The crtwasinst script creates a new instance, which contains one appserver. It also creates the required directories and sets up the correct authorities. For usage instructions and examples, see Create a new instance.
The crtwasinst script is available in WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.
To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.
Syntax: WebSphere Application Server
crtwasinst -instance instance [ -portblock portblock ] [ -noembeddedjms ] [ -server servername ] [ -nodefaultapps ] [ -node nodename ] [ -os400passwords [ -validationlist listpath ] ] [ -exthttp exthttpport ] [ -inthttp inthttpport ] [ -admin adminport ] [ -adminssl adminsslport ] [ -jmsqueued jmsqueuedport ] [ -jmsdirect jmsdirectport ] [ -jmssecure jmssecureport ] [ -soap soapport ] [ -nameservice nameserviceport ] [ -drsclient drsclientport ] [ -sas sasserverport ] [ -csiv2server csiv2serverauthport ] [ -csiv2client csiv2clientauthport ] [ -verbose ] [ -help ]
Syntax: WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
crtwasinst -instance instance [ -portblock portblock ] [ -server servername ] [ -node nodename ] [ -cell cellname ] [ -admin adminport ] [ -adminssl adminsslport ] [ -soap soapport ] [ -orblistener orblistenerport ] [ -nameservice nameserviceport ] [ -drsclient drsclientport ] [ -celldiscovery celldiscoveryport ] [ -sas sasserverport ] [ -csiv2server csiv2serverauthport ] [ -csiv2client csiv2clientauthport ] [ -verbose ] [ -help ]
-instance Required. Name of the instance. The script creates the new instance in... /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/instance...or...
/QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/ND/instance-portblock Optional. First number of a block of port numbers that the instance uses. Run NETSTAT *CNN to display port numbers currently in use.
Ports are assigned based on the following ordered conditions:
- Specific port parameters
If you specify values for specific port parameters, the script uses...
- -inthttp (Base)
- -admin
- -jmsqueued (Base)
- -jmsdirect (Base)
- -jmssecure (Base)
- -soap
- -orblistener (ND)
- -nameservice
- -drsclient
- -celldiscovery (ND)
- -portblock parameter
Services for which you have not specified a port number are assigned ports sequentually starting with the value of the -portblock parameter. If a script encounters a port that is specified by another parameter in the script, it skips that port number and continues with the next unused port.
The script checks only a master index of all instances of WAS, V5.0 and WAS ND, V5.0. The script is not able to detect port usage by other applications, including previous versions of WAS.
- Default values
If -portblock is not specified, any services for which you have not specified a port parameter are assigned the default ports. See the specific port parameters for the default port numbers.
-noembeddedjms (Base appserver). Specify this optional parameter if you do not want to create an embedded Java Message Service (JMS) provider for your instance. If you do not specify this parameter and you installed WebSphere MQ for iSeries and WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS V5.3 for iSeries, the script creates an embedded JMS provider when you create a new instance. For information on the software prerequisites, see WAS for iSeries installation options. Optional.
-server Name of the appserver in the instance. If not specified, the appserver name is the same as the instance name. Optional.
-node Name of the node for the instance. If this parameter is not specified, the script assigns the default value. For a WAS instance, the default node name is hostname_instance, where hostname is the host name of the iSeries server and instance is the value specified for the -instance parameter. For a WAS Network Deployment instance, the default node name is instanceManager, where instance is the value specified for the -instance parameter. Optional.
-cell (Network Deployment only). Name of the cell for the instance. If this parameter is not specified, the cell name is instanceNetwork where instance is the value specified for the -instance parameter. Optional.
-nodefaultapps Specifies that the default applications should not be installed in the instance. The default applications provide examples that you can use to verify that your appserver is functioning properly. By default the script installs the default applications in the instance. Optional.
-os400passwords If you specify this parameter, the script sets the... the appserver's setupCmdLine file to OS400. The default encoding algorithm is XOR.
-validationlist Path to the validation list or lists that are used for the OS400 password encoding algorithm. It sets the... in the appserver's setupCmdLine file. This parameter only applies if the -os400passwords parameter is included. The default value is /QSYS.LIB/QUSRSYS.LIB/EJSADMIN.VLDL.
