WebSphere eXtreme Scale Programming Guide > Access data in WebSphere eXtreme Scale
Interacting with an ObjectGrid using the ObjectGridManager
The ObjectGridManagerFactory class and the ObjectGridManager interface provide a mechanism to create, access, and cache ObjectGrid instances. The ObjectGridManagerFactory class is a static helper class to access the ObjectGridManager interface, a singleton. The ObjectGridManager interface includes several convenience methods to create instances of an ObjectGrid object. The ObjectGridManager interface also facilitates creation and caching of ObjectGrid instances that can be accessed by several users.
Program model
Before using eXtreme Scale's functionality as an in-memory data grid, create and interact with ObjectGrid instances with methods such as the following.
- createObjectGrid methods
- getObjectGrid methods
- removeObjectGrid methods
- controlling the life cycle of an ObjectGrid
- createObjectGrid methods
This topic describes the seven createObjectGrid methods in the ObjectGridManager interface. Each of these methods creates a local instance of an ObjectGrid.- getObjectGrid methods
Use the ObjectGridManager.getObjectGrid methods to retrieve cached instances.- removeObjectGrid methods
You can use two different removeObjectGrid methods to remove ObjectGrid instances from the cache.- Connect to a distributed ObjectGrid
You can connect to a distributed ObjectGrid with a connection end point for the catalog service. You must have the host name and endpoint port of the catalog server to which to connect.- Controlling the life cycle of an ObjectGrid
You can use the ObjectGridManager interface to control the life cycle of an ObjectGrid instance using either a startup bean or a servlet.
Parent topic
Access data in WebSphere eXtreme Scale