The buildsamples script

The buildsamples script allows you to make changes to the sample source code and then build the changed samples. This script is located in the /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/samples/bin directory.

Note: To install the changed samples, see The installsamples script.


The buildsamples script is available in the WebSphere Application Server product only.


No special authority is needed to run this script. However, have *RX authority to the source and write authority to the destination directory.


The syntax of the buildsamples script is:

buildsamples [-instance instance] [-srcdir sourcedir]
 [-destdir destinationdir] [-sample name] [-help | -?]


The parameters of the buildsamples script are:


These examples demonstrate correct syntax:

buildsamples -instance myinst

This example builds all of the sample applications for the myinst instance.

buildsamples -srcdir /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/myinst/temp
 -destdir /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/newinst/samples -MessageDrivenBeans

This example builds the MessageDrivenBeans sample from the temp directory of the myinst instance to the samples directory of newinst instance.