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LogElement and LogSequence

When an application is making changes to a Map during a transaction, a LogSequence object tracks those changes. If the application changes an entry in the map, a corresponding LogElement object provides the details of the change.

Loaders are given a LogSequence object for a particular map whenever an application calls for a flush or commit to the transaction. The Loader iterates over the LogElement objects within the LogSequence object and applies each LogElement object to the backend.

ObjectGridEventListener listeners that are registered with an ObjectGrid also use LogSequence objects. These listeners are given a LogSequence object for each map in a committed transaction. Applications can use these listeners to wait for certain entries to change, like a trigger in a conventional database.

The following log-related interfaces or classes are provided by the eXtreme Scale framework:

LogElement interface

A LogElement represents an operation on an entry during a transaction. A LogElement object has several methods to get its various attributes. The most commonly used attributes are the type and the current value attributes fetched by getType() and getCurrentValue().

The type is represented by one of the constants defined in the LogElement interface: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, EVICT, FETCH, or TOUCH.

The current value represents the new value for the operation if it is INSERT, UPDATE or FETCH. If the operation is TOUCH, DELETE, or EVICT, then the current value is null. This value can be cast to ValueProxyInfo when a ValueInterface is in use.

See the API documentation for more details on the LogElement interface.

LogSequence interface

In most transactions, operations to more than one entry in a map occur, so multiple LogElement objects are created. You should create an object that behaves as a composite of multiple LogElement objects. The LogSequence interface serves this purpose by containing a list of LogElement objects.

See the API documentation for more details on the LogSequence interface.

Use LogElement and LogSequence

LogElement and LogSequence are widely used in eXtreme Scale and by ObjectGrid plug-ins that are written by users when operations are propagated from one component or server to another component or server. For example, a LogSequence object can be used by the distributed ObjectGrid transaction propagation function to propagate the changes to other servers, or it can be applied to the persistence store by the loader. LogSequence is mainly used by the following interfaces.

Loader example

This section demonstrates how the LogSequence and LogElement objects are used in a Loader. A Loader is used to load data from and persist data into a persistent store. The batchUpdate method of the Loader interface uses LogSequence object:

void batchUpdate(TxID txid, LogSequence sequence) throws
            LoaderException, OptimisticCollisionException;

The batchUpdate method is called when an ObjectGrid needs to apply all current changes to the Loader. The Loader is given a list of LogElement objects for the map, encapsulated in a LogSequence object. The implementation of the batchUpdate method must iterate over the changes and apply them to the backend. The following code snippet demonstrates how a Loader uses a LogSequence object. The snippet iterates over the set of changes and builds up three batch Java database connectivity (JDBC) statements: inserts, updates, and deletes:

public void batchUpdate(TxID tx, LogSequence sequence) throws LoaderException
    // Get a SQL connection to use.
    Connection conn = getConnection(tx);
    // Process the list of changes and build a set of prepared
    // statements for executing a batch update, insert, or delete
    // SQL operations. The statements are cached in stmtCache.
    Iterator iter = sequence.getPendingChanges();
    while ( iter.hasNext() )
        LogElement logElement = (LogElement)iter.next();
        Object key = logElement.getCacheEntry().getKey();
        Object value = logElement.getCurrentValue();
        switch ( logElement.getType().getCode() )
            case LogElement.CODE_INSERT:
                buildBatchSQLInsert( key, value, conn );
            case LogElement.CODE_UPDATE:
                buildBatchSQLUpdate( key, value, conn );
            case LogElement.CODE_DELETE:
                buildBatchSQLDelete( key, conn );
    // Run the batch statements that were built by above loop.
    Collection statements = getPreparedStatementCollection( tx, conn );
    iter = statements.iterator();
    while ( iter.hasNext() )
        PreparedStatement pstmt = (PreparedStatement) iter.next();
} catch (SQLException e)
    LoaderException ex = new LoaderException(e);
    throw ex;

The previous sample illustrates the high-level logic of processing the LogSequence argument. However, the sample does not illustrate the details of how an SQL insert, update, or delete statement is built. The getPendingChanges method is called on the LogSequence argument to obtain an iterator of LogElement objects that a Loader needs to process, and the LogElement.getType().getCode() method is used to determine whether a LogElement is for an SQL insert, update, or delete operation.

Evictor sample

You can also use LogSequence and LogElement objects with an Evictor. An Evictor is used to evict the map entries from the backing map based on certain criteria. The apply method of the Evictor interface uses LogSequence.

* This is called during cache commit to allow the evictor to track object usage
* in a backing map. This will also report any entries that have been successfully
* evicted.
* @param sequence LogSequence of changes to the map
void apply(LogSequence sequence);

For information on how the apply method uses LogSequence, refer to the code sample in the Write a custom evictor topic.

LogSequenceFilter and LogSequenceTransformer interfaces

Sometimes, it is necessary to filter the LogElement objects so that only LogElement objects with certain criteria are accepted, and reject other objects. For example, you might want to serialize a certain LogElement based on some criterion.

LogSequenceFilter solves this problem with the following method.

public boolean accept (LogElement logElement);

This method returns true if the given LogElement should be used in the operation, and returns false if the given LogElement should not be used.

LogSequenceTransformer is a class that uses the LogSequenceFilter function. It uses the LogSequenceFilter to filter out some LogElement objects and then serialize the accepted LogElement objects. This class has two methods. The first method follows.

public static void serialize(Collection logSequences, ObjectOutputStream stream,
            LogSequenceFilter filter, DistributionMode mode) throws IOException

This method allows the caller to provide a filter for determining which LogElements to include in the serialization process. The DistributionMode parameter allows the caller to control the serialization process. For example, if the distribution mode is invalidation only, then there is no need to serialize the value. The second method of this class is the inflate method, as follows.

public static Collection inflate(ObjectInputStream stream, ObjectGrid
            objectGrid) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException

The inflate method reads the log sequence serialized form, which was created by the serialize method, from the provided object input stream.

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System APIs and plug-ins


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