The addNode script

The addNode script incorporates an instance of the base WebSphere Application Server product into a Network Deployment cell. For usage instructions and examples, see Add nodes to a Network Deployment instance.

Note: Depending on the size and location of the new node that you incorporate into the cell, this script can take several minutes to complete.


The addNode script is available in the WebSphere Application Server product only.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


The syntax of the addNode script is:

addNode dmgr_host [ dmgr_port ] [ -instance instance ]
 [ -nowait ] [ -quiet ] [ -logfile logfilename ] [ -replacelog ] [ -trace ]
 [ -noagent ] [ -username username ] [ -password password ]
 [-conntype conntype ] [ -includeapps ] [ -startingport startportnumber ]
 [ -help | -? ]


The parameters of the addNode script are:


These examples demonstrate correct syntax:

addNode testhost 8879

This example adds the default instance (node) to a Network Deployment cell. The cell is managed by the deployment manager that runs in the default Network Deployment instance. The default Network Deployment instance is hosted on the iSeries server named testhost. Port 8879 is the default SOAP port for the default instance of Network Deployment.

addNode myiseries 11381 -instance testinst -startingport 10380

This example adds the testinst node (instance) to the Network Deployment cell that is managed by the deployment manager on the iSeries server myiseries. The SOAP port for the Network Deployment instance is 11381. To assign the ports for the new node agent and JMS servers, the script starts with port 10380 and increments by one for each port needed.

Note: In most cases, you do not need to change the default SOAP port for a Network Deployment instance. If the value of dmgr_port is not 8879, then you are probably adding the node to a non-default Network Deployment instance.