The wsdeploy script

The wsdeploy command line tool adds WAS product-specific Web services deployment classes to a EAR file or an JAR file. These classes include:

This deployment step must be performed at least once, and can be performed more than once. Deployment can be performed separately using the wsdeploy command, the Assembly Toolkit , or when the application is installed. When using the wsadmin command for installation, specify the -deployws option. When using the administrative console for installation, select the Deploy Web services check box. When using the Assembly Toolkit, Right-click the module and select Deploy Web Services from the pop-up menu.

The wsdeploy command operates as follows:

  1. Each module in the enterprise application or JAR file is examined.
  2. If the module contains Web services implementations, indicated by the presence of the webservices.xml deployment descriptor, the associated WSDL files are located and the WSDL2Java command is run with the role deploy-server.
  3. If the module contains Web services clients, indicated by the presence of the webservicesclient.xml deployment descriptor, the associated WSDL files are located and the WSDL2Java command is run with the role deploy-client.
  4. The files generated by the WSDL2Java command are compiled and repackaged.

See WSDL2Java command for more information about the files that are generated for deployment.

When the generated files are compiled, they can reference application-specific classes outside the EAR or JAR file if the EAR or JAR file is not self-contained. In this case, use either the -jardir or -cp option to specify additional JAR or zip files to be added to CLASSPATH when the generated files are compiled.


This script is available in WAS and WAS Network Deployment.


To run this script, your user profile must have *RX authority.


The syntax of the script is:

wsdeploy Input_filename Output_filename [options]


The parameters of the script are:


wsdeploy x.ear x_deployed.ear -trace -keep
Processing web service module x_client.jar.
Keeping directory: f:\temp\Base53383.tmp for module: x_client.jar.
Parsing XML file:f:\temp\Base53383.tmp\WarDeploy.wsdl
Generating f:\temp\Base53383.tmp\generatedSource\com\test\
Generating f:\temp\Base53383.tmp\generatedSource\com\test\
Generating f:\temp\Base53383.tmp\generatedSource\com\test\
Compiling f:\temp\Base53383.tmp\generatedSource\com\test\
Compiling f:\temp\Base53383.tmp\generatedSource\com\test\
Compiling f:\temp\Base53383.tmp\generatedSource\com\test\
Done processing module x_client.jar.

Note: The wsdeploy always displays messages in English, regardless of the locale setting.