WebSphere eXtreme Scale Programming Guide > System APIs and plug-ins
Write an index plug-in
With a MapIndexPlugin plug-in, or index, you can write custom indexing strategies that are beyond the built-in indexes that eXtreme Scale provides.
For general information about indexing, see Indexing.
For information about using indexing, see Use indexing for non-key data access.
MapIndexPlugin implementations must use the MapIndexPlugin interface and follow the common eXtreme Scale plug-in conventions.
The following sections include some of the important methods of the index interface.
setProperties method
Use the setProperties method to initialize the index plug-in programmatically. The Properties object parameter that is passed into the method should contain required configuration information to initialize the index plug-in properly. The setProperties method implementation, along with the getProperties method implementation, are required in a distributed environment because the index plug-in configuration moves between client and server processes. An implementation example of this method follows.
setProperties(Properties properties) // setProperties method sample code public void setProperties(Properties properties) { ivIndexProperties = properties; String ivRangeIndexString = properties.getProperty("rangeIndex"); if (ivRangeIndexString != null && ivRangeIndexString.equals("true")) { setRangeIndex(true); } setName(properties.getProperty("indexName")); setAttributeName(properties.getProperty("attributeName")); String ivFieldAccessAttributeString = properties.getProperty("fieldAccessAttribute"); if (ivFieldAccessAttributeString != null && ivFieldAccessAttributeString.equals("true")) { setFieldAccessAttribute(true); } String ivPOJOKeyIndexString = properties.getProperty("POJOKeyIndex"); if (ivPOJOKeyIndexString != null && ivPOJOKeyIndexString.equals("true")) { setPOJOKeyIndex(true); } }
getProperties method
The getProperties method extracts the index plug-in configuration from a MapIndexPlugin instance. You can use the extracted properties to initialize another MapIndexPlugin instance to have the same internal states. The getProperties method and setProperties method implementations are required in a distributed environment. An implementation example of the getProperties method follows.
getProperties() // getProperties method sample code public Properties getProperties() { Properties p = new Properties(); p.put("indexName", indexName); p.put("attributeName", attributeName); p.put("rangeIndex", ivRangeIndex ? "true" : "false"); p.put("fieldAccessAttribute", ivFieldAccessAttribute ? "true" : "false"); p.put("POJOKeyIndex", ivPOJOKeyIndex ? "true" : "false"); return p; }
setEntityMetadata method
The setEntityMetadata method is called by the WebSphere eXtreme Scale run time during initialization to set the EntityMetadata of the associated BackingMap on the MapIndexPlugin instance. The EntityMetadata is required for supporting indexing of tuple objects. A tuple is a data set that represents an entity object or its key. If the BackingMap is for an entity, then implement this method.
The following code sample implements the setEntityMetadata method.
setEntityMetadata(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) // setEntityMetadata method sample code public void setEntityMetadata(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) { ivEntityMetadata = entityMetadata; if (ivEntityMetadata != null) { // this is a tuple map TupleMetadata valueMetadata = ivEntityMetadata.getValueMetadata(); int numAttributes = valueMetadata.getNumAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; i++) { String tupleAttributeName = valueMetadata.getAttribute(i).getName(); if (attributeName.equals(tupleAttributeName)) { ivTupleValueIndex = i; break; } } if (ivTupleValueIndex == -1) { // did not find the attribute in value tuple, try to find it on key tuple. // if found on key tuple, implies key indexing on one of tuple key attributes. TupleMetadata keyMetadata = ivEntityMetadata.getKeyMetadata(); numAttributes = keyMetadata.getNumAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; i++) { String tupleAttributeName = keyMetadata.getAttribute(i).getName(); if (attributeName.equals(tupleAttributeName)) { ivTupleValueIndex = i; ivKeyTupleAttributeIndex = true; break; } } } if (ivTupleValueIndex == -1) { // if entityMetadata is not null and we could not find the // attributeName in entityMetadata, this is an // error throw new ObjectGridRuntimeException("Invalid attributeName. Entity: " + ivEntityMetadata.getName()); } } }
Attribute name methods
The setAttributeName method sets the name of the attribute to be indexed. The cached object class must provide the get method for the indexed attribute. For example, if the object has an employeeName or EmployeeName attribute, the index calls the getEmployeeName method on the object to extract the attribute value. The attribute name must be the same as the name in the get method, and the attribute must implement the Comparable interface. If the attribute is boolean type, you can also use the isAttributeName method pattern.
The getAttributeName method returns the name of the indexed attribute.
getAttribute method
The getAttribute method returns the indexed attribute value from the specified object. For example, if an Employee object has an attribute called employeeName that is indexed, you can use the getAttribute method to extract the employeeName attribute value from a specified Employee object. This method is required in a distributed WebSphere eXtreme Scale environment.
getAttribute(Object value) // getAttribute method sample code public Object getAttribute(Object value) throws ObjectGridRuntimeException { if (ivPOJOKeyIndex) { // In the POJO key indexing case, no need to get attribute from value object. // The key itself is the attribute value used to build the index. return null; } try { Object attribute = null; if (value != null) { // handle Tuple value if ivTupleValueIndex != -1 if (ivTupleValueIndex == -1) { // regular value if (ivFieldAccessAttribute) { attribute = this.getAttributeField(value).get(value); } else { attribute = getAttributeMethod(value).invoke(value, emptyArray); } } else { // Tuple value attribute = extractValueFromTuple(value); } } return attribute; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new ObjectGridRuntimeException( "Caught unexpected Throwable during index update processing, index name = " + indexName + ": " + t, t); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ObjectGridRuntimeException( "Caught unexpected Throwable during index update processing, index name = " + indexName + ": " + t, t); } }
Parent topic
System APIs and plug-ins