Qshell environment variables
WebSphere Application Server - Express provides Qshell environment variables that affect the scripts.
To set an environment variable for your Qshell session, run this command from the Qshell command line:
export variableName=valueTo unset an environment variable for your Qshell session, run this command from the Qshell command line:
unset variableNameNote:When you exit the Qshell session, the environment variable must be set again the next time you issue the STRQSH CL command.
Note: You can also use a profile file to set variables. For more information, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere Application Server scripts.
If you set this variable, its value is appended to the Java virtual machine (JVM) arguments for all of the scripts that run a JVM. (All of the scripts except crtwasinst, dltwasinst, crtreminst, updwashost, enbprfwas, startServer, startNode, and startManager run a JVM.) For example, this command:export WAS_ADDL_JVM_ARGS="-Dtrace=com.ibm.*=all=enabled -Xms256m"enables tracing for the JVM that a script starts, and sets the minimum heap size for the JVM to 256 megabytes.
This variable specifies the path to a script that runs before a WebSphere Application Server Qshell script runs. For example, if you want to append a /home/QSYS/classes.jar to the classpath for every script, you might create a script called /home/myDir/classpath.script. The script file contains this command:WAS_CLASSPATH=${WAS_CLASSPATH}:/home/QSYS/classes.jarAfter you create the script file, run this command to set the environment variable:
export WAS_USER_SCRIPT=/home/myDir/classpath.script