WebSphere eXtreme Scale Programming Guide > System APIs and plug-ins > Use eXtreme Scale with JPA
Client-based JPA preload utility overview
The client-based Java™ Persistence API (JPA) preload utility loads data into eXtreme Scale backing maps using a client connection to the ObjectGrid.
This capability can simplify loading the eXtreme Scale maps when the queries to the database cannot be partitioned. A loader, such as a JPA Loader can also be used and is ideal when the data can be loaded in parallel.
The client-based JPA preload utility can use either the OpenJPA or Hibernate JPA implementations to load the ObjectGrid from a database. Because WebSphere eXtreme Scale does not directly interact with the database or Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), any database that OpenJPA or Hibernate supports can be used to load the ObjectGrid.
Figure 1. Client loader that uses JPA implementation to load the ObjectGrid
Typically, a user application provides a persistence unit name, an entity class name, and a JPA query to the client loader. The client loader retrieves the JPA entity manager based on the persistence unit name, uses the entity manager to query data from the database with the provided entity class and JPA query, and finally loads the data into the distributed ObjectGrid maps. When multi-level relations are involved in the query, can use a custom query string to optimize the performance. Optionally, a persistence property map could be provided to override the configured persistence properties.
A client loader can load data in two different modes, as displayed in the following table:
Table 1. Client loader modes Mode Description Preload Clears and loads all entries into the backing map. If the map is an entity map, any related entity maps will also be cleared if the ObjectGrid CascadeType.REMOVE option is enabled. Reload The JPA query is executed against the ObjectGrid to invalidate all the entities in the map that match the query. If the map is an entity map, any related entity maps will also be cleared if the ObjectGrid CascadeType.INVALIDATE option is enabled.
In either case, a JPA query is used to select and load the desired entities from the database and to store them in the ObjectGrid maps. If the ObjectGrid map is a non-entity map, the JPA entities will be detached and stored directly. If the ObjectGrid map is an entity map, the JPA entities are stored as ObjectGrid entity tuples. You can provide a JPA query or use the default query select o from EntityName o.
For more information about configuring the client-based JPA preload utility, see Client-based JPA preload utility programming
- Client-based JPA preload utility programming
The client-based Java Persistence API (JPA) preload utility loads data into eXtreme Scale backing maps using a client connection to the ObjectGrid. You can implement preloading and reloading of data in the application.
Parent topic
Use eXtreme Scale with JPA
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Related reference
Client-based JPA preload utility programming
JPA loader programming considerations