eXtreme Scale Programming



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  1. Getting started with WebSphere eXtreme Scale
  2. Programming WebSphere eXtreme Scale
  3. Accessing data in WebSphere eXtreme Scale
  4. Interacting with an ObjectGrid using the ObjectGridManager
  5. createObjectGrid methods
  6. getObjectGrid methods
  7. removeObjectGrid methods
  8. Connecting to a distributed ObjectGrid
  9. WebSphere eXtreme Scale client configuration
  10. Controlling the life cycle of an ObjectGrid
  11. Accessing the ObjectGrid shard
  12. Using Sessions to access data in the grid
  13. Handling locks
  14. Transaction isolation
  15. SessionHandle for routing
  16. Optimistic collision exception
  17. ObjectMap API
  18. Introduction to ObjectMap
  19. Dynamic maps
  20. ObjectMap and JavaMap
  21. Maps as FIFO queues
  22. EntityManager API introduction
  23. Defining an entity schema
  24. emd.xsd file
  25. EntityManager in a distributed environment
  26. Interacting with EntityManager
  27. Entity listeners and callback methods
  28. Entity listener examples
  29. EntityManager fetch plan support
  30. EntityManager interface performance impact
  31. Instrumentation agent
  32. Entity query queues
  33. EntityTransaction interface
  34. Query API
  35. Querying data in multiple time zones
  36. Using the ObjectQuery API
  37. Configuring an ObjectQuery schema
  38. EntityManager Query API
  39. Simple queries with EntityManager
  40. Reference for eXtreme Scale queries
  41. ObjectGrid query Backus-Naur Form
  42. Query performance tuning
  43. Query plan
  44. Query optimization using indexes
  45. Indexing
  46. Using indexing for non-key data access
  47. Composite HashIndex
  48. Data Grid API
  49. DataGrid APIs and partitioning
  50. DataGrid agents and entity-based Maps
  51. DataGrid API example
  52. API Documentation
  53. System APIs and plug-ins
  54. Introduction to plug-ins
  55. Event listeners
  56. MapEventListener plug-in
  57. ObjectGridEventListener plug-in
  58. Eviction
  59. Writing a custom evictor
  60. Writing an index plug-in
  61. TransactionCallback plug-in
  62. Introduction to plug-in slots
  63. External transaction managers
  64. Using a Loader
  65. Writing a loader
  66. JPA loader programming considerations
  67. JPAEntityLoader plug-in
  68. Using a loader with entity maps and tuples
  69. Writing a loader with a replica preload controller
  70. LogElement and LogSequence
  71. Using eXtreme Scale with JPA
  72. Client-based JPA preload utility overview
  73. Client-based JPA preload utility programming
  74. JPA time-based data updater
  75. Starting the JPA time-based updater
  76. OptimisticCallback plug-in
  77. ObjectTransformer plug-in
  78. WebSphereTransactionCallback plug-in
  79. Administration APIs
  80. Embedded server API
  81. Using the embedded server API
  82. Monitoring with the statistics API
  83. Integrating with Spring framework
  84. Native transactions
  85. Spring extension beans and namespace support
  86. Security API
  87. Client authentication programming
  88. Client authorization programming
  89. Grid authentication
  90. Local security
  91. Performance considerations
  92. JVM tuning
  93. CopyMode best practices
  94. Byte array maps
  95. Plug-in evictor performance best practices
  96. Locking performance best practices
  97. Map entry locks with query and indexes
  98. ObjectTransformer interface best practices
  99. Serialization performance
  100. Troubleshooting
  101. Logs and trace
  102. Trace options
  103. Troubleshooting loaders
  104. Messages
  105. Release notes
  106. Glossary
  107. Site map