Qshell scripts

WebSphere Application Server provides several scripts that you can use to administer application servers, instances, nodes, and cells. Unless otherwise specified, all of the WebSphere Application Server scripts are located in this directory:

These topics provide more information about the administrative Qshell scripts and how to run them.

Configure Qshell to run WebSphere Application Server scripts
This topic describes the different methods that you can use to invoke the QShell scripts.

Qshell environment variables
This topic describes how to set environment variables that affect WebSphere Application Server's Qshell scripts.

Security and Qshell scripts
In a secured environment, provide authentication information for some scripts. This topic describes different ways to provide authentication information.

Note: Parameter values that specify a server name, a node name or a cell name are case sensitive. For example, if you want to start the application server MyServer for the instance test, invoke startServer MyServer -instance test. If you specify myserver for the server name, the startServer script fails.

Instance names and iSeries host names are not case sensitive.

Migration scripts

The WASPreUpgrade script
This script prepares configurations from previous versions of WebSphere Application Server for migration to WebSphere Application Server Version 5.

The WASPostUpgrade script
This script completes the migration of configurations from previous versions of WebSphere Application Server to WebSphere Application Server Version 5.

The clientUpgrade script
This script migrates application client modules and their resources in an enterprise archive (EAR) file so that these application clients can run in WebSphere Application Server Version 5.0.

The earconvert script
This script migrates J2EE 1.2 application modules and their respective resource references to J2EE 1.3 application modules in an enterprise archive (EAR) file so that the application modules can run in WebSphere Application Server Version 5.

Instance management scripts

The ivt script
This script verifies that the application server for an instance is functioning correctly.

The crtwasinst script
This script creates a new instance of WebSphere Application Server.

The crtreminst script
This script creates a Remote HTTP instance.

The dltwasinst script
This script deletes an instance.

The dspwasinst script
This script displays information about an instance and the application servers in that instance.

The grtwasaut script
This script grants authority to objects within an instance.

The rvkwasaut script
This script revokes authority to objects within an instance.

The updwashost script
This script updates an instance if the host name of the server is changed.

Application server scripts

The startServer script
This script starts an application server.

The stopServer script
This script stops an application server.

The serverStatus script
This script displays the status of an application server.

The chgwassvr script
This script changes properties of an application server, but does not change the properties of the instance in which the application server resides.

The createmq script
This script creates an embedded JMS server in an instance of WebSphere Application Server.

The deletemq script
This script deletes the embedded JMS server from an instance of WebSphere Application Server.

Node scripts

The addNode script
This script federates a WebSphere Application Server instance into a Network Deployment cell.

The removeNode script
This script removes a node from a Network Deployment cell.

The startNode script
This script starts a node.

The stopNode script
This script stops a node.

The syncNode script
This script synchronizes the configuration of a node with the master configuration file for the cell that hosts the node.

The cleanupNode script
This script removes a node configuration from a cell repository.

Manager scripts

The startManager script
This script starts a Network Deployment deployment manager.

The stopManager script
This script stops a Network Deployment deployment manager.

Application scripts

The buildsamples script
This script builds the sample applications after you make changes to them.

The installsamples script
This script installs the sample applications in an application server.

The EARExpander script
This script expands EAR files into a directory and collapses directories of application files into EAR files.

The cmpopt script
This script analyzes enterprise bean JAR files.

Configuration scripts

The backupConfig script
This script backs up the configuration of a node into a ZIP file.

The restoreConfig script
This script restores a configuration of a node.

The GenPluginCfg script
This script regenerates the configuration file for the HTTP server plugin.

Logging and tracing scripts

Product version report scripts
The versionInfo and genVersionReport scripts generate version reports on the WebSphere Application Server product.

Product history report scripts
The historyInfo and genHistoryReport scripts generate history reports of the WebSphere Application Server product.

The collector script
This script gathers information about your WebSphere Application Server installation and packages it in a JAR file.

The showlog script
This script displays the contents of the IBM Service log for your WebSphere Application Server installation.

Serviceability tools

The checkprereqs script
This script invokes the prerequisite validator.

The servicetools script
This script invokes serviceability tools that you can use to help troubleshoot WebSphere Application Server.

The port validator
The port validator verifies your WebSphere Application Server configuration to ensure that you do not have port conflicts between WebSphere Application Server instances and products.

The prerequisite validator
The prerequisite validator verifies your WebSphere Application Server installation and determines whether or not the prerequisite software is installed.

Application development scripts

These scripts are use in application development. For more information on using each script, see the appropriate topics in Application development.

Web services scripts

Security scripts