The installsamples script

The installsamples script installs the sample applications into an instance. This script is located in the /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/samples/bin directory.

Note: If you are running WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, and you want to install the samples on a federated application server instance, see Install the samples on a federated application server in the Application development topic.


The installsamples script is available in the WebSphere Application Server product only.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


The syntax of the installsamples script is:

installsamples [ -instance instance [ -server servername ] ] [ -srcdir sourcedir ]
  [ -allsamples ] [ -samplename [ -collection collection ] ] [ -help | -? ]


The parameters of the installsamples script are:


These examples demonstrate correct syntax:


This example installs all samples with their default collections. The samples are installed from the default source directory to the default application server (server1) in the default instance.

installsamples -instance myinst -PetStore -TechnologySamples -collection WASTECHLIB

This example installs the PetStore sample with the default collection and TechnologySamples with the WASTECHLIB collection. The samples are installed from the default source directory to the default application server in the myinst instance.

installsamples -PetStore -collection WASPETSTOR -allsamples

This example installs the PetStore sample with the WASPETSTOR collection and all of the other samples with their default collections. The samples are installed from the default source directory to the default application server in the default instance.