
Purpose: The MQRR structure is used to receive the completion code and reason code resulting from the open or put operation for a single destination queue, when the destination is a distribution list. MQRR is an output structure for the MQOPEN, MQPUT, and MQPUT1 calls.

Character set and encoding: Data in MQRR must be in the character set and encoding of the local queue manager; these are given by the CodedCharSetId queue manager attribute and ENNAT, respectively. However, if the application is running as an MQ client, the structure must be in the character set and encoding of the client.

Usage: By providing an array of these structures on the MQOPEN and MQPUT calls, or on the MQPUT1 call, it is possible to determine the completion codes and reason codes for all of the queues in a distribution list when the outcome of the call is mixed, that is, when the call succeeds for some queues in the list but fails for others. Reason code RC2136 from the call indicates that the response records (if provided by the application) have been set by the queue manager.