WebSphere eXtreme Scale Programming Guide > System APIs and plug-ins > Event listeners

ObjectGridEventListener plug-in

An ObjectGridEventListener plug-in provides WebSphere eXtreme Scale life cycle events for the ObjectGrid, shards and transactions. An ObjectGridEventListener plug-in provides notifications when an ObjectGrid is initialized or destroyed, and when a transaction is started or ended. ObjectGridEventListener plug-ins are custom classes you write implementing the ObjectGridEventListener interface. Optionally, the implementation includes ObjectGridEventGroup sub-interfaces and follow the common eXtreme Scale plug-in conventions.


An ObjectGridEventListener plug-in is useful when a Loader plug-in is available, and initialize Java™ Database Connectivity (JDBC) connections or connections to a back end when transactions start and end. Typically, an ObjectGridEventListener plug-in and a Loader plug-in are written together.

Write an ObjectGridEventListener plug-in

An ObjectGridEventListener plug-in must implement the ObjectGridEventListener interface to receive notifications about significant eXtreme Scale events. To receive additional event notifications, you can implement the following interfaces. These sub-interfaces are included in the ObjectGridEventGroup interface:

For more information about these interfaces, see the API documentation.

Shard events

When the catalog service places partition primary or replica shards in a Java virtual machine (JVM), a new ObjectGrid instance is created in that JVM to host that shard. Some applications that need to start threads on the JVM host the primary need notification of these events. The ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardEvents interface declares the shardActivate and shardDeactivate methods. These methods are called only when a shard is activated as a primary and when the shard is deactivated from a primary. These two events allow the application to start additional threads when the shard is a primary and stop the threads when the shard returns to being a replica or is taken out of service.

An application can determine which partition has been activated by looking up a specific BackingMap in the ObjectGrid reference that is provided to the shardActivate method using the ObjectGrid#getMap method. The application can then see the partition number using the BackingMap#getPartitionId() method. The partitions are numbered from 0 to the number of partitions in the deployment descriptor minus one.

Shard life-cycle events

ObjectGridEventListener.initialize and ObjectGridEventListener.destroy method events are delivered using the ObjectGridEventGroup.ShardLifecycle interface.

Transaction events

ObjectGridEventListener.transactionBegin and ObjectGridEventListener.transactionEnd methods are delivered through the ObjectGridEventGroup.TransactionEvents interface.

Advantages of this approach

If an ObjectGridEventListener plug-in implements the ObjectGridEventListener and ShardLifecycle interfaces, then shard life-cycle events are the only events that are delivered to the listener. After you implement any of the new ObjectGridEventGroup inner interfaces, eXtreme Scale only delivers those specific events by the new interfaces. With this implementation, code can be backwards compatible. If you are using the new inner interfaces, it can now receive just the specific events that are needed.

Use the ObjectGridEventListener plug-in

To use a custom ObjectGridEventListener plug-in, first create a class that implements the ObjectGridEventListener interface and any optional ObjectGridEventGroup sub-interfaces. Add the custom listener to an ObjectGrid to receive notification of significant events. You have two approaches to add an ObjectGridEventListener plug-in into the eXtreme Scale configuration: programmatic configuration and XML configuration.

Configure an ObjectGridEventListener plug-in programmatically

Assume that the class name of the eXtreme Scale event listener is the com.company.org.MyObjectGridEventListener class. This class implements the ObjectGridEventListener interface. The following code snippet creates the custom ObjectGridEventListener and adds it to an ObjectGrid.

ObjectGridManager objectGridManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
ObjectGrid myGrid = objectGridManager.createObjectGrid("myGrid", false);
MyObjectGridEventListener myListener = new MyObjectGridEventListener();

Configure an ObjectGridEventListener plug-in with XML

You can also configure an ObjectGridEventListener plug-in using XML. The following XML creates a configuration that is equivalent to the described programmatically created ObjectGrid event listener. The following text must be in the myGrid.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 xsi:schemaLocation="http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd"
<objectGrid name="myGrid">
<bean id="ObjectGridEventListener" 
                            className="com.company.org.MyObjectGridEventListener" />
<backingMap name="Book"/>

Notice the bean declarations come before the backingMap declarations. Provide this file to the ObjectGridManager plug-in to facilitate the creation of this configuration. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create an ObjectGrid instance using this XML file. The ObjectGrid instance that is created has an ObjectGridEventListener listener set on the myGrid ObjectGrid.

ObjectGridManager objectGridManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
ObjectGrid myGrid = objectGridManager.createObjectGrid("myGrid", 
    new URL("file:etc/test/myGrid.xml"), true, false);

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Event listeners


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