedback codes:


Confirmation of arrival on the destination queue (see ROCOA).


Confirmation of delivery to the receiving application (see ROCOD).


Message expired.

Message was discarded because it had not been removed from the destination queue before its expiry time had elapsed.


Positive action notification (see ROPAN).


Negative action notification (see RONAN).


Application should end.

This can be used by a workload scheduling program to control the number of instances of an application program that are running. Sending an MTRPRT message with this feedback code to an instance of the application program indicates to that instance that it should stop processing. However, adherence to this convention is a matter for the application; it is not enforced by the queue manager.

IMS-bridge feedback codes: When the IMS bridge receives a nonzero IMS-OTMA sense code, the IMS bridge converts the sense code from hexadecimal to decimal, adds the value FBIERR (300), and places the result in the MDFB field of the reply message. This results in the feedback code having a value in the range FBIFST (301) through FBILST (399) when an IMS-OTMA error has occurred.

The following feedback codes can be generated by the IMS bridge:


Data length zero.

A segment length was zero in the application data of the message.


Data length negative.

A segment length was negative in the application data of the message.


Data length too big.

A segment length was too big in the application data of the message.


Buffer overflow.

The value of one of the length fields would cause the data to overflow the message buffer.


Length in error by one.

The value of one of the length fields was one byte too short.


MQIIH structure not valid or missing.

The MDFMT field in MQMD specifies FMIMS, but the message does not begin with a valid MQIIH structure.


Userid not authorized for use in IMS.

The user ID contained in the message descriptor MQMD, or the password contained in the IIAUT field in the MQIIH structure, failed the validation performed by the IMS bridge. As a result the message was not passed to IMS.


Unexpected error returned by IMS.

An unexpected error was returned by IMS. Consult the WebSphere MQ error log on the system on which the IMS bridge resides for more information about the error.


Lowest value for IMS-generated feedback.

IMS-generated feedback codes occupy the range FBIFST (300) through FBILST (399). The IMS-OTMA sense code itself is MDFB minus FBIERR.


Highest value for IMS-generated feedback.

CICS-bridge feedback codes: The following feedback codes can be generated by the CICS bridge:


Application abended.

The application program specified in the message abended. This feedback code occurs only in the DLREA field of the MQDLH structure.


Application cannot be started.

The EXEC CICS LINK for the application program specified in the message failed. This feedback code occurs only in the DLREA field of the MQDLH structure.


CICS bridge terminated abnormally without completing normal error processing.


Character set identifier not valid.


CICS information header structure missing or not valid.


Length of CICS commarea not valid.


Correlation identifier not valid.


Dead-letter queue not available.

The CICS bridge task was unable to copy a reply to this request to the dead-letter queue. The request was backed out.


Encoding not valid.


CICS bridge encountered an unexpected error.

This feedback code occurs only in the DLREA field of the MQDLH structure.


User identifier not authorized or password not valid.

This feedback code occurs only in the DLREA field of the MQDLH structure.


Unit of work backed out.

The unit of work was backed out, for one of the following reasons:

  • A failure was detected while processing another request within the same unit of work.

  • A CICS abend occurred while the unit of work was in progress.


Unit-of-work control field CIUOW not valid.

MQ reason codes: For exception report messages, MDFB contains an MQ reason code. Among possible reason codes are:


(2051, X'803') Put calls inhibited for the queue.


(2053, X'805') Queue already contains maximum number of messages.


(2035, X'7F3') Not authorized for access.


(2056, X'808') No space available on disk for queue.


(2048, X'800') Queue does not support persistent messages.


(2031, X'7EF') Message length greater than maximum for queue manager.


(2030, X'7EE') Message length greater than maximum for queue.

This is an output field for the MQGET call, and an input field for MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls. The initial value of this field is FBNONE.