WebSphere eXtreme Scale Programming Guide > System APIs and plug-ins > Use a Loader

JPA loader programming considerations

A Java™ Persistence API (JPA) Loader is a loader plug-in implementation that uses JPA to interact with the database. Use the following considerations when you develop an application that uses a JPA loader.

eXtreme Scale entity and JPA entity

You can designate any POJO class as an eXtreme Scale entity using eXtreme Scale entity annotations, XML configuration, or both. You can also designate the same POJO class as a JPA entity using JPA entity annotations, XML configuration, or both.

eXtreme Scale entity: An eXtreme Scale entity represents persistent data that is stored in ObjectGrid maps. An entity object is transformed into a key tuple and a value tuple, which are then stored as key-value pairs in the maps. A tuple is an array of primitive attributes.

JPA entity: A JPA entity represents persistent data that is stored in a relational database automatically using container-managed persistence. The data is persisted in some form of a data storage system in the appropriate form, such as database tuples in a database.

When an eXtreme Scale entity is persisted, its relations are stored in other entity maps. For example, when you are persisting a Consumer entity with a one-to-many relation to a ShippingAddress entity, if cascade-persist is enabled, the ShippingAddress entity is stored in the shippingAddress map in tuple format. If you are persisting a JPA entity, the related JPA entities are also persisted to database tables if cascade-persist is enabled. When a POJO class is designated as both an eXtreme Scale entity and a JPA entity, the data can be persisted to both ObjectGrid entity maps and databases. Common uses follow:

It is also common that a POJO class is designated as a JPA entity only. In that case, what is stored in the ObjectGrid maps are the POJO instances, versus the entity tuples in the ObjectGrid entity case.

Application design considerations for entity maps

When you are plugging in a JPALoader interface, the object instances are directly stored in the ObjectGrid maps.

However, you are when plugging in a JPAEntityLoader, the entity class is designated as both an eXtreme Scale entity and a JPA entity. In that case, treat this entity as if it has two persistent stores: the ObjectGrid entity maps and the JPA persistence store. The architecture becomes more complicated than the JPALoader case.

For more information about the JPAEntityLoader plug-in and application design considerations, see JPAEntityLoader plug-in. This information can also help if you plan to implement the own loader for the entity maps.

Performance considerations

Ensure that you set the proper eager or lazy fetch type for relationships. For example, a bidirectional one-to-many relationship Consumer to ShippingAddress, with OpenJPA to help explain the performance differences. In this example, a JPA query attempts select o from Consumer o where . . . to do a bulk load, and also load all related ShippingAddress objects. A one-to-many relationship defined in the Consumer class follows:

public class Consumer implements Serializable {

    @OneToMany(mappedBy="consumer",cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch =FetchType.EAGER) 
<ShippingAddress> addresses;

The many-to-one relation consumer defined in the ShippingAddress class follows:

public class ShippingAddress implements Serializable{

    Consumer consumer;

If the fetch types of both relationships are configured as eager, OpenJPA uses N+1+1 queries to get all the Consumer objects and ShippingAddress objects, where N is the number of ShippingAddress objects. However if the ShippingAddress is changed to use lazy fetch type as follows, it only takes two queries to get all the data.

public class ShippingAddress implements Serializable{

    Consumer consumer;

Although the query returns the same results, having a lower number of queries significantly decreases interaction with the database, which can increase application performance.

Parent topic

Use a Loader

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Use a Loader

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Related reference

Client-based JPA preload utility programming


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