The WASPostUpgrade script
The WASPostUpgrade script migrates the configuration and applications of previous versions to a Version 5 application server node. The script includes applications from the installedApps directory and other directories from the previous version.
This script is available in WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.
To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.
The syntax of the WASPostUpgrade script is:
WASPostUpgrade backupDirectory [ -instance instance ] [ -import xmi_data_file ] [ -cellName cell_name ] [ -nodeName node_name ] [ -webModuleAdditionalClasspath classpath ] [ -documentRootLimit number ] [ -substitute"key1=value1[;key2=value2;[...]]" ] [ -portBlock port_starting_number ] [ [ -traceString trace_spec [ -traceFile file_name ] ]Parameters
The parameters of the WASPostUpgrade script are:
This is a required parameter. The value backupDirectory specifies the name of the directory in which the WASPreUpgrade tool stores the saved configuration and files, and from which the WASPostUpgrade tool reads the configuration and files.-instance
Optional. The value instance specifies the name of the Version 5 instance to which the script migrates your configuration.-import
Optional. The value xmi_data_file specifies the name of the WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server Edition, Version 4 XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) configuration file to process. The default value is backupDirectory/config/server-cfg.xml where backupDirectory is the value of backupDirectory parameter that was specified for the WASPreUpgrade script.If you are migrating a configuration that does not use the default server-cfg.xml file, include the -import to specify the fully-qualified name of the configuration file the WASPreUpgrade tool creates.
Optional. The value cell_name specifies the cell name that the script updates. If you do not specify this parameter, the script reads the configuration to determine the cell name. If only one cell name is found, the script updates that cell. If no cell name is found, or if more than one cell name is found, the script returns an error.-nodeName
Optional. The value node_name specifies the node name that the script updates. If you do not specify this parameter, the script reads the configuration to determine the node name. If only one node name is found, the script updates that cell. If no node name is found, or if more than one node name is found, the script returns an error.-webModuleAdditionalClasspath
Optional. The value classpath specifies the path or the path and file names of specific directories or files that you do not want copied into the Web archive (WAR) file that the script processes. Instead, the script adds the paths and files to the Web Module extension (ibm-web-ext.xmi) additionalClassPath attribute. If you want to specify multiple values for this parameter, separate them with a colon (:). This parameter only applies if you are migrating a Version 3.5.x installation.-documentRootLimit
Optional. The value number specifies the number of files that the script copies from the document-root field of your Web application. This parameter only applies if you are migrating a Version 3.5.x installation. The default value is 300.-substitute
This is an optional argument. This parameter specifies values for security variables to substitute. (for example, -substitute "NODE_NAME=admin_node;APP_SERVER=default_server").In the input XML data file, each key appears as $key$ for substitution. This argument replaces all occurrences of $NODE_NAME$ and $APP_SERVER$ with admin_node and default_server, respectively, in the input XML file.
If the substitution string contains semicolons, use $semiColon$ to separate it from the ";" delimiter.
Optional. The value port_starting_number specifies the first of a block of consecutive ports to assign when the script runs.-traceString
Optional. The value trace_spec specifies the trace information that you want to collect. To gather all trace information, specify "*=all=enabled" (with quotation marks). The default is to not gather trace information. If you specify this parameter, specify the -traceFile parameter.-traceFile
Optional. The value trace_file specifies the name of the output file for trace information. If you specify the -traceString parameter but do not specify the -traceFile parameter, the script does not generate a trace file.
The WASPostUpgrade tool displays status to the screen while running. It also saves a more extensive set of logging information in the WASPostUpgrade.log file. This file is located in the /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/base/instance/logs directory, where instance is the name of the instance that you are migrating to.
Migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 3.5.x Standard Edition or Advanced Edition, or from WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.x, Advanced Edition
This example illustrates how to migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.x, Advanced Edition. The WASPreUpgrade script created the backup directory named /home/was50migration/WAS40Adv. The WASPostUpgrade script reads the configuration from this directory to migrate to WebSphere Application Server Version 5.
WASPostUpgrade /home/was50migration/WAS40AdvMigrate from a WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.x, Advanced Single Server Edition node with multiple backup directories
This example illustrates how to migrate the default instance of WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0, Advanced Single Server Edition.
Run this commands from Qshell:
> WASPostUpgrade /home/was50migration/WAS4AES