WebSphere eXtreme Scale Programming Guide > System APIs and plug-ins > Use a Loader
Write a loader
You can write the own loader plug-in implementation in your applications, which must follow the common WebSphere eXtreme Scale plug-in conventions.
Include a loader plug-in
The Loader interface has the following definition:
public interface Loader { static final SpecialValue KEY_NOT_FOUND; List get(TxID txid, List keyList, boolean forUpdate) throws LoaderException; void batchUpdate(TxID txid, LogSequence sequence) throws LoaderException, OptimisticCollisionException; void preloadMap(Session session, BackingMap backingMap) throws LoaderException; }
See loaders for more information.
get method
The backing map calls the Loader get method to get the values that are associated with a key list that is passed as the keyList argument. The get method is required to return a java.lang.util.List list of values, one value for each key that is in the key list. The first value that is returned in the value list corresponds to the first key in the key list, the second value returned in the value list corresponds to the second key in the key list, and so on. If the loader does not find the value for a key in the key list, the Loader is required to return the special KEY_NOT_FOUND value object that is defined in the Loader interface. Because a backing map can be configured to allow null as a valid value, it is very important for the Loader to return the special KEY_NOT_FOUND object when the Loader cannot find the key. This special value allows the backing map to distinguish between a null value and a value that does not exist because the key was not found. If a backing map does not support null values, a Loader that returns a null value instead of the KEY_NOT_FOUND object for a key that does not exist results in an exception.
The forUpdate argument tells the Loader if the application called a get method on the map or a getForUpdate method on the map. See the ObjectMap interface for more information. The Loader is responsible for implementing a concurrency control policy that controls concurrent access to the persistent store. For example, many relational database management systems support the for update syntax on the SQL select statement that is used to read data from a relational table. The Loader can choose to use the for update syntax on the SQL select statement based on whether boolean true is passed as the argument value for the forUpdate parameter of this method. Typically, the Loader uses the for update syntax only when the pessimistic concurrency control policy is used. For an optimistic concurrency control, the Loader never uses for update syntax on the SQL select statement. The Loader is responsible to decide to use the forUpdate argument based on the concurrency control policy that is being used by the Loader.
For an explanation of the txid parameter, see TransactionCallback plug-in.
batchUpdate method
The batchUpdate method is important on the Loader interface. This method is called whenever the eXtreme Scale needs to apply all the current changes to the Loader. The Loader is given a list of changes for the selected Map. The changes are iterated and applied to the backend. The method receives the current TxID value and the changes to apply. The following sample iterates over the set of changes and batches three Java™ database connectivity (JDBC) statements, one with insert, another with update, and one with delete.
import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.TxID; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.Loader; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.LoaderException; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.LogElement; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.LogSequence; public void batchUpdate(TxID tx, LogSequence sequence) throws LoaderException { // Get a SQL connection to use. Connection conn = getConnection(tx); try { // Process the list of changes and build a set of prepared // statements for executing a batch update, insert, or delete // SQL operation. Iterator iter = sequence.getPendingChanges(); while (iter.hasNext()) { LogElement logElement = (LogElement) iter.next(); Object key = logElement.getKey(); Object value = logElement.getCurrentValue(); switch (logElement.getType().getCode()) { case LogElement.CODE_INSERT: buildBatchSQLInsert(tx, key, value, conn); break; case LogElement.CODE_UPDATE: buildBatchSQLUpdate(tx, key, value, conn); break; case LogElement.CODE_DELETE: buildBatchSQLDelete(tx, key, conn); break; } } // Execute the batch statements that were built by above loop. Collection statements = getPreparedStatementCollection(tx, conn); iter = statements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PreparedStatement pstmt = (PreparedStatement) iter.next(); pstmt.executeBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e) { LoaderException ex = new LoaderException(e); throw ex; } }
The preceding sample illustrates the high level logic of processing the LogSequence argument, but the details of how a SQL insert, update, or delete statement is built are not illustrated. Some of the key points that are illustrated include:
- The getPendingChanges method is called on the LogSequence argument to obtain an iterator over the list of LogElements that the Loader needs to process.
- The LogElement.getType().getCode() method is used to determine if the LogElement is for a SQL insert, update, or delete operation.
- An SQLException exception is caught and is chained to a LoaderException exception that prints to report that an exception occurred during the batch update.
- JDBC batch update support is used to minimize the number of queries to the backend that must be made.
preloadMap method
During the eXtreme Scale initialization, each backing map that is defined is initialized. If a Loader is plugged into a backing map, the backing map invokes the preloadMap method on the Loader interface to allow the loader to prefetch data from its back end and load the data into the map. The following sample assumes the first 100 rows of an Employee table is read from the database and is loaded into the map. The EmployeeRecord class is an application-provided class that holds the employee data that is read from the employee table.
