The syncNode script

The syncNode script allows you to manually synchronize the configuration between a single node and the deployment manager for the cell that the node belongs to. The master copy of the configuration documents for the node are copied from the deployment manager cell to the node. Before you run the syncNode script, the node agent and all servers for the node must be stopped. Use this script only if you cannot run the node agent because the node configuration does not match the cell configuration.


The syncNode script is available with the WebSphere Application Server product only.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


The syntax of the syncNode script is:

syncNode dmgr_host [ dmgr_port ] [ -instance instance ]
 [ -conntype type ] [ -stopservers ] [ -restart ] [ -quiet ] [ -nowait ]
 [ -logfile filename ] [ -replacelog ] [ -trace ] [ -username username ]
 [ -password password ] [ -help | -? ]


The parameters of the syncNode script are:


These examples demonstrate correct syntax:

syncNode myiseries

This example synchronizes the configuration for the node associated with the default instance with the deployment manager for the cell to which the node belongs. In this example the deployment manager is running on the myiseries iSeries server in the default Network Deployment instance.

syncNode myiseries -instance mynode -restart

This example synchronizes the configuration for the node associated with instance mynode with the deployment manager running on the myiseries iSeries server in the default Network Deployment instance. The node agent process is automatically started after the synchronization is completed.

syncNode myiseries 11381 -restart -nowait

This example synchronizes the configuration for the node associated with the default instance with the deployment manager running on the myiseries iSeries server. In this example the deployment manager is running in a non-default Network Deployment instance and has a SOAP port of 11381. The node agent for the default instance is automatically started after the synchronization is completed, and control is returned immediately to the user.