The createmq script
When you create a new instance, by default the crtwasinst script calls the createmq script to create the internal JMS server. If you specify the -noembeddedjms parameter when you create an instance, you can run the createmq script to add the embedded JMS server to the instance at a later time.
The createmq script is available in the WebSphere Application Server product only.
To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.
The syntax of the createmq script is:
createmq -instance instance cellname nodename servernameParameters
The parameters of the createmq script are:
This is a required parameter. The value instance specifies the instance for which you want to create an embedded JMS server.cellname
This is a required parameter. The value cellname specifies the name of the cell that contains your instance.nodename
This is a required parameter. The value nodename specifies the name of the node that contains your instance.servername
This is a required parameter. The value servername specifies the application server for which you want to create an embedded JMS server.
createmq -instance test MYSERVER_test MYSERVER_test testThis example creates an embedded JMS server in the instance test, which is hosted on MYSERVER.