detailed description, MQCIH structure" />
MQCIH - CICS bridge header
The following table summarizes the fields in the structure.
Table 6. Fields in MQCIH Field Description Topic CISID Structure identifier CISID CIVER Structure version number CIVER CILEN Length of MQCIH structure CILEN CIENC Reserved CIENC CICSI Reserved CICSI CIFMT MQ format name of data that follows MQCIH CIFMT CIFLG Flags CIFLG CIRET Return code from bridge CIRET CICC MQ completion code or CICS EIBRESP CICC CIREA MQ reason or feedback code, or CICS EIBRESP2 CIREA CIUOW Unit-of-work control CIUOW CIGWI Wait interval for MQGET call issued by bridge task CIGWI CILT Link type CILT CIODL Output COMMAREA data length CIODL CIFKT Bridge facility release time CIFKT CIADS Send/receive ADS descriptor CIADS CICT Whether task can be conversational CICT CITES Status at end of task CITES CIFAC Bridge facility token CIFAC CIFNC MQ call name or CICS EIBFN function CIFNC CIAC Abend code CIAC CIAUT Password or passticket CIAUT CIRS1 Reserved CIRS1 CIRFM MQ format name of reply message CIRFM CIRSI Reserved CIRSI CIRTI Reserved CIRTI CITI Transaction to attach CITI CIFL Terminal emulated attributes CIFL CIAI AID key CIAI CISC Transaction start code CISC CICNC Abend transaction code CICNC CINTI Next transaction to attach CINTI CIRS2 Reserved CIRS2 CIRS3 Reserved CIRS3