WebSphere eXtreme Scale Programming Guide > Troubleshoot > Logs and trace
Trace options
You can enable trace to provide information about your environment to IBM support.
About trace
WebSphere eXtreme Scale trace is divided into several different components. Similarly toWebSphere Application Server trace, you can specify the level of trace to use. Common levels of trace include: all, debug, entryExit, and event.An example trace string follows:
ObjectGridComponent=level=enabledYou can concatenate trace strings. Use the * (asterisk) symbol to specify a wildcard value, such as ObjectGrid*=all=enabled. If you need to provide a trace to IBM support, a specific trace string is requested. For example, if a problem with replication occurs, the ObjectGridReplication=debug=enabled trace string might be requested.
Trace specification
- ObjectGrid
- General core cache engine.
- ObjectGridCatalogServer
- General catalog service.
- ObjectGridChannel
- Static deployment topology communications.
- ObjectgridCORBA
- Dynamic deployment topology communications.
- ObjectGridDataGrid
- The AgentManager API.
- ObjectGridDynaCache
- The WebSphere eXtreme Scale dynamic cache provider.
- ObjectGridEntityManager
- The EntityManager API. Use with the Projector option.
- ObjectGridEvictors
- ObjectGrid built-in evictors.
- ObjectGridJPA
- Java™ Persistence API (JPA) loaders.
- ObjectGridJPACache
- JPA cache plug-ins.
- ObjectGridLocking
- ObjectGrid cache entry lock manager.
- ObjectGridMBean
- Management beans.
- ObjectGridPlacement
- Catalog server shard placement service.
- ObjectGridQuery
- ObjectGrid query.
- ObjectGridReplication
- Replication service.
- ObjectGridRouting
- Client/server routing details.
- ObjectGridSecurity
- Security trace.
- ObjectGridStats
- ObjectGrid statistics.
- ObjectGridStreamQuery
- The Stream Query API.
- ObjectGridWriteBehind
- ObjectGrid write behind.
- Projector
- The engine within the EntityManager API.
- QueryEngine
- The query engine for the Object Query API and EntityManager Query API.
- QueryEnginePlan
- Query plan diagnostics.
Parent topic
Logs and traceRelated reference