WebSphere eXtreme Scale Programming Guide > Access data in WebSphere eXtreme Scale > Data Grid API
DataGrid API example
The DataGrid APIs support two common grid programming patterns: parallel map and parallel reduce.
Parallel MapThe parallel map allows the entries for a set of keys to be processed and returns a result for each entry processed. The application makes a list of keys and receives a Map of key/result pairs after invoking a Map operation. The result is the result of applying a function to the entry of each key. The function is supplied by the application.
MapGridAgent call flowWhen the AgentManager.callMapAgent method is invoked with a collection of keys, the MapGridAgent instance is serialized and sent to each primary partition that the keys resolve to. This means that any instance data stored in the agent can be sent to the server. Each primary partition therefore has one instance of the agent. The process method is invoked for each instance one time for each key that resolves to the partition. The result of each process method is then serialized back to the client and returned to the caller in a Map instance, where the result is represented as the value in the map.
When the AgentManager.callMapAgent method is invoked without a collection of keys, the MapGridAgent instance is serialized and sent to every primary partition. This means that any instance data stored in the agent can be sent to the server. Each primary partition therefore has one instance (partition) of the agent. The processAllEntries method is invoked for each partition. The result of each processAllEntries method is then serialized back to the client and returned to the caller in a Map instance. The following example assumes there is a Person entity with the following shape:
import com.ibm.websphere.projector.annotations.Entity; import com.ibm.websphere.projector.annotations.Id; @Entity public class Person { @Id String ssn; String firstName; String surname; int age; }The application supplied function is written as a class implementing the MapAgentGrid interface. Following is an example agent showing a function to return the age of a Person multiplied by two.
public class DoublePersonAgeAgent implements MapGridAgent, EntityAgentMixin { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2006093916067992974L; int lowAge; int highAge; public Object process(Session s, ObjectMap map, Object key) { Person p = (Person)key; return new Integer(p.age * 2); } public Map processAllEntries(Session s, ObjectMap map) { EntityManager em = s.getEntityManager(); Query q = em.createQuery("select p from Person p where p.age > ?1 and p.age < ?2"); q.setParameter(1, lowAge); q.setParameter(2, highAge); Iterator iter = q.getResultIterator(); Map<Person, Interger> rc = new HashMap<Person, Integer>(); while(iter.hasNext()) { Person p = (Person)iter.next(); rc.put(p, (Integer)process(s, map, p)); } return rc; } public Class getClassForEntity() { return Person.class; } }This shows the Map agent for doubling a Person. Lets look at the process methods first. The first process method is supplied with the Person to work with. It simply returns double the age of that entry. The second process method is called for each partition and finds all Person objects with an age between lowAge and highAge and returns their ages doubled.
Session s = grid.getSession(); ObjectMap map = s.getMap("Person"); AgentManager amgr = map.getAgentManager(); DoublePersonAgeAgent agent = new DoublePersonAgeAgent(); // make a list of keys ArrayList<Person> keyList = new ArrayList<Person>(); Person p = new Person(); p.ssn = "1"; keyList.add(p); p = new Person (); p.ssn = "2"; keyList.add(p); // get the results for those entries Map<Tuple, Object> = amgr.callMapAgent(agent, keyList);This shows a client obtaining a Session and a reference to the Person Map. The agent operation is performed against a specific Map. The AgentManager interface is retrieved from that Map. An instance of the agent to invoke is created and any necessary state is added to the object by setting attributes, there are none in this case. A list of keys are then constructed. A Map with the values for person 1 doubled, and the same values for person 2 are returned.
The agent is then invoked for that set of keys. The agents process method is invoked on each partition with some of the specified keys in the grid in parallel. A Map is returned providing the merged results for the specified key. In this case, a Map with the values holding the age for person 1 doubled and the same for person 2 will be returned.
If the key does not exist, the agent will still be invoked. This gives the agent the opportunity to create the map entry. If using an EntityAgentMixin, the key to process will not be the entity, but will instead be the actual Tuple key value for the entity. If the keys are unknown then it's possible to ask all partitions to find Person objects of a certain shape and return their ages doubled. Here is an example:
Session s = grid.getSession(); ObjectMap map = s.getMap("Person"); AgentManager amgr = map.getAgentManager(); DoublePersonAgeAgent agent = new DoublePersonAgeAgent(); agent.lowAge = 20; agent.highAge = 9999; Map m = amgr.callMapAgent(agent);The previous example shows the AgentManager being obtained for the Person Map, and the agent constructed and initialized with the low and high ages for Persons of interest. The agent is then invoked using the callMapAgent method. Notice, no keys are supplied. This causes the ObjectGrid to invoke the agent on every partition in the grid in parallel and then return the merged results to the client. This will find all Person objects in the grid with an age between low and high and calculate the age of those Person objects doubled. This shows how the grid apis can be used to run a query to find entities matching a certain query. The agent is simply serialized and transported by the ObjectGrid to the partitions with the needed entries. The results are similarly serialized for transport back to the client. Care needs to be taken with the Map APIs. If the ObjectGrid was hosting tera bytes of objects and running on a lot of servers then potentially this would overwhelm anything but the largest machines running the client. This should be used to processing a small subset. If a large subset needs processing then we recommend using a reduce agent to do the processing out in the grid rather than on a client.
