MSGDSC (MQMD) - input/output

Message descriptor.

This structure describes the attributes of the message required, and the attributes of the message retrieved. See MQMD - Message descriptor for details.

If BUFLEN is less than the message length, MSGDSC is still filled in by the queue manager, whether or not GMATM is specified on the GMO parameter (see the GMOPT field described in MQGMO - Get-message options).

If the application provides a version-1 MQMD, the message returned has an MQMDE prefixed to the application message data, but only if one or more of the fields in the MQMDE has a nondefault value. If all of the fields in the MQMDE have default values, the MQMDE is omitted. A format name of FMMDE in the MDFMT field in MQMD indicates that an MQMDE is present.