IA* values" /> SELS (10-digit signed integer×SELCNT) - input


SELS (10-digit signed integer×SELCNT) - input

Array of attribute selectors.

This is an array of SELCNT attribute selectors; each selector identifies an attribute (integer or character) whose value is to be set.

Each selector must be valid for the type of queue that HOBJ represents. Only certain IA* and CA* values are allowed; these values are listed below.

Selectors can be specified in any order. Attribute values that correspond to integer attribute selectors (IA* selectors) must be specified in INTATR in the same order in which these selectors occur in SELS. Attribute values that correspond to character attribute selectors (CA* selectors) must be specified in CHRATR in the same order in which those selectors occur. IA* selectors can be interleaved with the CA* selectors; only the relative order within each type is important.

It is not an error to specify the same selector more than once; if this is done, the last value specified for a given selector is the one that takes effect.


  1. The integer and character attribute selectors are allocated within two different ranges; the IA* selectors reside within the range IAFRST through IALAST, and the CA* selectors within the range CAFRST through CALAST.

    For each range, the constants IALSTU and CALSTU define the highest value that the queue manager will accept.

  2. If all the IA* selectors occur first, the same element numbers can be used to address corresponding elements in the SELS and INTATR arrays.

The attributes that can be set are listed in the following table. No other attributes can be set using this call. For the CA* attribute selectors, the constant that defines the length in bytes of the string that is required in CHRATR is given in parentheses.

Table 55. MQSET attribute selectors for queues
Selector Description Note
CATRGD Trigger data (LNTRGD). 2
IADIST Distribution list support. 1
IAIGET Whether get operations are allowed.
IAIPUT Whether put operations are allowed.
IATRGC Trigger control. 2
IATRGD Trigger depth. 2
IATRGP Threshold message priority for triggers. 2
IATRGT Trigger type. 2

  1. Supported only on AIX, HP-UX, OS/2, i5/OS, Solaris, Windows, plus WebSphere MQ clients connected to these systems.

  2. Not supported on VSE/ESA.