Parallel Reduction or aggregation agentsThis style of programming processes a subset of the entries and calculates a single result for the group of entries. Examples of such a result would be:
- minimum value
- maximum value
- some other business specific function
A reduce agent is coded and invoked in a very similar manner to the Map agents.
ReduceGridAgent call flowWhen the AgentManager.callReduceAgent method is invoked with a collection of keys, the ReduceGridAgent instance is serialized and sent to each primary partition that the keys resolve to. This means that any instance data stored in the agent can be sent to the server. Each primary partition therefore has one instance of the agent. The reduce(Session s, ObjectMap map, Collection keys) method is invoked once per instance (partition) with the subset of keys that resolves to the partition. The result of each reduce method is then serialized back to the client. The reduceResults method is invoked on the client ReduceGridAgent instance with the collection of each result from each remote reduce invocation. The result from the reduceResults method is returned to the caller of the callReduceAgent method.
When the AgentManager.callReduceAgent method is invoked without a collection of keys, the ReduceGridAgentinstance is serialized and sent to each primary partition. This means that any instance data stored in the agent can be sent to the server. Each primary partition therefore has one instance of the agent. The reduce(Session s, ObjectMap map) method is invoked once per instance (partition). The result of each reduce method is then serialized back to the client. The reduceResults method is invoked on the client ReduceGridAgent instance with the collection of each result from each remote reduce invocation. The result from the reduceResults method is returned to the caller of the callReduceAgent method. Here is an example of a reduce agent that simply adds the ages of the matching entries.
public class SumAgeReduceAgent implements ReduceGridAgent, EntityAgentMixin { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2521080771723284899L; int lowAge; int highAge; public Object reduce(Session s, ObjectMap map, Collection keyList) { Iterator<Person> iter = keyList.iterator(); int sum = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { Person p = iter.next(); sume += p.age; } return new Integer(sum); } public Object reduce(Session s, ObjectMap map) { EntityManager em = s.getEntityManager (); Query q = em.createQuery("select p from Person p where p.age > ?1 and p.age < ?2"); q.setParameter(1, lowAge); q.setParameter(2, highAge); Iterator<Person> iter = q.getResultIterator(); int sum = 0; while(iter.hasNext()) { sum += iter.next().age; } return new Integer(sum); } public Class getClassForEntity() { return Person.class; } }The previous example shows the agent. The agent has three important parts. The first allows a specific set of entries to be processed without a query. It simply interates over the set of entries adding the ages. The sum is returned from the method. The second uses a query to select the entries to be aggregated. It then sums all the matching Person ages. The third method is used to aggregate the results from each partition to a single result. The ObjectGrid performs the entry aggregation in parallel across the grid. Each partition produces an intermediate result that must be aggregated with other partition intermediate results. This third method performs that task. In the following example the agent is invoked, and the ages of all Persons with ages between 10 and 20 exclusively are aggregrated:
Session s = grid.getSession(); ObjectMap map = s.getMap("Person"); AgentManager amgr = map.getAgentManager(); SumAgeReduceAgent agent = new SumAgeReduceAgent(); Person p = new Person(); p.ssn = "1"; ArrayList<Person> list = new ArrayList<Person>(); list.add(p); p = new Person (); p.ssn = "2"; list.add(p); Integer v = (Integer)amgr.callReduceAgent(agent, list);
Agent functionsThe agent is free to do ObjectMap or EntityManager operations within the local shard where it is running. The agent receives a Session and can add, update, query, read, or remove data from the partition the Session represents. Some applications will only query data from the grid, but you can also write an agent to increment all the Person ages by 1 that match a certain query. There is a transaction on the Session when the agent is called, and is committed when the agent returns unless an exception is thrown
Error handlingIf a map agent is invoked with an unknown key then the value that is returned is an error object implementing the EntryErrorValue interface.
TransactionsA map agent runs in a separate transaction from the client. Agent invocations may be grouped into a single transaction. If an agent fails (throws an exception), the transaction is rolled-back. Any agents that ran successfully in a transaction will rollback with the failed agent. The AgentManager will rerun the rolled-back agents that ran successfully in a new transaction.
For more information, see the DataGrid API documentation.
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Data Grid API