-exthttp Number of the TCP/IP port where the external HTTP server listens. The default value is 80. You must configure the external HTTP server through its administrative interface so that WAS also listens on this port. See Configure HTTP server instances for more information. Optional.
Note: The -portblock parameter does not affect the external HTTP port. If you specify the -portblock parameter, but not the -exthttp parameter, your instance uses the default value for the external HTTP port.
-inthttp (Base appserver). Port number on which the Web container listens for requests from the Web server. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -inthttp parameter is specified, the default value is 9080. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-admin Port number to use for the administrative console. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -admin parameter is specified, the default value is 9090. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-adminssl Port number to use for the secure communications with administrative console. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -adminssl parameter is specified, the default value is 9043. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-jmsqueued (Base appserver). Port number that the internal JMS provider's WebSphere MQ listener uses. This listener is used by JMS connections to communicate with the internal JMS provider. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -jmsqueued parameter is specified, the default value is 5558. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-jmsdirect (Base appserver). Port that the internal JMS provider uses to communicate with the internal JMS provider for JMS publish/subscribe connections when the WebSphere Topic Connection Factory resource port is set to DIRECT. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -jmsdirect parameter is specified, the default value is 5559. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-jmssecure (Base appserver). Port that the internal JMS provider uses to communicate with the internal JMS provider to verify authorizations to resources when WAS security is enabled. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -jmssecure parameter is specified, the default value is 5557. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-soap Port number to use for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -soap parameter is specified, the script assigns the default value. The default value for a WAS instance is 8880. The default value for a WAS Network Deployment instance is 8879. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-orblistener (Network Deployment only). Port number to use for the orb listener port. If neither the -portblock or -orblistener parameter is specified, the default is 9100. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-nameservice Port number to use for name service (or RMI connector) port. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -nameservice parameter is specified, the script assigns the default value. The default value for WAS is 2809. The default value for WAS Network Deployment is 9809. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-drsclient Port number to use for the Data Replication Service (DRS) client. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -drsclient parameter is specified, the script assigns the default value. The default value for WAS is 7873. The default value for WAS Network Deployment is 7989. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-celldiscovery (Network Deployment only). Port on which the Network Deployment instance listens for a node attempting to find the cell to which the node belongs. If neither the -portblock parameter nor the -celldiscovery parameter is specified, the default value is 7277. See the Notes on the -portblock parameter for more information. Optional.
-sas Port on which the SAS listen for inbound authentication requests. For WAS, the default value is 9501. For WAS Network Deployment, the default value is 9401. This port is specified by the SAS_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS property in serverindex.xml. For information on changing this port with the administrative console, see End point settings. You can also use The chgwassvr script to change this port.
Note: It is recommended that you specify this parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the appserver selects a port at runtime. However, if a client application is connected to the appserver and the appserver restarts, the server could select a different port number, and the client application would be unable to connect to the server.
-csiv2server Port on which the CSIV2 service listens for inbound server authentication requests. For WAS, the default value is 9503. For WAS Network Deployment, the default value is 9403. This port is specified by the CSIV2_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS property in serverindex.xml. For information on changing this port with the administrative console, see End point settings. You can also use The chgwassvr script to change this port.
Note: It is recommended that you specify this parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the appserver selects a port at runtime. However, if a client application is connected to the appserver and the appserver restarts, the server could select a different port number, and the client application would be unable to connect to the server.
-csiv2client Port on which the CSIV2 service listens for inbound client authentication requests. For WAS, the default value is 9502. For WAS Network Deployment, the default value is 9402. This port is specified by the CSIV2_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS property in serverindex.xml. For information on changing this port with the administrative console, see End point settings. You can also use The chgwassvr script to change this port.
Note: It is recommended that you specify this parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the appserver selects a port at runtime. However, if a client application is connected to the appserver and the appserver restarts, the server could select a different port number, and the client application would be unable to connect to the server.
-verbose Turn on verbose messages, for debugging. Optional.
-help Display the help message. If specified, the script ignores all other parameters. Optional.