The GenPluginCfg script

The GenPluginCfg script regenerates the plugin-cfg.xml file, which stores runtime configuration information for the Web server plugin. The file is stored in the /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/edition/instance/config/cells directory where edition is Base for WebSphere Application Server and ND for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, and instance is the name of your instance.

Regenerate the plugin configuration after you make changes to the application server. This list describes some, but not all, situations in which regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file:

The application server must be running when you run this script.


The GenPluginCfg script is available in WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


The syntax of the GenPluginCfg script is:

GenPluginCfg [ -instance instance ] [ -config.root cfgdirectory ]
 [ cellname ] [ nodename ]
 [ servername ] [ filename ]
 [ -destination.root destinationdir  ] [ -destination.operating.system destOS ]
 [ -debug yes | no ]


The parameters of the GenPluginCfg script are:



This example regenerates the plugin-cfg.xml file for all application servers contained in the default instance.

GenPluginCfg -instance myinst

This example regenerates the plugin-cfg.xml file for all application servers for instance myinst.

GenPluginCfg -instance myinst myserver

This example regenerates the plugin-cfg.xml file for server myserver in instance myinst.