This sample fetches all the data from database and then insert them into the base map of one partition. In a real-world distributed eXtreme Scale deployment scenario, data should be distributed into all the partitions. Refer to Client-based JPA preload utility programming for more information.
import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.Session; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.TxID; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.Loader; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.LoaderException public void preloadMap(Session session, BackingMap backingMap) throws LoaderException { boolean tranActive = false; ResultSet results = null; Statement stmt = null; Connection conn = null; try { session.beginNoWriteThrough(); tranActive = true; ObjectMap map = session.getMap(backingMap.getName()); TxID tx = session.getTxID(); // Get a auto−commit connection to use that is set to // a read committed isolation level. conn = getAutoCommitConnection(tx); // Preload the Employee Map with EmployeeRecord // objects. Read all Employees from table, but // limit preload to first 100 rows. stmt = conn.createStatement(); results = stmt.executeQuery(SELECT_ALL); int rows = 0; while (results.next() && rows < 100) { int key = results.getInt(EMPNO_INDEX); EmployeeRecord emp = new EmployeeRecord(key); emp.setLastName(results.getString(LASTNAME_INDEX)); emp.setFirstName(results.getString(FIRSTNAME_INDEX)); emp.setDepartmentName(results.getString(DEPTNAME_INDEX)); emp.updateSequenceNumber(results.getLong(SEQNO_INDEX)); emp.setManagerNumber(results.getInt(MGRNO_INDEX)); map.put(new Integer(key), emp); ++rows; } // Commit the transaction. session.commit(); tranActive = false; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new LoaderException("preload failure: " + t, t); } finally { if (tranActive) { try { session.rollback(); } catch (Throwable t2) { // Tolerate any rollback failures and // allow original Throwable to be thrown. } } // Be sure to clean up other databases resources here // as well such a closing statements, result sets, etc. } }
This sample illustrates the following key points:
- The preloadMap backing map uses the Session object that is passed to it as the session argument.
- The Session.beginNoWriteThrough method is used to begin the transaction instead of the begin method.
- The Loader cannot be called for each put operation that occurs in this method for loading the map.
- The Loader can map columns of the employee table to a field in the EmployeeRecord Java object. The Loader catches all throwable exceptions that occur and throws a LoaderException exception with the caught throwable exception chained to it.
- The finally block ensures that any throwable exception that occurs between the time the beginNoWriteThrough method is called and the commit method is called cause the finally block to roll back the active transaction. This action is critical to ensure that any transaction that has been started by the preloadMap method is completed before returning to the caller. The finally block is a good place to perform other cleanup actions that might be needed, like closing the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) connection and other JDBC objects.
The preloadMap sample is using a SQL select statement that selects all rows of the table. In the application-provided Loader, you might need to set one or more Loader properties to control how much of the table needs to be preloaded into the map.
Because the preloadMap method is only called one time during the BackingMap initialization, it is also a good place to run the one time Loader initialization code. Even if a Loader chooses not to prefetch data from the backend and load the data into the map, it probably needs to perform some other one time initialization to make other methods of the Loader more efficient. The following example illustrates caching the TransactionCallback object and OptimisticCallback object as instance variables of the Loader so that the other methods of the Loader do not have to make method calls to get access to these objects. This caching of the ObjectGrid plug-in values can be performed because after the BackingMap is initialized, the TransactionCallback and the OptimisticCallback objects cannot be changed or replaced. It is acceptable to cache these object references as instance variables of the Loader.
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.Session; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.BackingMap; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.OptimisticCallback; import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.TransactionCallback; // Loader instance variables. MyTransactionCallback ivTcb; // MyTransactionCallback // extends TransactionCallback MyOptimisticCallback ivOcb; // MyOptimisticCallback // implements OptimisticCallback // ... public void preloadMap(Session session, BackingMap backingMap) throws LoaderException [Replication programming] // Cache TransactionCallback and OptimisticCallback objects // in instance variables of this Loader. ivTcb = (MyTransactionCallback) session.getObjectGrid().getTransactionCallback(); ivOcb = (MyOptimisticCallback) backingMap.getOptimisticCallback(); // The remainder of preloadMap code (such as shown in prior example). }
For information about preloading and recoverable preloading as it pertains to replication failover, see Replication for availabilitythe information about replication in the Product Overview.
Loaders with entity maps
If the loader is plugged into an entity map, the loader must handle tuple objects. Tuple objects are a special entity data format. The loader must conversion data between tuple and other data formats. For example, the get method returns a list of values that correspond to the set of keys that are passed in to the method. The passed-in keys are in the type of Tuple, says key tuples. Assuming that the loader persists the map with a database using JDBC, the get method must convert each key tuple into a list of attribute values that correspond to the primary key columns of the table that is mapped to the entity map, run the SELECT statement with the WHERE clause that uses converted attribute values as criteria to fetch data from database, and then convert the returned data into value tuples. The get method gets data from the database and converts the data into value tuples for passed-in key tuples, and then returns a list of value tuples correspond to the set of tuple keys that are passed in to the caller. The get method can perform one SELECT statement to fetch all data at one time, or run a SELECT statement for each key tuple. For programming details that show how to use the Loader when the data is store using an entity manager, see Use a loader with entity maps and tuples.
Parent topic
Use a Loader
Related tasks
Related reference
JPA loader programming considerations